Meet 13th December 2021 Written Episode Story:

Manushi in her room says where did Kunal kept letter from father in law and he didn’t tell me till when test will go on I should find and sort it out, she checks pack and says I’ll do give test till the given date not brief then that and I’ll request that Kunal let me converse with in law’s and I’ll persuade them after all I’m master in that,

she gets call from obscure number. Kunal yells Manu help me, other man says to see your better half alive then come to behind Gurudwara with 25lakhs. Manushi says wrong number and hungs up. Kunal says get back to once more. Manushi gets and says ee im poor do one thing call his dad he is rich he will pay you. Kunal thinks she is sharp and goes about as though amn are harming him to unnerve Manushi. Manushi says you realize I don’t have cash I’m poor kindly attempt to comprehend.

Kunal says attempt to comprehend my better half don’t uave cash yet she got adornments. Man take telephone says listen don’t attempt to be brilliant accompanied your gems and hear it ought not be less then 25 lakhs or probably we will guillotine him, Kunal yells on telephone and separate. Kunal says to Man great job you gave pleasant tryout, everybody commends close by. Man says to Kinal will I land position in program. Kunal says you will get work in film yet subsequent to doing two additional scene are you prepared. Man says OK. Kunal says great.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in bed. Get wakes together and check is he resting says on the off chance that he will rest like this then, at that point, how might he get appropriate rest and have office tomorrow, she gets up and leave. Get Ahlawat turn wakes together thinks she didnt trust that late night will go to kitchen. Meet sitting alongside him in seat see her gets frightened.

Meet says you were searching for me. He says for what reason will I observe you, I was feeling cold so planned to take additional cover, he gets up. Meet follow him and duplicate him. Meet Ahlawat says you are duplicating me. Meet beginning say everything what he says. Meet Ahlawat says you were following me. Meet says no I planned to take cover, strolls to pantry and take out. Meet Ahlawat grabs cover and says you need me to rest early why. Meet says assuming you will get to rest early that you can awaken new and will be charged for your day.

Meet Ahlawat ask what you will do assuming I get to bed early. Meet figures how might I let him know that I want to study and I can’t let him know this or, more than likely he won’t allow me to do anything, she begin hopping says I’ll sing and play music, I’ll likewise hit the hay assuming you will rest what questions you ask, listen do your temperament right then, at that point, rest. Meet Ahlawat says don’t be stressed over me I’ll rest and pester her. Meet says you are consistently irate like a little child. He says should I rest and gets inside bed.

Meet 11th December 2021 Written Story:

Meet petition God says for what reason did you give kid in my karma and says there is one in particular for what reason to satisfy him, she stimulate his legs. Get Ahlawat wakes together chuckling and says fine leave me. Meet says listen I realize you love you sister so much and you need useful for her so I guarantee I will do nothing like this. Meet Ahlawat thinks I’ll converse with you in 12 PM when you will go kitchen, that time you need to offer my all responses, says alright goodnight.

Manushi take out adornments from her secret spot says till the yime I don’t go to my parents in law house till then this gems is acquiring and I battled with my mon for this yet Kunal is rich and attractive and checks out CCTV camera and conceal it again sees camera says hey father in law I’m Manushi as you are seeing I’m thoroughly taking care of test, your child Kunal is seized and Goons requested for 25 lakhs you will effectively help him,

are you posting and hop over to tap camera yet camera was not associated so it’s wire come in Manushi hand and she pull it down, she gets stunned and says it’s not associated it mean all camera are not associated and they are faker means no association with father in law. A bundle hit Manushi she strolls to entryway to see who toss it yet didn’t observe anybody and open bundle see a shirt with blood and recollect what Goons said to her with regards to Kunal live says it’s Kunal shirt.

Meet Ahlawat turn while resting and see Meet not in bed says I’ll ask her for what valid reason she disappear in night and strolls first floor calls Meet says she isn’t here may be outside and hear a voice from Kitchen strolls toward the entryway says for what reason is it shut. He hear a male voice says I recollect a joke on the present circumstance.

Meet Ahlawat thinks who is this kid conversing with Meet late evening and recollect Deep saying to him she may be seeing another person and says she is your better half you can’t keep an eye on her she is your significant other, assuming you have something as a primary concern thel converse with her straightforwardly and recall Meet saying to Isha regarding how you go on off-base track and conceal things, he attempt to open door says attempt to comprehend in case she isn’t telling anything then there should be some explanation and I ought to get that.

Meet inside kitchen concentrating on says Raju bhaiya show well in his recordings everything goes as a primary concern in just one sitting.

Manushi outside fundamental entryway get’s call. Kunal begin following up on telephone, yells in torment says if it’s not too much trouble, leave don’t beat me. Hooligan take telephone says I now you are shrewd young lady however don’t attempt to connect police or, more than likely you will be dead alongside Kunal. Manushi says bhaiya kindly do nothing to him I’ll do precisely what you say do nothing to Kunal. Kunal yells is agony and separates says now she is in trap, young ladies might be shrewd yet blood and cockroaches are there shortcoming, she may be terrified after seen blood shirt. Manushi says to save Kunal I need to give adornments.

Meet Ahlawat returns to his room strained recall Deep letting him know that you are not taking great consideration of Bhabhiji, recollect what Meet said to Isha before about concealing things. He says is Deep correct is Meet seeing another person yet I need to allow second opportunity to this connection yet in the event that she, he strolls to cabinet and take out a book named my story and see Manushi’s photograph inside that book, says I wish you wouldn’t have dumped me and cherished me so that Meet could be with somebody she love and not need to remain with me , I disdain you Manushi. Meet inside kitchen considering.

Meet Ahlawat rests in bed and takes a gander at Manushi’s photograph, kep her photograph on side table and checks out her in sadness.

Precap :Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I was thinking to remain with mon for few days. Mewt Ahlawat believes that kid mustbe of Shahbadh.Meet Ahlawat gets a letter in corridor saying for what reason aren’t you getting telephone come quick when are you coming to meet. Meet chatting on telephone with somebody says my telephone was not close to me, I was preparing for work. Meet Ahlawat believes is this similar person who converses with Meet entire night is this directive for Meet

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