Meet 16th March 2022 Written Update:

Meet 16th March 2022 Written Update: The episode begins with Isha saying that Meet and she headed out to a film and she additionally posted it on Facebook and shows it to Hawa Singh. The whole Ahlawat family shows that they are by Meet by side by remaining on the untruth that she was with them and the entire family turns into her vindication. Hawa Singh doesn’t have the foggiest idea what to do yet he has a last play and carries Meet into the house and says that he is gotten at the location of the crime.

Seeing Meet Ahlawat in cuffs the Ahlawat family is stressed over Meet’s protected being. Meet likewise attempts to go close to Meet Ahlawat yet Hawa Singh stops her and says in light of everything you did he will say to her how he will have his vengeance and says as today it is Friday and until Monday he won’t have any bail and he will hurl Meet Ahlawat in lock and you realize what occurs there as you’re police officer’s little girl.

Hawa Singh says we should pass on however Meet attempts to go close to Meet Ahlawat yet Hawa Singh stops Meet and says Mehandi will be destroyed yet Meet pushes Hawa Singh’s hand and gets Meet Ahlawat’s hand and lets him know she won’t allow him to get captured. Meet Ahlawat tells her it’s required. Constable cuffs him. Babita says her child is honest. Constables take Meet Ahlawat with them. Relatives follow him. Hawa Singh tells her he is offering her one more opportunity and he requests that she acknowledge his error in 2 hours to deliver her better half.

Masoom causes a situation at the house telling how they permitted Meet to get captured for Meet’s mix-up. Babita requests that she not cause a situation and she lets Raj know that she will reach her sibling who’s the clergyman for help. Raj cautions her to not call him telling her he prefers not to take his assistance. Masoom figures trust the Adoption service will not get stopped. Slam lets them know he will chat with a legal advisor. Meet lets them know she won’t let Meet Ahlawat gets rebuffed for her misstep. Raj says Hawa Singh needs something very similar. Meet instructs them she knows. Raj asks what does she mean.

Meet shows up at the police headquarters. Hawa Singh inquires as to whether she wake up. Meet lets him know she needs to meet her better half prior to giving her Statement. Hawa Singh permits her to meet her better half. Meet meets Meet Ahlawat. He inquires as to why she came. She lets him know that she came to acknowledge her slip-up and address why he assumed the fault on himself. Meet Ahlawat wipes her tears and tells you assumed my fault as well and I can never become like you however why you did this misstep?

Hawa Singh affected you and you fell into his snare and this war is essential to us and we need to utilize our heart and mind to arrive at the offender and you can’t win this conflict by getting captured. Meet requests that how arrive at the offender when all proof is annihilated. Meet Ahlawat tells her direction is infront of them and he turns her face. Meet lets him know she won’t allow them to get crushed and One who has the right to remain in the slammer is Hawa Singh. Meet meets Hawa Singh. He requests that she sign the articulation. Meet inquires as to whether he has any confirmation to demonstrate that she consumed the bicycle? She takes steps to contact the media on the off chance that he won’t deliver her better half.

Also read: Meet 15th March 2022 Written Update

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