Meet 27th December 2021 Written Update:

Manushi strolls in as collaborator chief and conveying a washing robe. Meet and Meet Ahlawat in shower tube sees Manushi. Meet Ahlawat sees blaze of her and the two of them get out og bath. Director says we are grieved and request that Manushi scoff them garments. Director request that Meet Ahlawat assist him with wearing. Meet put robe on him. Supervisor request that Manushi give her towel.

Meet attempt to take yet Manushi says I’ll do it. Meet Ahlawat says I need to fail to remember her yet she isn’t letting us be. Chief says I’ll send tea or espresso and he leaves. Manushi aslo going to leave however Meet hold her hand says Manu dee you. Manushi says to Meet ma’am I’ll get tea and espresso for yourself and leave. Meet Ahlawat plunk down and recall what Manushi educated him regarding fleeing from marriage. Manushi says this is plan and it will definately assist with liquefying down his heart.

Ragini, Babita and Raj at eating table. Babita recollect what Jaypratap said to Sunaina about Tej presence and Babita hear Tej calling him. Tej says to Babita watch I worked out a great deal today now I can get you effortlessly and he circle around with Babita in her grasp. Babita says hold me down or I’ll fall and damage myself. Babita embraces him says I realized you will vome back where were you didn’t you miss me.

Tej says I won’t leave you and go and an individual will be ediot who will leave an excellent mother like you currently please I’m ravenous I consumed a ton of calories give me at some point yo eat. Babita says come sit I’ll take care of you with my hands, first nibble on name of mother and go to give him chomp and se Ragini sitting close to her. Babita im shock takes Tej name, gets tragic and leave table. Raj likewise get up and leave. Ragini says at whatever point it come to Tej, Raj and Babita gets vexed don’t have the foggiest idea when he will come.

Manushi says the previous evening I as of now have made uncertainty in Meet’s psyche. Meet strolls in and ask her what is this. Manushi says go from here and don’t call me deedee or, more than likely it will be an incredible issue for me. Meet says brief you never worked even somewhat for your entire life and presently you are taking care of business in an equivalent lodging where I’m there so tell me everything, you didn’t like yo take care of business yet at the same time you sre taking care of business in same inn where we are remaining.

Manushi says when Preth left me I was defenseless and stayed with no cash so whatever I got I took it and afterall you took every one of the obligations later dad’s passing so I never suspected if doing however presently I have imagined that I can likewise deal with liabilities like my more youthful sister, I can proceed to say sorry to mother and dadi and live in solace, I know I’m awful yet not that narrow minded now I additionally live with my self confidence.

Meet 23rd December 2021 Written Update:

Meet says to Manushi you ought to return to mother I’ll converse with her she will acknowledge you. Manushi says I hurt a great deal I’ll not return yill the time my life is on right track and you don’t meddle please, I simply have this one work and I need to do it really, Meet embraces her and figures I ought not tell Mummy and allow Manushi to do how she needs to and leaves.

Meet Ahlawat pondering Manushi, and she saying Meet is reason she fled and afterward thinks about Meet’s trust and composes on reflect, Meet strolls in and sees him says I need to redirect him he looks so strained.

Meet asks Meet Ahlawat did he bomb a ton in school, Meet Ahlawat says never why, Meet says why we are here to wander right and I need to purchase presents for everybody and check out you not taking me to shop are you attempting to set aside cash, Meet Ahlawat says I’m doing no such things, Meet says you are so modest, Meet Ahlawat says I’m not, gives up now shopping, Meet says look I’m exceptionally brilliant you are simply attempting to set aside cash, Meet Ahlawat says I will clean up and gives up immediately, Meet says OK.

Meet requests that chief assistance with transport and shopping places list for them, he says alright. Manushi takes a gander at them and says I won’t release you out with my Meet Ahlawat and will stop you.

Manushi asks at gathering did Meet and Meet Ahlawat vehicle got booked, secretary says OK they may be leaving soon.

Manushi sees Meet and Meet Ahlawat leave clasping hands, Manager and staff hand them list, Manushi intentionally runs servers to command notice, staff chides Manushi for breaking antique show piece, Manushi says sorry I got diverted, Manager reprimands Manushi, Manushi begins crying, Meet thinks I want to help her, Meet Ahlawat going to go to Manushi, Meet stops him, Manushi thinks I know Meet Ahlawat all you need to do is come to me, since I have seen affections for me in you, Meet Ahlawat says to Meet gives up and both leave.
Administrator continues to reprove Manushi. Meet and Meet Ahlawat leave. Administrator asks Manushi pick the obliterated show-stopper, she harms her finger and sees Meet Ahlawat seeing her, Meet standing to the side.

Precap :Meet appeals to God for Manushi.Manushi attempts to talk Meet Ahlawat, he says you don’t make any difference to me and leaves. Manushi says you will stroll back to me.

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