Meet 4th April 2022 Written Update:

Meet 4th April 2022 Written Update on

Hawa Singh says to Meet after food and acknowledgment enquiry we get to realize that they are dealing with issue due to preparing powder and pills which were terminate and you realize who provided it your know Ahlawat’s farma so we have sent off the grievance against supervisor of that organization, presently don’t have the foggiest idea when you will become police yet we have send our police to your home and leave. Meet ganders at everybody.

Everybody challenging Meet Ahlawat outside Ahlawat’s chateau. Everybody come out and see. A ladies revile Meet Ahlawat for his child’s condition. Meet Ahlawat strolls to woman expresses stand by listening to me your child need test you ought to take him yo emergency clinic. Ladies yells at him expresses as a result of you he is in this condition.

Meet Ahlawat request that Deep call emergency vehicle for youngsters. Ladies says avoid my child this is a direct result of you he is in this condition. Raj shares with everybody your aggravation is unique yet you really want to deal with your children. Media ealks to Raj says we were having confidence in organization till the time you were taking care of it yet your child has broken our trust by sending terminated medication. Raj says nothing has happened that way.

Report says your child need to bring in cash so he played with the existence of comman individuals and says to Meet Ahlawat the assertion you provided for give modest medication does that mena to give copy medication.

Meet calls at home however no response says God if it’s not too much trouble, safeguard him, I really want to return home and begin strolling. Hawa Singh put obstruction in her way and expresses in light of your I surrendered so I’m going now what will befall you, real to life are permitted to go our of foundation they have rules. Meet says listen it’s significant for me yo return home it’s all bits of hearsay he can do nothing like this let me go.

Hawa Singh expresses go as quick as possible and request that somebody open entryway yet assuming you kept you leg out assuming this premises you won’t be rusticated and can ever become police and your fantasy will break presently it’s your desire. Meet call somebody however no response. Hawa Singh you are free bird disappear. Meet contemplates the guarantee she gave yo her dad of turning into an official and begin strolling towards principle entryway.

Meet Ahlawat says to Press, we diminished the prise of medication yet this doesn’t we will kill individuals these are bogus charges. Smash takes Meet Ahlawat back and says I’m concerned our rivals can call it trick before things leave hand you ought to take off. Meet Ahlawat says how might I take off they are addressing me. Slam expresses attempt to think useful you realize this might require some investment and can go to prison.

Meet strolling towards primary entryway institute and see Meet in uniform and attempt to cause her to recall about penances she did to come here and guarantees she made to everybody, recollect whether you get out of here all that will go waste. She says I remembered everything except now Meet Ahlawat need me.

Meet in uniform gets out whatever you will tell to your dad. Meet says let him know I’m grieved and leave. Hawa Singh see her leaving and message to Ram well done sir she Meet has acknowledged to overcome.

Slam peruses the message and request that Meet Ahlawat disappear before police come and remove him. Meet Ahlawat get’s call from Meet and recall everything that Meet said to him before for the circumstance, you can confront it or run from it. Smash hold his hand and ask what are you doing accompany me.

Meet Ahlawat says I can’t take off I did nothing out of sorts I’ll proceed to talk yo everybody I won’t take off and strolls to Media. Smash gets call from Tej. Tej says police has fixed our processing plant and coming to capture Meet Ahlawat. Slam gets out whatever police is coming to capture Meet Ahlawat everybody pay attention to Ram and get’s in shock.

Smash request that Tej stay there and disengages. Babita take Meet Ahlawat inside and request that Raj accomplish something I won’t allow take to police and says I’ll follow through with something and says I’ll call my sibling. Raj says no I previously told you not to call that individual we can deal with the circumstance and for goodness’ sake I’ll not call that individual. Babita says alright then allowed police to take my child and ruin his life my child sat idle and I won’t let happen anything to him and she swoons. Everybody take Babita inside.

Raj put Babita on couch. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll snatch her medication. Raj attempting to awaken her and request water. Ragini give him water. Raj attempt to awaken her. Babita awaken says my child sat idle. Raj says you will aggravate yourself, I realize Meet Ahlawat sat idle and I likewise don’t believe him should go prison yet I didn’t maintain that you should call your sibling yet you can call whoever you need. Babita take her telephone and call.

Meet at entryway venture going to go too far yet he gets call from Meet Ahlawat. He welcomes her. Meet ask how is you and everybody in house. He quiet her down and ask where are you remaining at you foundation door, you were considering returning home. Meet says I’m getting back home you want me.

He says you are with me everytime and don’t bother agonizing over here I can deal with it however you can’t break your fantasy and come assuming you will leave your preparation and come here that will be a weight for myself and what I’ll tell Aunty and Dadi pay attention to me you will remain there assuming I want you I’ll call you and listen cautiously you won’t leave your institute guarantee me. Meet says guarantee I’ll be back in the wake of finishing my preparation.

Police strolls to Ahlawat’s house. Safety officer stop them says no one is permitted to get in after this point. Controller request that his constable interface home number. An individual gets telephone says Abhay Rana talking. Official says Jai Hind Sir. Abhay Rana says to official wouldn’t even come close to getting inside the house I demand you, I realize Meet Ahlawat since I was kid he can’t do this, till the time I didn’t get the stay request for him please corporate. Official says yet I need to follow request.

Abhay Rana says I realize regulation is same for everybody, I’m being a clergyman not utilizing my power I’m mentioning both of you hours yo demonstrate Meet Ahlawat blameless I guarantee you Meet Ahlawat won’t leave this house till that time you and your group can stand by outside, my nephew is guiltless in the event that I can’t effectively defend himself in two hours, I’ll leave my seat. Official says alright you have two hours we won’t be dynamic till that time. Abhay says thankyou and disengages call.

Meet in her preparation taking classess. Official informs everybody concerning the class and request that they complete the assignment and attempt to figure out the executioner. Meet reasoning how met Ahlawat get found out experiencing the same thing, how might I proceed to meet him. Official says last time group finished this test shortly so we should see who will win this case and break the record. Meet supposes assuming that I tackle this case them everybody will be cheerful from me and might be permit me to proceed to Meet Ahlawat.

Official ask who ledge address this case. Meet and two different understudies says I’ll get it done. Official shares with kid alright you will settle this. Meet tells him on what premise you chose him. Official says it was an irregular decision it there any issue. She says OK it’s anything but a lottery that you can pick there ought to be a method for choosing. Official says do you mean any chit or something like that. Kid says no face no challenge, she gave the thought and could she will give us terminated energy pills.

Official request that he stay silent. Meet says last record was 10 minutes so you can ask everybody how long they require and whoever says they can settle this case significantly quicker allow them opportunity. Official says OK and ask somebody what amount of time you will require for one 9 minutes other one says 8minutes 30seconds, other one says 8 minutes. Meet says I’ll address quickly,

Meet 2nd April 2022 Written Update:

he ask are you certain. She says OK I can get it done. Official says alright this case is in your grasp presently settle it quickly or I’ll bomb you in this test. Meet says OK. Official request that everybody stand to the side and give pieces of information to Meet. Meet beginning looking at and examination the crime location. One of the kid ridicule her condition. Meet tracks down the weapon and complete the case. She clarifies the case for official.

Official and everybody acclaims for her. Official applause her and says I’m glad for her she addressed the case shortly. Meet thinks this is perfect opportunity to request occasion and he could express yes for occasion. Official says she demonstrated that she is a splendid understudy so as a prize she will help me so from now own she will help me. Young lady says how fortunate she is. Meet says now I can’t request occasion I considered going out yet he made me his partner.

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