Meet 26th March 2022 Written Update: The episode begins with Meet asking a senior official for an opportunity to demonstrate her capacity. The senior official signs his lesser to take her application. They permit her to partake in the test. Meet Ahlawat says thanks to him then he makes Meet wear the number. Junior Officers talk about to demonstrate to Meet that she can’t get it done. Official declares 3 feet in length bounce in the first round.
Everybody completes their turn. It’s Meet’s move and she holds her Dad’s chain and petitions God for his help. She races to partake however she tumbles down. Different young ladies grin at her. Meet Ahlawat empowers her telling her she can. Meet attempts again yet she falls again on the ground. Official requests that she leave her determination it is harmed to tell her feet. Meet purposes her chest area and completions the round. Official acclaims her. Meet Ahlawat feels cheerful. Meet requests that the official sort out for the second round.
Babita tells Raj that Meet didn’t pay attention to their idea. Raj tells her he will chat with Guruji. The following round is the long leap. Meet lets Meet Ahlawat know that she runs long to complete the round with a decent score. She falls on different occasions. Meet Ahlawat tells her she is dying. Meet guarantees him she is fine. Official signs her last endeavor. Meet touch the line utilizing her coat. Different young ladies grumble to officials saying Meet is cheating with her coat. Meet says she utilized her astuteness to clear the round. Official requests that they prepare for third round.
Also read: Meet 25th March 2022 Written Update
Meet Ahlawat tells her she is draining intensely and requests that she quit taking part in the following round. Meet guarantees him that she won’t allow it to drain any longer and take an interest in the race tying her harmed feet. Meet Ahlawat urges her to get it done. Official illuminates their senior how one young lady is partaking in the round with harmed feet without tolerating the loss. Meet Ahlawat upholds Meet. Official tells her she is excluded as age doesn’t complete the race on schedule. Meet Ahlawat in tears tells her he is glad for her and tells her that she can attempt in the following year. Meet concurs.
Ragini gets messages and tells relatives that Meet was excluded from the test. Slam feels cheerful. Tej requests that relatives not remind Meet about her injury and test. Sunaina and others consent to act regularly with Meet. Meet Ahlawat gets back with Meet. Relatives attempt to redirect her. Meet lets them know they don’t have to stress that she feels awful. Meet Ahlawat tells since Meet is chosen. Everybody gets stunned. Slam asks how it worked out.
Meet Ahlawat embraces him and tells the official conversed with higher authorities and made Meet breeze through the actual assessment and she composed the test as well. Relatives applaud Meet. Ragini tells Meet will turn into a Police official. Everybody praises her. Raj comes there and tells Meet won’t join the Police power and it’s chosen. Meet thinks why he is halting her.