Meet 14th December 2021 Written Story:

Meet strolls to her room and get into bed and check assuming Meet Ahlawat is resting or not and says I prefer not to let him know lei yet uf I’ll let him know then he will likewise awaken entire evening, I’ll go to mother house and will study there alon with that I can deal with Mom and Dadi. Manushi’s photograph lying on floor.

Next morning Meet Ahlawat preparing for office. Meet strolls to him see his face thinks goodness god is as yet disturbed, your morning shouldn’t begin from being vexed or, more than likely your entire fay ruins I want to effectively perk him up and says to Meet Ahlawat listen did you say any film the previous evening being so focusing on me.

Meet Ahlawat expresses what’s your concern assuming I talk then you have issues and in the event that I don’t then you have issues, do you need yo examine reflect or should I. Meet says stand by I’ll see and says to him that I was figuring I ought to proceed to live with mother for not many days. Meet Ahlawat believes that kid should be of Shahbadh and says go assuming you need who am I to prevent you from meeting your friends and family. Meet says for what reason are you so inconsiderate, you still irate. He says I’m not furious and you are grown-up you can take your choice,

for what reason are you requesting consent. Meet says I’m not requesting consent I’m concerned in the event that I go then you will actually want to deal with everything by your own. Meet Ahlawat says when you were not there I was overseeing myself you can go . Meet says OK then, at that point, I’ll leave and begin gathering her pack. Meet Ahlawat says how glad she is, I use to be that cheerful when I was with Manushi, my romantic tale didn’t endured well however I’ll attempt that her romantic tale keeps going more and leaves. Meet get down to pick pen and see Manushi’s photograph on floor, she hear him returning so slide that photograph under bed.

Meet Ahlawat says to her I left my telephone, she leaves and he begin searching for Manushi’s photograph think that it is under bed and keep it in his book inside cabinet. Meet looks everything from outside thinks I realize you cherished Manushi so much yet she hurt you terrible, it will set aside effort to fix yet it’s great he doesn’t take out her subject infront of me that is the reason he is stowing away, take how long you want to emerge from injury I simply need you to be content.

Meet 13th December 2021 Written Episode Story:

Manushi blindfolded available for potential emergencies says I’m at area with adornments and everything kindly do nothing to Kunal. Kunal begin acting kindly save me. Man take telephone says a Baba will come there, give him adornments sack do as we says and we will leave Kunal and listen cautiously don’t attempt to be over brilliant or, more than likely you will be dead too with him you are on my firearm point.

Meet Ahlawat on telephone with Deep says I did a slip-up and feel remorseful, I guarantee that Manushi part will be shut yet I took out her image and see it and what you said to me was valid I think she like another person. Profound says I was joking. Meet Ahlawat expresses what you said come out to br genuine she feel cheerful at whatever point she converse with him on telephone, that is the reason I concluded whoever she enjoys I’ll uphold Meet. Somebody tosses a chit he says to Deep I’ll converse with you later and Meet Ahlawat get it.

Isha sees that and gets terrified. Meet Ahlawat says who tossed stone, goes to window says who is tossing stone like Majnu style and see a kid remaining outside. Isha gets call from obscure number. Meet Ahlawat read the message on paper when are you coming to get and pick together telephone. Isha says I trust Bhai dosent discover aboit this.

Baba strolls to Manushi and says give the gems. Kunal watching from behind. Manushi says to Baba initially bring my significant other. Baba says first Jewelry then, at that point, consider spouse. Manushi give him adornments and Baba give Kunal signal for gems and says to Manushi you can go now to your home you will track down your significant other there and give him corn says take your prashad. Manushi holds it says its corn. Baba says begin eating this and stay here till the time you finish it. Manushi says affirm and ask should I eliminate the blindfold and begin calling Baba, eliminate her blindfold and eat corn.

Meet Ahlawat strolls to his room figures who this message could be for and see Meet chatting on telephone. Meet says my telephone was saved aside and I was preparing for work and disengages call. He believes is that equivalent person who converse with Meet entire evening and is this directive for Meet. Meet ask who are you conversing with. Meet Ahlawat doesn’t say anything and ask didn’t you left for work. Meet says I left Dadi’s report so come to take that.

Meet Ahlawat thinks she is covering her darling in name of Dadi, says do you like shaded hairs of kid, on young lady it looks great since they have length yet young men don’t have a lot of length it looks bizarre. Meet says design dosent know whether its kid or young lady. Meet Ahlawat recall that kid and converses with himself he was looking unusual and says to Meet torned pants I never get rationale.

Meet says you will not comprehend the individuals who pursue directions will realize it well yet your style is fixed that is the reason you can’t get that. He says it’s tasteful rich and modern. Meet says so when did I said anything wrong are you contending with somebody. Meet Ahlawat says I’m not rivaling anybody I’m glad and alright with style, you should like torned pants, shaded hair and spike hair. She says for me it’s significant how an individual act it doesn’t make any difference to me assuming that he wear torned garments or is in suite.

Meet Ahlawat thinks truly is he that great from heart what does she like in him and says people in love don’t care about the details. Meet says don’t you want to go office I’m leaving come quick down how about we eat together. Meet Ahlawat believes am I really antiquated that is the reason she ridicule me and attempt to change his style and says to himself what are you doing if Meet dosent take a gander at you it don’t in the end that kid looks beggar, concentrate you need to help Meet.

Raj, Ragini and two female visitor sitting in corridor. Visitor says we to them we believes Babita’s classical mother adornments will be extraordinary for exibition that is the reason we moved toward her. Raj says Babita will be here in a moment. Ragini says I’ll proceed to search for her. Raj says to them that adornments is classical so she keep it with more precautionary measures, he takes out a pouche from his jeans and begin eating chickpeas and deal them. Visitors take them and says we heard a great deal about you yet today we saw you always remember your foundations. Meet and Meet Ahlawat gets down and welcomes them. Ragini strolls to Raj and calls him. Raj says to visitors I’ll be back shortly and request that Meet Ahlawat deal with them.

Isha and Babita in Babita’s room. Babita froze says I can’t observe my genealogical gems, strolls to Raj says I take out ear rings and kept it here where did it went in night. Meet and Meet Ahlawat strolls in. Babita says I can’t track down it and outside ladies are sitting who need to exibit my tribal adornments in Chandigarh, what should I say to them my gems is lost what they will think about me, what will befall our standing. Raj says don’t panick in the event that adornments was in house then we will get it. Ragini says don’t stress you will get it and calls Isha and says bring water for Taeji.

Babita says I would rather not drink water. Isha looks stressed to Meet. Isha says I really want to leave I have a significant talk in composition. Ragini stops her hold her pack. Isha says this is my school pack. Ragini says I realize it’s your school pack, Babita lost her adornments so you won’t go anyplace.

Babita says to Raj I’m certain that new worker did this. Raj says he is a hero. Meet thinks I suspect as much Isha is been caught as a result of those young men, presently it’s important to discover. Meet says to Babita don’t ask him straightforwardly there may be chances he didn’t do and says to Raj I have a thought my companion has an association who knows where every one of the taken gem dealers are sold. Isha gets more stressed, Meet thinks may this arrangement work and Isha tell all that whatever she is stowing away.

Precap :Isha take out gems from her terrible says I’ll return this adornments to Taeji and will say I discover lying on floor. Meet strolls to her and ask let me know the matter.

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