Meet 3rd December 2021 Written Story:

The scene begins with Meet Ahlawat says I’m your guilty party as I’m rebuffing you for your sister mix-ups and I didn’t paid attention to Dad words that you both are unique and I need to scrutinize your Mom how you’re so great and positive, you didn’t contemplate your life and saved me from death and today you beared

such a lot of agony to cause me to get satisfied my fantasy and I’m really telling you sorry and I have a way to not recurrent this error and he takes her to garden and tells her that that God sent you to make me fine and I need to eliminate this Lava from my heart, which I can’t do it single-handedly so you want to help me and this arrangement is finished.

Meet grins and concurs. Meet Ahlawat sits ups to look for her pardoning. Meet attempts to stop him and he behaves like hurt and she feels stressed than he prods her. The two rests on floor with grin and dawn falls on them.

Meet Ahlawat says sun rise is sign of begining and I need to have crisp begining as well, before that I really want guarantee from you that don’t take Manushi name in any circumstances from here onwards and never represents her as Manushi despite the fact that circumstance is decline and guarantee me that you will not get injured again. Meet figures he can’t find solutions assuming I guarantee him and how could the magma in his heart gets controlled in the event that he can’t find his solutions smile Manushi, she grins. The two rests in the nursery.

Meet additions cognizant and believes it’s been 2hours that we are dozing than Meet goes to Doctor call and he illuminates her that their is no medication in Meet Ahlawat prescriptions that cause him intoxicated and I figure he may ate something. Meet lets him know she will see and thinks how it occurred. Ragini calls for Meet. Meet says coming than Ragini requests that she send Meet Ahlawat. Meet thinks perhaps that dozing pill is for me.

Anubha wakesup Manushi and requests that she tell the subtleties and telephone number of Parth guardians. Manushi figures, Mom may stop the wedding in case she speculate me and she misleads her Mom that Parth’s family went to world visit. Anubha requests that how make them wedded without taking his folks authorization. Manushi says our standing gets discolored assuming he denies to wed me later on so we need to do this marriage now itself. Anubha looks on. Chavi asks Masoom to design something against Meet and for what valid reason I feel this time you can’t overcome her.

Meet 2nd December 2021 Written Story:

Meet records thrir discussion. Chavi says it’s seems like I can’t become Mrs Ahlawat. Masoom request that she stop bakwas so she can design something than she reviews Anubha discussion with Meet and says she got a thought. Meet comes out saying she also got confirmation of their demonstrations including the previous evening one. Chavi in pressure inquires as to whether she discover she is the person who added resting pill in rabdi and how you track down it. Meet expresses profound gratitude for uncovering it. Masoom chides Chavi to quiet down.

Meet says Doctor let me know that somebody may added Something in food amd now Chavi acknowledged it so I have evidences to uncover you folks infront of Aunty and you’re sister of Meet than how might you play with his fantasies? Also I love family harmony so assuming you do anything wrong than I will uncover this video. masoom guarantees her that she won’t allow anything wrong to occur in future. Meet reviews she coudnt record their convo as her telephone is turned off and she leaves.

At feasting table Raj inquires as to whether she is glad. Babita concurs and Masoom says it’s completely happened on account of Meet Bhabhi. Sunaina says it’s extreme overview her change. Masoom says she changed seeing Meet consideration for her sibling.

Masoom says we should give her a gift. Babita ask what should we give her as gift. Masoom says we should go to her place and say thanks to her Mom and Dadi for giving us great Bahu like Meet. Babita concurs than she requests that Sunaina call Meet. Masoom stops her Mom and requesting that they save it as treat for Meet. Babita concurs. Masoom figures Meet can’t ready her relatives.

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