Mere Sai 10th December 2021 Written Story:

One of the children (who had expelled their folks recently) asks his folks where they were this time. His dad shares that they live in a decrepit structure outside the town. We dint come before you yet we regularly come here to ask for food. This child tracked down us there and brought us here. The other child tells his mom not to give him her mangalsutra. I don’t merit it. I was so malicious toward you yet you are prepared to help me.

She says guardians worry constantly for their children regardless. She advises the individual to take her mangalsutra. If it’s not too much trouble, spare my child. He is going to acknowledge it when the other child demands her not to do as such. He pays money to that individual. He leaves with his men.

Sai calls the elderly person Azoba and takes him inside. He lets the children know that recently they said that their folks are of no utilization yet your mom was attempting to save you today. You tossed them out of your home yet you can see that they actually love you without a doubt. You could possibly deal with everything as you have grown up. It very well may be the reason both of you isolated yet you were unable to run your home without your folks. Individuals were observing then, at that point, and are observing now as well. It is your family who acted the hero all things considered. Quit being haughty and desirous and men your relations. The siblings apologize to one another and embrace. They apologize to their folks too. Everybody views at Sai as He leaves.

Sai is in contemplation. Anna and Mai look on. Mai says I can’t prevent myself from stressing. He either helps individuals or contemplates. He doesn’t give personal time. Anna reasons that He is not quite the same as the rest. He is God’s uncommon youngster. The brief period that such individuals enjoy with individuals like us is a major gift. It is critical that He is with us at this moment. Sai is reflecting while at the same time sitting under a tree.

A woman has lost her better half. His dead body is going to be removed for the last rituals however she demands the townspeople against it. I actually feel he is invigorated. She (Kanchan) leaves individuals speechless. He is alive. I wont let you remove them! A woman attempts to pull her away however she pulls the other way. Kanchan winds up falling in Sai’s feet. He winds up gift her (as a wedded lady).

The other woman asks Sai what He has recently said. Vaid ji has pronounced her significant other dead. There is no expectation. Sai says they weren’t my words. Maybe it was Ram ji’s structure. Assuming those are His words then I am certain they will work out. Kanchan demands her FIL to pause. We should not surrender home. He advises her to embrace the truth. We need to do the ceremonies calmly or my child won’t get moksha. They shift her to the side. Sai yells after them to stop. He is alive! The women hold Kanchan. She keeps crying. Sai pursues the handling. Kanchan follows them too.

Kanchan’s better half is brought close to the fire. Sai demands everybody including the intellectual ji to stop. He is alive. You shouldn’t do this. Intellectual ji calls Him a deterrent. Kanchan’s FIL requests that he quit taunting his child. Sai will not get away from the fire. I wont let you do the last ceremonies of a living individual. 2 individuals pull Him away. Sai continues to advise them to stop yet to no end. Savant ji begins the custom.

Mere Sai 6th December 2021 Written Story:

Sai folds His hands and starts reciting Jai Shree Ram. Kanchan comes to there too. Kindly don’t consume him. He is alive. A man demands that her better half is dead. Intellectual ji makes an opening in the pot. Kanchan’s FIL begins strolling around the fire. Sai proceeds with His petitions. Savant ji gives a consuming log to Kanchan’s FIL. He projects a look at Kanchan and Sai tragically and afterward lights the fire.

Kanchan’s better half wakes up and sits up. Everybody is paralyzed. Sai hauls him out securely. Kanchan hurries to them. I realized that you are alive. She says thanks to God and Sai. Her FIL says thanks to Sai also. You were correct. You resurrected my child with your petitions. Kindly pardon me. Hardly any townspeople go to illuminate others. Sai says I dint do anything. He was as yet alive. I was going to Ram ji to keep His words on the off chance that He has made me favor her in such a manner. They overlap hands fortunately. An elderly person checks out Sai.

Ashavaan ji says the facts might confirm that the individual wasn’t totally dead and was essentially oblivious. Vaid may have articulated him dead erroneously. He was resuscitated when the fire interacted with his body. It can likewise be a fact that Sai resurrected him. Nobody knows reality. However, practically whole town had seen it. There was someone else who had seen that wonder.

Mai hurries to Sai as He gets back and embraces Him. Locals let Anna know that his child is a gift for them. Don’t have the foggiest idea what will befall us assuming He wont be here. The elderly person goes to Sai’s place. He is grasping a chimta and has a pack on his shoulder. He requests offerings. Everybody views at him in shock as Sai and his look is fixed with one another. Mai remains before Sai worriedly. He continues to request donations. Anna asks his better half for what reason she isn’t going inside to bring something for Fakir Baba. Everybody is confounded to see Mai established in her place.

Anna chose to bring something for Baba yet Baba requests their child in offerings. Everybody is shocked. The elderly person says I have come to take this kid with me. Anna asks him what he is saying. He isn’t a thing however our child. How might you request Him in contributions? The man answers that He is the child of universe. He has been destined to help humankind. I can take Him to His objective. You raised Him till now yet presently the time has come to satisfy your guarantee. Anna and Mai recollect their guarantee of offering their child to help the universe for great in case they are honored with a child. The elderly person requests that they give their child to him. Mai won’t leave behind Sai. He is just my child! She takes Sai inside. Sai looks at the elderly person as He goes inside with Mai. Anna follows them too.

Everybody is stunned. Baizama says it is difficult for a mother to surrender her child to somebody. Jhipri says on top of it, it was a child like Sai. How should Anna and Mai part with Him? We are in this condition since He has been away for few days. The expectation of His return is the thing that is making a big difference for us.

Ashavaan ji says we regularly attempt to have a right on somebody who has a place with the universe. Precap :The elderly person tells Sai’s family that Sai has been destined to help the world. Mai declines. He is as yet a child! The elderly person inquires as to whether she actually considers Him a child. Anna advises Mai to ask Sai once.

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