Meet 8th January 2022 Written Update:

Babita asks where is my Tej, Meet Ahlawat says he didn’t accompany us, we thought that he is nevertheless lost him once more, Babita drops Aarti thali, Raj says tell me plainly, Meet says Tej was with me in market, a seller frightened him with lights,

he froze and rab away, I searched for him all over the place, and I don’t have the foggiest idea what precisely occurred however he just fled before I could sort out anything. Meet Ahlawat says we informed police and they will call us when they track down Tej, sorry Mom.

Babita reprimands Meet for her carelessness, after such countless years I tracked down my child yet you lost him, you have no clue about the way that we lived without him these years, on account of you my child disappeared from me, Raj expresses what garbage are you talking, she tracked down him yet you accusing her. Meet Ahlawat says Tej has ailment, he is shaky, nobody could take care alone, Babita says I simply need my child, its generally Meet’s shortcoming.

Babita leaves, everybody follows her.
Masum murmurs to Hoshiyar, appears as though God is with me, Hoshiyar asks how, Masum says how about we go.

Tej and Sunaina in wedding outfit on their first evening, Sunaina acknowledges she was envisioning Tej and its Ravi infront of her, Sunaina turns her face around, Ravi says I realize you weren’t prepared, take as much time as necessary, I simply needed to see you cheerful, Sunaina says assuming you thought often about me or needed me to be content, you could never wed me and I won’t ever acknowledge this wedding.

Meet implores God and says due to me Babita couldn’t meet Tej, I lost my Dad and know the aggravation, kindly give Babita her child back, you are a mother of us all, similar to you assisted us with tracking down Tej, kindly show some supernatural occurrence and take him back to us.
Meet gets call and she turns out to be extremely glad and says thank you God

Babita hurt and in tears, denies to have water, Meet surges in and says police tracked down Tej. Hoshiyar murmurs to Masum, God isn’t helping you. Meet Ahlawat says come gives up get him. Meet says not needed, one who observed him is getting him to Chandigarh. Babita embraces Meet Ahlawat and says anyway is bringing Tej resembles a holy messenger to me, and thank you God, Raj says all will be great.

Masum in her room irate, Hoshiyar says we won’t get anything, there will be 3 pieces of property and you continue to make issues, Masum yells at Hoshiyar, and says I won’t ever leave this house, first let Tej come and he remembers nothing, so lets see the circumstance.

Babita and everybody sitting tight for Tej, Babita exceptionally energized, Raj requests that she quiet down and sit tight for him. Meet Ahlawat strolls to them and says Tej is coming soon, Meet gets jalebi and says Tej loves jalebi, he doesn’t recall his past, yet his beloved things will cause him to feel invited and cherished, Babita says Tej adored halwa cooked by me.

Meet 7th January 2022 Written Update:

Babita sees Tej, and hurries to him, everybody follows her. Tej gets frightened and yells, Meet Ahlawat hurries to him, and attempts to quiet him down and gets him in. Meet Ahlawat says look Mom, Dad, Chacha Chachi, Di, Tej staggers, Babita says Tej child, Tej gets terrified. Raj says don’t be terrified this is your home. Tej begins yelling. Meet Ahlawat quiets him down, Tek steps foot inside. Tej sees Ram, Ran contacts him, Tej gets terrified, Meet Ahlawat says he is Chachu quiet down, come inside.

Tej exceptionally terrified attempts to run out, Babita stands infront of him, and contacts him, Babita recalls how Tej use to say he could never leave her. Babita says I cooked your most loved halwa, Ragini go get it. Ragini gets halwa, Babita says come Tej I will take care of you, Tej turns his face, and pushes Babita’s hand and yells no, Meet Ahlawat says quiet down, Meet gets jalebi, Tej says companion, old buddy, Meet gives him jalebi, Tej gets exceptionally glad. Babita embraces Raj and starts crying, Raj says give him time all will be fine, driver says I will leave, Raj expresses profound gratitude fot bringing him, driver says a lady got him she is in vehicle, Babita says I will go say thanks to her, she is a heavenly messenger, Babita leaves, everybody follows.

