Meet 1st February 2022 Written Update:

Meet Ahlawat in his room playing computer game. Meet strolls in see him playing hold her ears and sit before him says you are as yet furious on me, yell on me shout at me however kindly don’t be irate on me and hold his hands.

Meet Ahlawat says leave my hand. Meet says first let me know you are furious on me. Meet Ahlawat yells at her says OK I’m furious on you and why I shouldn’t be take a gander at your conduct. Meet says went out your furious admonish me assuming you need toss me out of room here hold my hand. Meet Ahlawat get her hand and behave like tossing out yet leaves her hand and return to his game. Meet thinks I have confidence in our connection,

strolls to him. Meet Ahlawat says don’t stand infront of me and begin playing game with him says this is most ideal choice to quiet down and begin dashing with him. Meet dominates the race says do you figure I did everything intentionally, I likewise have a few conditions, I simply need to let know if you are with me then, at that point, I’ll dominate life match additionally like this race.

Meet Ahlawat says you are a piece gone case your fierce streak turns out to be more hevay on you and you looses your attitude and when you get typical you look again great. Meet says I have concluded that I’ll win. He says did you said anything. She says no, your heard something.

Babita in corridor Manushi strolls to her says I need to let you know something from long time yet couldn’t get time to tell you, I fled from marriage however not on my will in view of my more youthful sisters bliss since she use to adore your child and I was so visually impaired in my sister’s affection that I didn’t pondered your families notoriety,

Please accept my apologies if it’s not too much trouble, excuse me. Babita says you will get your expression of remorse when you prevail upon my child since that is significant for me. Manushi says I’ll attempt to win this test and make everything ordinary. Babita says OK, remain blissful and leaves.

Same evening. Meet in her bed her caution rings and she awakens and says to resting Meet Ahlawat, I want your good luck so I can figure out how to cook kheer which you might cherish, she gets to kitchen and begin seeing video for how to make Kheer, while watching she recalls how Meet Ahlawat helped her before to cook.

Raj strolls in kitchen ask her what’s going on with you. Raj says simply believe that I was sitting tight for you, you came here to drink tea. Raj says OK and begin hacking. Meet give him water. Raj says I considered advising Babita to make tea for me however in the event that I wake her up, she ledge begin having headache so considered making it myself.

Meet 31st January 2022 Written Update:

Meet says I’m here I’ll make for you simply let me know how to make tea. Raj says OK and carefully guide make tea. Meet make tea for him. Raj says this is delightful. Meet beverages it says this helped me to remember mummy’s brew this taste so terrible. Raj says that is valid yet it isn’t so terrible. Meet says I fizzled, you are not feeling great and I can’t give you a decent tea to drink. Raj says no concerns I’ll make it now and begin making tea.

Raj give her tea and says taste it and tell how’s it. Meet says it’s great, I can’t make a tea for you what will be all the more terrible then this. Raj says each connection relies on how you support one another not on who is better then who now you should drink tea and I’ll leave, we will meet tomorrow first thing for tea once more.

Meet says there is a maxim that an individual can learn anything he needs so I’ll practice and ensure that morning tea I’ll make for you like you made for me. Raj says OK and leave.

Next morning. Manushi asking dadi to make kheer and guide put all dryfruits in that. Amma says this will taste well in the event that you put love in this and what are your aims in making this yet my heart and kindly words are for my Meet. Manushi undermine her says in the event that you ruin this kheer, I’ll tuin your life. Amma says I thought you chode the correct way however you won’t ever yet I’m defenseless. Manushi says so you realize very well then, at that point, presently begin cooking kheer with.

Meet in her room choosing what to wear. Meet Ahlawat strolls in and says for what reason is she taking a break would she prefer not to go school and ask her time. She says it’s 8:10. He thinks she realizes time yet doing timepass and inquire as to for what reason is your sack resting send it to it’s area. Meet snatch her pack and goes to keep it inside pantry. Meet Ahlawat stops her expresses out loud whatever are you doing don’t you need to go school take a gander at the time. Meet says I won’t go school.

Meet Ahlawat says how could you took this choice you need to go school and I’ll go to drop you and request that your educator have an eye on you, your schooling is significant on the grounds that that is your dad dream presently fail to remember whatever occur so kindly don’t let that impact your examinations. Meet thinks such countless things happen yet at the same time he is stressed over my schooling however presently our connection is on stake and I won’t let that hamper. Meet Ahlawat gets out whatever are you gazing at prepare for school.

Meet recollects the thing Babita said with regards to challenge and tells him I’ll head off to college however following 10 days. He expresses out loud whatever is so significant. She says you. He gets shocked and expresses out loud whatever. She says there is something more significant yet you will not comprehend. He says OK do anything you desire you have just 10days after that you need to focus on your examinations and get a saree for her says this is great and leaves.

Meet in pooja room light the diya and petition god says the previous evening I was unable to practice to make kheer and presently it’s the ideal opportunity for challenge I was unable to comprehend would it be advisable for me I cook it or request it if it’s not too much trouble, assist me with choosing, this is yellow blossom on the off chance that this fall it implies you need I should cook and assuming this orange bloom fall it implies you wayme to arrange so whatever happens it will be your choice and put the blossoms on icon, yellow blossom fall,

she says you need me to cook it no issue I’ll follow this way in the event that you need me to cook, clearly I’ll cook it and begin getting ready kheer in kitchen. Meet Ahlawat outside kitchen strolls to Meet says it smells wonderful and taste it, he let out and expresses out loud whatever did you cook, you should focus on investigations and accomplish your maintenance work yet don’t cook kheer from now into the foreseeable future, he discards the spoon and walk. Meet taste kheer and says this taste so terrible how might I cause him to eat even I would rather avoid it, I need to figure something to wik this opposition

Precap :Babita says to Meet where is kheer you came with nothing. Meet says I didn’t cook kheer. Manushi brings her kheer. Meet Ahlawat tells Babita this smell so lovely I can’t hold back to have it. Meet Ahlawat going to take nibble yet Meet calls him and he stop.

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