Meet 26th January 2022 Written Update:

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I went to class with my dad so I need to go to my school with my dad and looks toward Raj. For strolls to her and says illygo and drop my little girl to school however in my style and set on shades and leave with Meet.

Raj outside with Meet says here is your school and from here you need to do your excursion alone. Meet contacts his feet and take favors embraces her. Raj says would I be able to ask you a certain something, do you love my child. Meet says I won’t lie, I don’t have the foggiest idea what love is nevertheless I know when he is close to I feel cheerful and when he isn’t around I feel like unfilled. Raj says I found my solution.

Babita in her home on telephone says I have part of work to do we should talk later. Manushi strolls to Babita and welcome her. Babita says you so straightforward, its important to acknowledge things in life it’s great you acknowledged things yet for that you ought not quit living, in our calling we must be satisfactory so dress yourself in like manner.

Manushi says alright. Babita says there is a major occasion of design show and you need to think something and here are a portion of the thought’s. Manushi says we need to think something out of the case for our image. Meet Ahlawat strolls to Babita says here are your ppt everything is completely done and set.

Babita says that resembles my child. Meet Ahlawat embraces her. Manushi says I got Idea, Meet Ahlawat will be our model and the title will be my child’s wedding. Babita says from now into the foreseeable future wedding assortment is for lady of the hour and spouse however mother additionally have a few contemplations for there kids and this will be the assortment and my child will be the masterpiece isn’t just astonishing. Meet Ahlawat says I never did this. Babita says don’t stress I’ll show you I’m there. Meet Ahlawat says alright and she embraces her.

Meet external school alone considers since Meet Ahlawat I’m here so I ought to say thanks to him and take out her telephone thinkwhat would it be a good idea for me I really do call him or message him and afterward type message for him saying due to you I’m inside school and I eliminated this from my list of things to get yet it’s you who made this conceivable so large on account of you and send.

She got a message saying kindly assistance me I can’t perceive anyone concerning this Meet Ustaad, think’s who is this who realize my name yet number is obscure, I can’t be late for class today is first day, shr get other message saying I can’t kindly assistance me, she gets in delima thinks on the off chance that I didn’t help him then I will not have the option to confront my dad imagine a scenario in which she really want assistance as a general rule then what.

Meet 25th January 2022 Written Update:

Slam Lakhan running with bouquet. Slam says we are late a result of you consider the possibility that Meet get’s inside school for her group, I considered giving her best karma with blossoms on her first day. Meet get inside auto. They see her says she must be in school yet she is disappearing.

Meet Ahlawat says to Manushi you in all actuality do rest assuming the prepration I’ll go along with you later and leaves. Ragini ask Meet Ahlawat why is Manushi here. Meet Ahlawat says she is assisting mother with her jew assortment and mother doesn’t need this to spill out so she is taking care of every one of her responsibilities from home and she made me her model as well. Ragini says that is alright however what will occur on the off chance that Meet will see you both together won’t she feel tragic. He says she is generally significant for myself and I couldn’t care less on the off chance that she is here she don’t trouble me by any means no compelling reason to take strain.

Anubha in market on telephone with Amma says pooja was completely fine and it was extraordinary you didn’t come since there was a lot of strolling don’t stress I’ll be home early and see Meet in auto with stick leaving. Anubha says where is she going with stick today is her first day of school and her school is in other bearing however where is she heading and says to Amma I’ll call you later and call Meet. Meet overlook her call says I’ll call her later.

Meet Ahlawat in house rehearsing how to stroll entrance. A man says it was greatly improved you really want to get more certainty bring it out and center. He strolls once more. Babita says it was extraordinary. Meet Ahlawat get’s call from Anubha. Anubha says sorry you should be occupied however would you be able to assist me with conversing with Meet. He says she is occupied with her school it’s her first day. Anubha says goodness I neglected no concerns I’ll call later and detaches says this mean he additionally doesn’t be familiar with Meet first I should converse with Meet and afterward I’ll converse with Meet Ahlawat about circumstance.

Meet request that auto driver take turn and stop. She get down and says address is same however I can’t see anybody am I late and ask a tea merchant was there a battle, a few hooligans where here and call at that number says it’s out of reach is it that somebody was playing around. A man was checking out Meet and toss stick at her. She gets injured on her hand and begin dying. Man strolls to her ask are you okay she says OK.

Babita planning dresses. Raj strolls to her says this is great on the off chance that you plan assortment in house, I’ll get more opportunity to enjoy with you and see Ravi coming inside house harmed. Babita and Raj race to get him and calls everybody. Babita request that Manushi get water. Raj ask what befall you. Smash says did you battle with somebody. Meet Ahlawat says he isn’t in condition to talk.

Raj says stand by I’ll call specialist. Smash says not it’s police case. Ravi says OK if it’s not too much trouble, call police and tell Meet Huddah is associated with this. Meet Ahlawat gets out whatever are you saying. Ravi says I’m telling valid, today morning Meet came to my office and compromise me that avoid Sunaina’s lief, yet when I attempt to cause her to comprehend she begin beating me till the time I breakdown. Meet Ahlawat ask are you certain, I don’t trust it.

Manushi says there is zero chance she can’t do this. Meet Ahlawat says I realize her very well she can’t hurt anyone. Masum says it’s all regarding perspective and other day she compromise him. Meet Ahlawat she said everything out of frustration it doesn’t mean she will do every one of these thinysnd you realize she is in school. Babita says yet you let me know few moments back that Anubha called and was asking adjoin her.

Meet Ahlawat says she called to realize how is Meet and nothing and says to Ravi soryfor occur with you and Meet is in school occupied with her examinations and I know its significant for her. Babita says call Meet here this moment, see his condition I concur she didn’t do yet at the same time call her to get out things.

Meet Ahlawat take telephone from Ram and calls Meet says I’m sorry to upset you yet would you be able to return home it’s significant. Meet says alright I’ll be home. Raj says she will be home soon then things will be clear however allowed me to let you know I have confidence in my little girl in law. Ravi says why she will acknowledge her off-base deed, she need to keep up with her picture actually she is a hooligan.

Meet strolls in and witness Ravi ask what to you. Masum says he let us know how gravely you harmed him. Meet Ahlawat says to Masum don’t blame her with no proof since I can’t endure that. Raj says to Meet that Ravi is saying you have harmed him.

Precap :Meet Ahlawat says to Meet no one is here aside from we both so let me know truth. Meet says you figure I did this. Meet Ahlawat says you got things done in past, battled with individuals and today you beat him and to do this then, at that point, if it’s not too much trouble, leave college.Meet says I’ll not leave that individual who is attempting to deceive me

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