Meet 8th December 2021 Written Story:

Meet eighth December 2021 Masum says to Meet Ahlawat what are you doing are you frantic she kept a major mystery from you and you are pardoning her, I’m cautioning you, you are doing botch. Meet Ahlawat what am I fouling up is it off-base to take my wufe side, I’m agreeing with her position since she took that choice in the wake of reasoning a ton and I’m 100% certain she did it yo save both family and I would rather not know any longer confidential.

Meet in tears. Masum strolls to Babita saya how about you say something you recall you and father came here for a solicitation to have no connection with Manushi except for she break that guarantee, they tricked you and she know everything except still she conceal that, do you actually trust her. Babita strolls to Meet says I love my child such a huge amount in this world and I have confidence in my child’s trust, in case my child approve of her then I have no issue, my child’s joy start things out on the off chance that he is glad then, at that point, I’m cheerful and I can look my child’s bliss is in Meet then, at that point, nothing matters to me.

Meet Ahlawat puts duppata on Meet and they take consent to leave. Dadi aays to Meet Ahlawat our little girl is jewel so if it’s not too much trouble, deal with her, darling her a ton and keep her cheerful. Meet Ahlawat says I realize if it’s not too much trouble, keep your endowments with us. Meet embraces Amma. Amma says proceed to reside cheerfully in your in law’s home and here this is my endowments which I never provided for you. Meet recalls Dadi made it for Manushi as favors.

Dadi says you are correct proprietor of this my granddaughter, remain cheerful, gets passionate and request that Anubha do Bedaae custom. Anubha play out the custom with Meet and Dadi. Anubha says to Meet, at last Dadi gave you favors, this is the thing that you need, I’m likewise cheerful and Meet Ahlawat additionally acknowledged you, takes a gander at father’s photograph and says he should be additionally glad for you. Amma, Meet and Dadi embrace one another.
Meet ans Meet Ahlawat in vehicle. Meet thinks who is Parth and why sid she get hitched to her. Vehicle stops Meet Ahlawat says stand by I’ll check. Meet thinks she was with Kunal when did Parth came in picture.

Kunal and Manushi descend. Anubha says sit tight let me do game plans for custom. Manushi says thank god I’m leaving this house. Dadi says to Anubha make her go out quick disliking her here. Manushi says to Kunal we should go out quick. Anubha says stand by take this and keeping in mind that going toss it in reverse to finish custom.

Meet 7th December 2021 Written Story:

Meet Ahlawat says there is some issue with motor don’t stress I have called specialist. Meet dosent answer. Meet Ahlawat thinks I suspect as much she I terrified of realizing that Goons are out, or probably she would have begin fixing, caals specialist says I have send area kindly come quick. Specialist says I’ll take 1hr to come. He says OK convey vehicle battery with you while coming.

Manushi strolls to Anubha and push the thali up. Dadi gets up in shock.

Meet Ahlawat goes to Meet says don’t stress I’m here. Meet says for what reason are you close to me, come and drive vehicle quick. Meet Ahlawat says you are nubm that you don’t realize vehicle halted and I called repairman. Meet says I’m not terrified of anybody and I would rather not hang tight for technician, she gets out look and says she is getting old her interface is detached to battery however for what reason did you called specialist. Meet Ahlawat says I realize that all around that is the reason I request that specialist convey one battery and quit saying and begin accomplishing something. Meet taunts him and says I’ll do it in a short time, stops a climb and ask him for the association with a battery for kick off.

Anubha solds Manushi for her conduct. Manushi says don’t contrast me and Meet and she is controlling everybody and my disposition is certainty which I got from my in law’s, the way would you realize you generally been poor and saving power after all my parents in law are exemplary they won’t come her and spy on you. Anubha says atleast we know them dislike your parents in law have no data about them.

Manushi says I need to live with them not you, do you believe I’m nitwit to not comprehend the reason why you are calling them, you got nothing from Meet’s in-law so my parents in law are you next target so you and Dadi can live joyfully. Dadi pushes Manushi out of house says you crossed every one of your cutoff points, before I revile you leave. Manushi says shut up, I’m very a result of your age however it’s sufficient and I swear I won’t ever show you my face regardless of whether you fall in my feet, we should go Parth. Dadi shuts the entryway and separates.

Kunal think’s she is so crazy, she before long going to lament supporting me.

Meet fixes the vehicle. Meet Ahlawat gets energized. Meet expresses profound gratitude to biker and they leave. Meet make fun or Meet Ahlawat.

Precap :Raj request salt. Meet says I’ll go get it.Babita ask where is Meet. Masum focuses at Meet says here she coming from outside so late.Babita chastens Meet for going outside late. Raj attempt to interfere with Babita upholds Masum

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