Manushi extremely blissful in her room, says today Meet Ahlawat misled his significant other and took me at his companions and presented me as his better half, implies its exceptionally certain that everything I could ever want will materialize and before long Meet Hooda will be out and me in,
Dadi watching out for Manushi, illuminates Meet Ahlawat that Manushi has acknowledged that you like her and plan is working, be careful and ensure you show her illustration. Meet Ahlawat says one sister has believe that I won’t cheat and one trusts I will cheat, tomorrow I need to accomplish something important.
Get wakes together and sees Meet Ahlawat sleeping and ponders how they met, and says I have succumbed to you and Mummy is correct you are near me and I like all that you do, and how you deal with me, I like it, I never figured this can occur, Meet can fall head over heels for Meet Ahlawat.
Meet gets call from Kunal, Meet changes her voice and replies, Kunal says you gave news about a kid, Meet says so you are Kunal, Kunal says OK 100 percent .Meet Ahlawat asks whoes call. Meet says my administrator needs old conveyances subtleties.
Meet’s call gets detached she gets back to him once more, Kunal asks who gave me such a lot of cash, Meet says you stress over cash and come take it, Kunal says I will come tomorrow, Meet says why tomorrow come today, Kunal says really I am out of station, I will come tomorrow, Meet says OK call me and illuminate when will you come and get great solid sack bye.Meet implores let Kunal come and uncover Manushi’s actual face and me and Meet Ahlawat can get back.
Ragini says to Ram, Raj generally gives extraordinary gift to Babita, Ram says OK its exceptionally unique yet nobody tells her, Ram says he is giving her 15 Cr banglow, Manushi hears this and in shock. Smash says when Raj lets us know go about as though we don’t have the foggiest idea.
Masum asks Hoshiyar what will she get, Hoshiyar says I gave you duggu, Masum says I want to believe that he doesnt turn like you.
Meet considers giving Meet Ahlawat gift, Raj and Babita stroll to everybody, Raj says I have news for all of you, I have purchased a bunglow, Isha says your new occasion home, Babita says we will all partake in together, Meet Ahlawat says gives up together today, Raj says OK. Sunaina says come Tej. Manushi thinks I need to stop Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat says I have significant work I will join later, Meet says I will remain, Meet Ahlawat says you go I will join later. Meet figures I will give him gift before I go.
Meet 10th February 2022 Written Update:
Meet apprehensive with regards to giving Meet gift, Meet Ahlawat strolls to him and expresses out loud whatever are you doing here go all are pausing, Meet stammers and says I really want some help you really want to deal with my pendant, Meet Ahlawat says its your father’s. Meet says you deal with it, I trust you. Meet Ahlawat says I will keep inside.
For says wear it, Meet Ahlawat says you are exceptionally joined to it, Meet says you as well, I mean wear it kindly, Meet Ahlawat says you set it on me, Meet gives him accessory and he smiles.Meet Ahlawat sees Meet apprehensive and asks what’s going on with you, Meet says nothing I should leave and leaves. Meet says I neglected to let him know its his Valentine’s day gift.
Manushi sees house being brightened and inquires as to for what reason is tjis enrichment, staff says Meet Ahlawat asked as well, Manushi thinks who is this for, Meet Ahlawat pulls her nearby and says today is Valentine’s day and treat for you, with the goal that we can talk about our thoughts, and yesterday was extraordinary and I realize you are my satisfaction and for this reason I sent everybody out, prepare a festival is pausing.
Meet Ahlawat calls Isha and requests that she send Meet home and not tell he called her. Isha says Meet bhabhi, I had arranged treat for Mom and Dad however failed to remember it home, if you don’t mind, kindly get it, Meet says OK stand by and says I want to return home, Meet Ahlawat needs assistance in some work, Ram says let me drop you then, at that point, Meet says you go on, I will return home and accompany Meet Ahlawat, Ram says OK. Meet leaves.
Meet Ahlawat dressed sitting tight for Meet, Meet Ahlawat calls Isha and asks where is Meet, Isha tells he left. Manushi strolls to Meet Ahlawat, and says I can’t see you I feel so exceptional this is for me, Meet Ahlawat thinks this is for my Meet. Meet Ahlawat says I have no words to let you know how beautiful you look. Manushi expresses out loud whatever next.
Precap :Meet asks why are you here Manushi, Manushi says Meet Ahlawat actually cherishes me and this is for me. Meet Ahlawat says OK I love Manushi.