Meet 10th November 2021 Written Update:

Meet 10th November 2021 Meet Ahlawat cough due to hawan. Meet rushes to bring water. Kunal hid under table and drops his phone he reach for his phone but Meet steps on his hand and take water to Meet Ahlawat. Kunal look for chance and try to escape but fall down.

Meet Ahlawat gets up. Amma says no stop pooja is not completed Anubha will see. Anubha says yes sit-down I’ll see go yo Kunal and take him out. Pandit says pooja completed. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet if you want you can pray to god because I already pray to god for winning match. Meet says okay I’ll be back then we will see who will win. Meet Ahlawat says okay we will see.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in field. Meet Ahlawat shouts ehere are Meet are you hiding from me. Meet says turn around. Both walk to eachother and give look. Meet Ahlawat says you brought whole colony to see match its good now everyone will know get ready to be loser. Meet says I think so you are ready to loose. Meet Ahlawat says yes I’m ready but to win not lose, you still have time to go back home or else you will cry.

Meet says you will cry not me and mocks him and says now see how I’ll make you cry. Meet Ahlawat says we will se in match and you will be loser. They both start arguing. Everyone cheer for Meet. Meet Ahlawat doing bating. Meet takes run up but Meet Ahlawat show hnad and ask her to stop. Meet says what happen. Meet Ahlawat walks to her and fix his saree for match. Kunal near tea stall says where to go I don’t understand one side its goon and other side bith the Meet don’t know where to go. Meet Ahlawat hit ball. Neighbour praise Meet Ahlawat.

Meet bowling. Meet Ahlawat take tun but Meet come in between. Meet Ahlawat says what are you doing someone will get injured. Meet says don’t cry like baby you are not that injured that asking for ambulance, you are doing this on purpose to draw match. Meet Ahlawat says we will see and they both argue. Everyone cheer for them. Meet do ball and everyone shouts out. Meet Ahlawat says why out ball didn’t touched my bat nor wicket how can you say out. Meet says its out and says this is galli cricket.

Meet 9th November 2021 Written Update:

Meet Ahlawat ask for third empire. Meet calls Tae and ask is it out. Tae says wait I’ll tell and says not out. Meet Ahlawat teas her. Meet Ahlawat hit ball and it go and hit Kunal. Kunal says I’ll not leave this kid and turn to scold and sees Meet says to himself its Meet time to run and take clothe of tea seller. Meet walk to her says its my ball and ask why are you hiding your face and have tea in hand how you will drink. Kunal start walking a man stumble into him and remove his clothes.
Kunal in shock. Meet says stop but Kunal run away and says I’ll catch you one day.

Manushi says because of Raj Meet Ahlawat get married to Meet that’s why I was thinking how Meet Ahlawat a handsome rick guy got married to Meet, nobody would give his son to oyr Meet. Amma says because if you she got lucky and you wanted this already. Manushi says do you think there marriage will run without love, I mean Meet already love Meet Ahlawat but does he love Meet.

Amma says everything looks normal to me or else many people just go to drop. Manushi says this could be disguise. Amma says what. Manushi says means if things are not going right then they try to show other that everything is fine I doubt them and says I have sold plan to figure out. Amma says is there any idea from which we can find out. Manushi says yes and stells het idea. Aama says are you mad I cannot do things in this age.

Manushi says listen to me I’m just saying if there is any disaster yo come then can you find out before that or not if Meet and Meet Ahlawat had fight or about to fight then you can stop that fire early understood or tomorrow this Meet will come and sit in front of you and will regret my decision and says you need to do small work you have to say to nearby Shakuntala aunty she will do the arrangement. Amma says this is good I’ll do as you said, I’ll be back. Manushi says lets find out what is going on because I cannot believe how Meet Ahlawat can have good relation in a click.

Meet ball and take Meet Ahlawat’s wicket. Meet take bat and Meet Ahlawat go to bowl. Ram Lakhan says show Jeju who is player. Meet Ahlawat says who are you calling Jeju. Lakhan says what happen getting angry. Meet Ahlawat says they are very naughty and know many thinks about there family so they must be having some info aabout Manushi and says no you sill call me what I’m and ask them to field.

Meet thinks he was same guy with whoem Manushi use to go out I need to look for him and remember everything encounter with Kunal. Meet Ahlawat bowl and it hit Meet on his head. Meet Ahlawat run towards her and take her in her hands and ask are you alright. Meet says yes I’m good niw put me down everyone is seeing. Meet Ahlawat says what put me down you only said to act like husband wife so now a husband took his wife in his hand so what’s the problem let them see. Meet Ahlawat take her in his hands to house.

Manushi see Meet Ahlawat and hide herself says they both are back. Meet Ahlawat ask Anubha to bring water and ask her did you got hurt. Manushi stand up but mistakenly throw popcorn on them and hide again. Meet says where did they come from. Anubha says its monkey we need to do something.

Amma says give them water. Anubha ask what happen. Meet Ahlawat says she got hurt because of my ball and says to Meet you stay here I’ll get energy drink for you from my bag don’t move.

Manushi see him going up and she run to hide. Amma try to stop and calls Anubha says Manushi is outside and he has gine upstairs go fast. Meet Ahlawat going towards his bag. Manushi try to hide behind table. Anubha says to Meet I’ll get spray for you wait and go upstairs. Amma says to Meet what are you looking upstairs look here. Manushi ruj inside store room. Meet Ahlawat passing by store room and hear something so he get to the door. Manushi inside

Meet says to Anubha I was about to reach Manushi I saw that same guy with whoem she use to roam around. Meet Ahlawat try to see something in phone. Meet takes the phone and says you came here for Manushi. Meet Ahlawat says yes that’s why I brought you here for ritual.

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