Meet 3rd January 2022 Written Update:

Tej and Meet at supper table. Tej eating. Meet ask do you like, says Meet Ahlawat likewise like pasta. Manushi sees Meet says I don’t have a clue why Meet like sitting with these individuals she use to do same in Shahbadh, subsequent to being a girl in law of rich family she again doing likewise, I would not squander my energy on these individuals, Manushi you should zero in on Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat coming higher up.

Babita holding Tej photograph says I miss you where are you returned to me, I’m distant from everyone else.

Meet Ahlawat going to enter resturant. Chief stop Meet Ahlawat says I have requested that all staff individuals collect in garden region, if it’s not too much trouble, accompany me. Meet Ahlawat go with director. Meet says to Tej don’t have the foggiest idea where he is, will be coming in couple of moments.

Meet Ahlawat in garden with Manushi and other staff individuals. Meet Ahlawat see wrap in Manushi’s grasp and ask how could you get injured. Manushi says I sneaked through hallway one of the staff part says OK I saw her there. Meet Ahlawat says to chief help me out show me the previous evening CCTV film. Supervisor request that Manushi take him to CCTV room. Manushi says alright and take him.

Babita with Tej photograph in her grasp says Sunaina is thinking to get hitched elsewhere, she will go kindly returned. Sunaina hear everything says to Babita I actually love Tej however my affection kneel before my families obligation, I can’t really father in this condition and embrace Babita.

Meet Ahlawat and Manushi going to CCTV room. Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat you are questioning me how might you feel that I can do this awful with my sister, I’m so terrible for you, therr was time when you use to adore me a ton. Meet Ahlawat and Manushi in CCTV room. Meet Ahlawat request that a man zoom video. Manushi terrified recall blending tablet in Meet’s beverage. Meet Ahlawat see Meet blacking out and video stop.

Meet Ahlawat ask where is rest of the video. Man says sorry sir just this much video was catch of party. Meet Ahlawat says implies you don’t have more film. Manushi thinks thankgod film is erased I thought it’s not erased in light of power cut. Meet Ahlawat leaves.

Meet 31st December 2021 Written Update:

Raj strolls in lobby says to Kaka are largely the gift pack for kid’s family. Kaka says OK it’s finished. Raj says alright and ask Mani kaka every one of these gift are for young men so keep them discrete. Jaypratap strolls to Raj says Sunaina use to say me that you treat your little girl in law as your own girl and today I can see that, accept me I have seen kid and his family you won’t feel any lament. Raj expresses what are you talking you are Sunaina’s dad you should know about the family.

Jaypratap says figuring like you can open bliss entryway for youngsters like Sunaina. Raj ask Mani kaka to keep everything with care and depart nothing, Jaypratap and Raj leave. Babita grasping a letter says in the wake of perusing this letter any kid will deny this marriage, it’s vital to arrive at it to kid however how, Babita check out’s gift and conceal it inside that.

Director says to Meet Ahlawat I have a solicitation kindly don’t answer to police it’s an inquiry for our notoriety. Meet Ahlawat says relax. Supervisor says thank you and on the off chance that you question anybody from our staff let me know I’ll fire him. Manushi thinks assuming Meet took my name then chief will fire me and no work implies I can’t be close around Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat takes a gander at Manushi and says to Manager I have no question on your staff and leaves.

Meet Ahlawat enter eatery and says to Meet sorry I’m late where is your companion. Meet says you said of 5minutes where were you, my companion came have lunch and left, well fail to remember that let me let you know something fascinating, my companion was glad when I brought him here and he additionally like pasta like you and he know how to utilize spoon ansd fork, he was utilizing better then me. Meet Ahlawat gets hit gets says OK great and hund up. Meet ask what occur.

Manushi strolling says to herself center you just have 2 days left later that they will return, till now none of your arrangement was fruitful and they are drawing near to one another, you have accomplish something and she gets call from staff part saying a visitor has called you feom room jo. 229. Manushi says alright in room no. 229 Meet Ahlawat is remaining and he want to meet me wao, we should go Manushi and stroll towards room 229 and ring entryway chime. A couple come out says our washroom is locked and we see on your site that k in restroom entryway so would you be able to kindly eliminate it.

Manushi says sure ma’am the previous couple requested for lovk don’t stress I’ll request that staff individuals eliminate it and couple head inside. Manushi hurry to banquet room and ask where is the couple remaining in 229, they planned to remain for 2 additional days. Secretary says they looked at and returned today. Manushi says do you have nay thought. Assistant says sorry no thought. Manushi says to herself where did they go and why.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat on camel. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you are devious too I thought don’t have the foggiest idea where you are taking out of frustration with sack pressed. Meet Ahlawat how’s the amazement. Meet says I cherished it, I never saw desert this enormous. Meet and Meet Ahlawat sitting on table. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet you realize I generally cherished sea, ocean, sea shores and my Tej adored desert like this, at whatever point we chose to take some time off Tej use to pick one of my beloved spot with the goal that I feel cheerful. Meet says to him it should have feel great when kin play around with one another, contemplate one another and remain like companions.

Manushi ask assistant Mr. And Mrs. Ahlawat’s more likely than not employed a taxi while looking at, it will be extremely useful assuming that I get a thought of there area since they forgot there arm band. Secretary says no they recruited a taxi from outside, they checkout and left. Manushi says where did they went I can’t sort out and cant even call them later what happen yesterday, you need to think something it’s about your future.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet me and Tej use to have obligation of dearest companion he was critical to my secures general and you know in school kids use to menace me so Tej use to bunk his class and consistently use to be with me and he this way he removed all my dread. Meet says so you were a frightened youngster don’t relate that with blamelessness.

Meet Ahlawat says so you are an adrenaline junkie so let me know what are you frightened of. Meet says I’m claustrophobic, once I went for conveyance, I was in lift and it stalled out and I got so terrified, i’m not sure how to handle it. Meet Ahlawat begin giggling says there are just couple of seconds where I can chuckle at you so let me, here is a tip for you assuming you adhered again then attempt to quiet down your breath and second syart counting with the goal that you redirect your psyche, you will feel loose, Tej showed me this. Meet says you need me to get in trap in to attempt your recipe. Meet Ahlawat says I’m simply recommending and the two of them begin contending.

Manushi figures my dear sister I’ll track down you, no matter what.

Precap :Manushi camouflaged as an artist in a show, Meet and Meet Ahlawat watching. Manushi causes Meet to follow her and stow away, thinks here there are parcel of pits, one is for Meet. Meet falls into pit and Manushi’s says currently I’ll go to my Meet Ahlawat

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