Meet Ahlawat says to Meet that mom insulted you a lot but still you saved me from goons for that we need to say thanks but we all insulted you. Meet Ahlawat try yo join his hands. Meet says what are you doing doctor said no to move your hand first get well then I’ll ask you to do things and what happen if Babita scolded me Amma and Mom also scolds me and Amma scolds me very badly,
if she scolded then what should I leave and you also said me not to show your face, these relations are built with lots of efforts and I’m very stubborn in these relations I don’t leave easily. Raj says to Meet you can change whatever you want but don’t change your heart and why of thinking just be what you are. Nurse walks in and says someone has to be there with patient everytime so tell me who will be there so that I can explain him about the dosage of medicine.
Raj says she is Meet patients wife she will take care. Babita says I’m patient’s mom I’ll look after. Nurse says okay I’ll explain it and listen carefully and explain everything. Babita ask Chhavi what all exercises she told. Ragini says she told this much I don’t remember everything I’ll go and ask. Meet says no I recorded every instructions I’ll send it to all. Ragini says good.
Kunal doing exercises. Manushi sitting over him says hiw romantic I had dream to do couple workout very exciting. Kunal says yes very exciting now get down if Mom and Dadi see us will make issue of it. Manushi says relax they went to temple so you carry on. Kunal start doing and Manushi count and he stop at 3, she says the is best chance for us I’ll go and take shower then we will have breakfast then go out. Kunal says good idea and she leaves, he says till the time she take shower I’ll steal her jewellery.
Meet 17th November 2021 Written Story:
Ragini and Manushi help Meet Ahlawat to lie down in bed, Chhavi helping too. Ragini ask Babita to go and take rest you are not well. Babita says I’m all good, I know you all will take good care of him but I hired a professional Nurse for him as they take good care in hospital. Meet Ahlawat says to Babita I’m okay. Chhavi says why did you hired nurse when I’m here to help him. Meet Ahlawat says to Chhavi thanks for your concern but Nurse will be good I’ll be able to manage.
Babita says yes Nurse are professional it will be easy for her. Meet walks in with trolley. Babita thinks its nurse but says it’s you. Everyone look at her trolly. Babita ask where is Nurse. Babita says why who will look after him and please don’t says you will look after him my son need a professional Nurse to look after him 24 hours. Meet says I know I’m not professional but this trolley is professional look it got everything and remember how Goons beat him and says they chocked him badly so this hot water will help him to get relief,
although injury dosent know if a Nurse is treating or a wife, I use to take care if Dadi too easily I don’t stop till someone is all fine don’t worry I talked to Nurse and learnt everything, a family member can take good care then outsider. Ragini says to Babita Meet is right give her one chance. Babita says then who will do your job. Meet says I already took holiday it’s not that important. Babita says keep one thing in mind my son is my life if he is in trouble so am I, keep one thing in mind he should not shout in pain. Meet says don’t worry I’ll handle. Babita says thanks to Meet and says to Ragini and Chhavi yo leave. They all leave. Ragini says take care
Kunal looking for jewellery in cupboard, he keep it in bad. Manushi from behind ask what are you doing Kunal, walks to him and sayd I cannot think in dream you could do this. Kunal says many robbery are happening in Shahbadh so I was keeping them in safe place. Manushi says so what you thought you could steal my jewellery.
Kunal thinks she caught me it’s time to run. Manushi laugh and says you must say I’m smart I already kept all jewellery out of these box somewhere safe that nobody could reach and show him empty box. Kinal thinks she is smart. Manushi says you were feeling alone that’s why you came in and says now leave. Kunal thinks I thought she was stupid but she I turn out to be stupid, I have to play my card smartly.
Kaka walks in with two water bucket he keeps it and leave. Meet keep chair near bucket and ask Meet Ahlawat to sit. Meet Ahlawat says you don’t need to worry I can do sponging with one hand. Meet says no need yo be stubborn scolds him and says I’ll do. Meet Ahlawat says I can do it from one hand. Meet says okay then do it and says that bucket has soap water and other one have only water and leaves.
Meet Ahlawat try to unbutton him but couldn’t. Meet watching him from outside and says why are you facing trouble how can you take bath when couldn’t open a shirt. Meet Ahlawat says you didn’t go. Meet says I you are hurt but I can feel pain, I mean I know how these injuries react they need proper care and ask him to get up.
Meet Ahlawat gets out of bed and sit on chair. Meet helps him to take off his shirt. Chhavi outside seeing everything. Meet wipes him with sponge. Chhavi says I this can’t be happen I need to tell this to Masum they are getting close.
Meet try to cook for Meet Ahlawat with Duggu. Meet unable to manage in kitchen. Duggu making fun of her. Babita catches one onion and ask Meet what is going on. Duggu says Meet is trying to make soup for Meet Ahlawat. Babita says I can see that and where is cook. Meet says they went to market.
Babita says so you want to harm my son don’t know how to do and says shift I’ll cook. Meet says this is good mom’s hand food is good medicine for recovery. Babita says but wife should cook for her husband so that your husband do not miss his mom, I also use to cook for my husband every women should know how to cook and start cooking food. Duggu cheers her. Babita says if you really want to cook for my son first learn then cook for him, takes it carefully its hot.
Chhavi gets pizza for Meet. Meet Ahlawat gets excited and says put extra oregano. Meet walks in and says its not picnic doctor said no for junk food, I brought healthy food for you home cook. Chhavi says Meet Ahlawat was hungry so I ordered for him but how would you know, you were out somewhere and says to Meet Ahlawat I ordered food from both of my hands for you. Meet try to hold her. Chhavi says don’t take tension I’ll stand and says you hurt a lot many time. Meet says good and take your pizza either eat it or give it yo poor kids and no need to worry about him his wife is here.
Precap :Meet Ahlawat stumble while getting up. Babita rushes to him and says now you will not get up for any work. Meet Ahlawat thinks I need to go out for that work.He wakes up in night and try to leave. Meet ask him where sre you going