Meet 5th January 2022 Written Update:

Meet falls into a pit and yells for assist assembles With conference Ahlawat and panicks. Meet Ahlawat searching for her in lodging. Manushi says now you can’t come in the middle of me and Meet Ahlawat. Meet recollect what Meet Ahlawat said to her about panick circumstance in shut space and begin counting.

Meet Ahlawat get some information about Meet says did you see my better half she is having short hairs. Man says OK she went toward open are. He says will you assist me with tracking down her Man says would quick whatever you like to do on the grounds that individuals become mixed up in this alarming desert, assuming you set aside effort to think that she is then it will be troublesome yo track down her and be speedy since dust storm will hit this region in 24hrs. Meet Ahlawat kindly assist me with tracking down her

Man concur and they leave. Manushi in desert says it is so calm here non one is around I must be cautious from this large number of pits as well, I can’t play with my future I’ll unwind here, in morning somebody will come and safeguard me.

Meet in pit attempting to control her panick assault says your equation worked Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat and two other man attempting to see as Meet Meet says it required some investment to unwind yet it worked now I have yo attempt to leave.

Meet Ahlawat yelling and searching for her. Man says stand by don’t go a long way from here it’s excessively risky. He says no I can’t leave without her. Man says are you mindful of tempest, how about we return I’m attempting to save you as well. Meet Ahlawat says you can return I’ll not leave prior to tracking down her and leaves

Next morning. Meet assemble strength and get up. Meet Ahlawat actually searching for Meet. Meet attempt to escape pit. Meet Ahlawat attempting to think that she is in desert and yelling her name. Meet Ahlawat stagger and begin moving down from a sand mountain. Meet beginning putting sand inside pit and make a stage to move out of pit,

she at last gets out later some battle and begin moving says I really want to go out from here feels like tempest is coming. Meet Ahlawat shouting Meet’s name. Meet strolls for some distance and plunk down on account of less strength even Meet Ahlawat tumbles down in light of no strength. Get gets together and begin strolling.

Meet Ahlawat assemble his solidarity and get’s up. Dust storm hits the area. Meet appeal to God and begin moving. Meet Ahlawat strat looking through Meet in storm. Meet and Meet Ahlawat battling in tempest and see one another. Meet Ahlawat hold Meet in his arms and they begin moving down the bluff. Meet Ahlawat pick Meet in his arms. Dust storm passes on to region and the two of them embrace one another. Meet Ahlawat says where did you went for what reason didn’t you let me know I thought I lost you.

Meet 4th January 2022 Written Update:

Precap :Meet show Meets Ahlawat photographs they clicked and tell him here is my companion posterior. Meet Ahlawat says he is my sibling Tej, expresses profound gratitude to her says due to you I observed my sibling you are the best life partner.Meet Ahlawat calls Raj says I tracked down Tej Sunaina’s finished her seventh phera and pandit says they are hitched now

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