Meet 15th December 2021 Written Story:

Babita cribbing says they need to exibit my hereditary gems, what will I say to them, that I lost it. Meet says I have an arrangement, I have a companion who have the data about taken things who sold it and who buied. Isha look stressed. Meet Ahlawat believes is that equivalent companion. Meet says to Babita in the event that somebody will sell it then we will get to be aware of him. Isha thinks now what Ill do,

I considered selling Taiji’s gems and give them cash. Meet Ahlawat strolls to her and ask what’s his name, I called everybody from your birthday celebration. Meet says you don’t have any acquaintance with him. Meet Ahlawat believes is he a similar fellow and he may can do this for Meet and ask her is he useful for you since you said he know about taken gems and his nobility will be of same kind, is he great fro your kinship would i be able to meet him. Meet says you can’t meet him and for what reason are you asking such countless inquiries like father I said he is great no compelling reason to stress over him.

Masum and Hoshiyar go to Meet’s room. Hoshiyar ask him for what reason did she call him here. Masum says you realize Meet’s family is poor and due to Bhai’s mishap she couldn’t go for work so perhaps she really wanted cash and took mother’s jewel studs. Hoshiyar says no one would have thought this. Masum says she more likely than not secret those here and the two of them begin looking. Masum tracks down Manushi’s photograph in pantry

Isha thinks what Meet said to Babita about her companion and take out adornments from her sack says I can’t do this I’ll return them back however what I’ll say. I’ll says I thought that they are on floor. Meet strolls to her and see adornments in her grasp and says you thought right, presently things are in open so don’t attempt to conceal it, let me know those young men are requesting that you get things done. Isha embraces her. Meet says presently let me know what’s wrong.

Isha says they are extorting me, I went to a party not many days back and around there those young men blended something in my soda pop in light of which I blacked out and afterward they clicked my photographs in so that it seems as though I’m fouling up with that person, kindly attempt to comprehend bhabhi I did nothing out of sorts, you realize they have made life hopeless, they bet and take drugs for that they need cash and designated me, they call me whenever and compromise me to viral those pics, I don’t need anyone should be aware of this present that is the reason I considered selling these earings and will pay them anything that I’ll get.

Meet 14th December 2021 Written Story:

Meet says you more likely than not told this to your folks first. Isha expresses what should I tell them, that I went to party and this happen to me, they will boycott me going out and imagine a scenario where everybody would have question me for something that I have not done. Meet says however your Taji would have looked for your results. Isha says I’m grieved. Meet says don’t stress request that they come and meet at 5p.m cash is organized, tell me there name rest I’ll deal with.

Masum see’s photograph says Bhai actually love her, he needs to bearing Meet. Hoshiyar says however father in law brought her here. Masum says you are distraught Hoshiyar, father has brought a difficulty home however I’ll make my sibling liberated from her.

Kunal gauge adornments says gracious god what I fouled up to you that astute gave me counterfeit gems. Man strolls to Kunal says scene was enormous, she was saying a ton yet I actually handle the circumstance so when are you taking me Mumbai. Kunal yells at him says I’m in a tough situation and you are considering going Mumbai, my significant other has all the adornments and not giving me, I don’t have cash to employ a few hooligans and phony my grabbing that is the reason I tricked you to do acting presently go from here.

Babita give visitor adornments and they leave. Babita says to Raj it was great I didn’t got some information about the adornments. Raj says I let you know not alarm come eat chickpeas and disregard that. Babita says yet tell me from where did you get my income. Meet says I thought that it is in house, takes a gander at Isha says assuming it I would be late a little so we may not find them of all time. Raj alright now I’ll proceed to prepare for my office and leaves. Meet says I’ll likewise leave for my conveyance work. Babita says pay attention to me today evening you need to do a custom at 6p.m so don’t be late come early. Meet says alright I’ll be there.

Meet Ahlawat figures she can delay going however no, I know when she gets fretful and says to Babita no compelling reason to do it we can do later she want to go to her home. Babita says I have no issue of going her to her home yet this custom is significant for couples gifts. Meet Ahlawat thinks there is no incentive for a connection which is been pushed over. Babita clarify her custom and says come at time in evening. Meet thinks today I need to demonstrate my connection to sister in law. Meet Ahlawat says let it go don’t constrain her. Meet says don’t stress I’ll be here on schedule. Ragini says I’ll make every one of the plans.

Raj on telephone. Masum strolls to her says did you call me. Raj says OK and I realize you love your sibling to an extreme and its undeniably challenging for everybody to acknowledge Daughter in law in those conditions occur at marriage, I was noticing onr thing from numerous days that you are consistently behind her, I need to clear one point she isn’t here to intrigue, as you are the most seasoned little girl of Ahlawat’s family same way she is the most youthful girl in law is this family, they you treat rest of individuals in family with adoration same way you need to treat her too now to reside in this house so no compelling reason to meddle a great deal which my influence this house joy,

assuming I heard that you have an issue against girl in law then, at that point, I’ll be defenseless to send you elsewhere where you don’t have any issue on account of her, I’m telling you obviously you need to take off from this house and go and I’ll not think briefly, do I really want to comprehend you this in some other language since you comprehend hindi calm well and leaves.

Meet with Isha at meeting area. Meet gets call from Meet Ahlawat says you go I’ll come. Isha says I’m terrified. Meet says I’ll be there in 30 seconds presently go. Get picks together telephone says I’m at conveyance on the off chance that its not pressing, cai I call you later. Kid drinking. Isha strolls to them in room. Young men make her sit. Isha says I’m great. Meet says she won’t sit yet you my permit can I. Kid says to Isha we requested that you come alone who is she.

Meet says some of the time kids do wreck so individuals like us to approach to clear that wreck, so whatever photographs all of you have of Isha anyplace erase now. Young men snicker and give them photographs and pendrive says get it. Isha reach towards photograph however kid hold her hand. Meet yells at them to leave her hand. Kid says you need to pay in real money or probably you realize how I’ll manage photograph. Kid says she will not hear this way and attempt to encompass them. Meet appeal to god to shield them from kid’s.

Precap :Meet says to Isha to erase photographs from PC, till that time I’ll call police. A kid gets a blade to wound her yet Meet Ahlawat gets in the middle

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