Meet Written Update 23rd August 2022:

Meet Written Update 23rd August 2022 on

Meet petitioning God for her kid that he ought to be fine any place he is. Barfi additionally performs puja for Deep’s spirit. She is sorry to him for making an agreement with Meet Ahlawat utilizing Deep’s demise. She says she was truly stressed for Neelam’s future and after Deep who might take care of her so she took this choice and got her hitched to Meet Ahlawat.

She weeps for Deep and Deep’s photograph, decorative liner burst into flames from the hawan kund. The room gets loaded up with smoke and it goes outside as well. Meet scents it and goes to save Barfi. She thumps on the entryway and Meet Ahlawat slips into the room with Meet. Barfi gets anxious reasoning she could get become terribly ill.

Meet can’t see anything obviously because of smoke and Meet Ahlawat sees the puja fixings. He removes Meet from the room rapidly and she asks Barfi what was she doing in the room? Meet Ahlawat redirects the point and says Barfi is now anxious, she shouldn’t give her more pressure. Meet leaves.

Meet Ahlawat inquires as to whether she wants anything. She answers he can’t comprehend a mother’s aggravation who couldn’t sympathize with her distress with her loved ones. She is bearing the torment for Isha and was subtly doing puja for Deep’s spirit. She was unable to try and tell anything to Neelam.

Meet Ahlawat says he can sympathize with her aggravation as he lost his child as well. She says however shouldn’t something be said about his most memorable spouse Meet? She didn’t separate from him yet and individuals will affront Neelam for her. Neelam actually is a visitor in this manor. She cautions Meet Ahlawat to toss Meet out of the house not long after separating from her else Barfi will destroy Isha’s life.

Meet Ahlawat says he will make it conceivable in three days, he will win this test against Meet and will show her, she can’t prevail upon him. He will get her sign on the papers. Meet Ahlawat gets mournful taking a gander at Raj and there Meet and Neelam neglect to rest. Neelam goes to hydrate and Meet gets her.

Neelam gets apprehensive and Meet gives her water. She advises her to eat something as she should be eager. Neelam calls her as didi. She says Meet Ahlawat could do without her and he despises Meet as well. They are on a similar boat, she can’t comprehend what she ought to do now. Neelam says it appears God is irate with her. She advises Meet to eat something as well. Meet appeals to God in the following day and gets out whatever was her shortcoming that she lost her child and afterward her significant other carried second spouse to cause her more aggravation.

Amrita comes to convey a gems for Neelam which she planned. She discusses her fruitlessness issues with Meet and says she is miserable as well yet she is as yet confident and puts stock in God. Meet gets glad to meet her and learns Meet Ahlawat just advised Amrita to plan the gem for Neelam. Babita gets astounded to see every one of the arrangements for some post wedding ceremonies.

She inquires as to whether she is behind it, Babita chides her platitude they won’t ever acknowledge her as their girl in regulation. They are not in that frame of mind to celebrate anything. Meet Ahlawat comes generally decked up and says he made every one of the plans for his better half. Meet thinks she realizes he is doing this to cause her to feel envious. Ahlawats get stunned to hear his words.

Also read: Meet Written Update 22nd August 2022

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