Babita asks where is she,driver says she went I surmise, Babita says Raj if it’s not too much trouble, call police headquarters who is she, I might want to say thanks to her actually, Raj says OK however presently Tej needs us.

Babita sees Tej eat jalebi, Manushi holding Tej’s book strolls in, Meet Ahlawat and others in shock. Everybody recollect how Manushi fled. Babita expresses why are you here, Manushi says sorry to upset however he left his book on vehicle, Meet says OK this book was with him I had seen it, so brought Tej bhaiya here. Tej grabs his book and stows away close to Meet, Meet says don’t stress nobody will take it. Babita says you are the holy messenger, you brought Tej from Rajasthan, Manushi says OK, Babita asks what were you doing there. Manushi says I work in a lodging in Bikaner and tells everything.

Raj asks where did you observe Tej, Manushi says I saw a frightened man running in street and a vehicle hurrying to him and before I halted him he had met with a mishap, yet he is fine and I took him lodging since he was oblivious. Masum says OK you took him to lodging, shouldn’t you take him to police headquarters, Manushi says you are correct yet I was there and new there and had no clue and was frightened thus took him to inn to deal with him and I got some information about him around and afterward discovered that individuals call him Bhula baba, thus grumbling to police headquarters to take him to home consideration however police enlightened me concerning he being Tek Ahlawat and Meet Ahlawat searching for himself and I realize I have upset you a great deal exceptionally Tej and bringing him here resembled a reimburse.

Masum says Manushi, you won’t ever be pardoned for what you did, Manushi says you are correct, you ought to never excuse me since I merit that yet trust me I did this for purpose of my heart and don’t need anything from all of you, I will leave now. Meet says stand by Manushi didi, where will you stay, Mummy and Didi arent home and its late as well. Manushi says you generally focused on me however I can deal with myself, its simply an evening, I will make due. Manushi trusts somebody will stop her. Babita says stand by, Manushi exceptionally cheerful. Babita says you can remain here this evening.

(Manushi had seen Meet and Meet Ahlawat searching for Tej. Manushi sees a light merchant and recall how Tej got frightened thus asks the seller go offer light to that man he is attempting to call you, and ensure you toss light in him since he has awful eyes, merchant so races to Tej.

Tej moves frightened and runs off, Manushi pulls Tej and gives him choloroform and removes him and says dismal Meet)

Manushi strolls in and thinks I realized this would occur and presently I’m in Ahlawat manor. Raj says Babita is correct, remain here for night, we will organize your trip to Bikaner and thank you for bringing Tej, Manushi says it was my obligation and takes Raj’s gifts. Raj requests that Ragini show her visitor room, Ragini says Manushi accompany me.
Manushi checks out Meet Ahlawat and leaves with Ragini.

Meet asks where is Sunaina bhabhi, she will be so glad seeing him yet where is she, when will she come, Babita says OK all will meet Tej, presently go clean up we will all celebrate new year, Meet Ahlawat says I realize Mom needs to astonish Tej bhaiya by carrying Sunaina to party and he will recall things that incredible.

Meet sees Meet Ahlawat in his room, and goes sits next to him, Meet Ahlawat begins picking garments for him, Meet Ahlawat sees Meet is attempting to find assuming he is fine and says see me I’m totally fine and Manushi is hanging around for simply an evening and you are hanging around for myself as well as its about Tej, Meet says OK and I can see joy in your eyes, Meet Ahlawat says my sibling my backing is back, and presently you go change, I will care for Tej bhai, Meet says God if it’s not too much trouble, deal with him, may he forever be this cheerful.

Precap :Tej runs behind Manushi and hits her with pot in her mind and Manushi swoons.

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