Meet 2nd December 2021 Written Story:

The scene begins with Meet says I will not get back to quitter like you who can’t bear the dismissal of young lady. Meet Ahlawat asks what’s she saying. Meet says you’re regarding to lose your fantasy venture and you’re from the young men who can’t deal with issues and ruin their life’s infatuated and you’re looser and you don’t have solidarity to accomplish your objectives, tell me do you have fortitude to accomplish your objectives? You wouldn’t we be able to youre looser amd defeatist and Meet push him hard with the goal that he doesn’t surrender.

Meet Ahlawat yells saying he isn’t looser and tumbled down. Meet cries seeing his state than she leaves from room requesting that Deep take care Meet. Meet Ahlawat drones he isn’t looser. Profound backings him. Meet requests that he get lemon water than he drinks and smothers himself than he acquires his cognizant and prepares for meeting. Meet feels cheerful seeing him.

Deep wants him to enjoy all that life has to offer and requests that he join the gathering. During the actual introduction he can’t interface because of force cut. Meet goes to help him. Profound goes to see what occurred. Meet Ahlawat attempts to associate through versatile yet he can’t. Profound asks what Meet is doing. Meet organizes power supply with vehicle batteries as principle board got ruined. Meet Ahlawat joins the gathering. Meet figures she will not let whatever prevents him from arriving at his goals.

Babita cries saying Meet gets broken alongside his fantasies. Masoom says your Bahu is dissapeared and she can fail to help Meet and she is disappointment. Sunaina going to say something however Meet Ahlawat comes to them and illuminates everybody that he broke the arrangement with assistance of Deep and he expresses gratitude toward him. Raj amd everybody says thanks to Deep than Deep says it’s totally happened in view of Meet Bhabhi.

Meet Ahlawat asks what he implies than Deep discloses everything to him. Raj says it’s so intense for Meet yet what’s the best requirement for her to act like Manushi when Meet acknowledged her as his better half and he admitted his adoration to her. Babita says it’s admission to Manushi. Masoom grins. Babita says truth comesout in his intoxicated express that he cherishes Manushi. Meet figures Meet may get injured. Raj says it’s intense for Meet however why you folks didn’t halted her. Sunaina says I attempted to stop her however Meet let me know that Meet Ahlawat dream and hapiness is more essential to her.

Meet 1st December 2021 Written Story:

Meet thanks his Dad photograph and lets him know that she is glad for Dodu smash. Rajvardhan says we are egotistical that is the reason we need you to change as indicated by our child wish yet you become like Manushi for himself and why you did it. Meet says it can cause him to satisfy his fantasy that is the reason I did it as his hapiness is connected to everybody’s hapiness. Raj gets some information about her bliss. Meet says this is my family as well so my hapiness relies upon family.

Raj favors her to remain cheerful. Profound tells to Meet that he is accomplishing such a great deal amiss with Meet Bhabhi and do you know the amount it harms your significant other when you’re saying love you Manushi? You’re fouling up with you and Meet. Meet expresses gratitude toward Maata rani than she might suspect she can’t tell to Meet with regards to Manushi breaking her guarantee to Mom.

Meet Ahlawat comes to room and tells to Meet that don’t realize whether to thank you or apologize you and I would rather not consider Manushi to be she is dark part in my life and what I admitted, doesn’t mean it as I love Manushi and I’m not ready to control the consuming Lava in my heart that is the reason I’m not ready to satisfy my almost ones. Meet thinks he really wants to find solutions from Manushi, so I will request that Mom reclaim her guarantee.

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