Kundali Bhagya Written Update 24th August 2022:

Kundali Bhagya Written Update 24th August 2022 on serialtalk.com

Episode starts with Security monitors gets Prithvi. They hauls him out of the workplace. Prithvi enlightens Arjun that he knows concerning the last option and Raja’s arrangement. Arjun orders his staffs to leave from that point. Then again, Girish gives Rishabh’s tiffin box to Preeta.

Preeta lets him know that she is going to Rishabh’s office. He gives Arjun’s cloth to her. She asks him that for what good reason he is giving it to her. He tells her that driver knows Arjun’s office which is alongside Rishabh’s office. She imagines that she don’t need Arjun’s cloth is her home and leaves from that point.

Prithvi lets Arjun know that he knows that the last option had recruited Raja to kill Rishabh. Arjun inquires as to whether the last option needs cash. Prithvi lets him know that he needs data for the present. He asks him that for what valid reason the last option is against Rishabh. He says that Rishabh is his foe as well.

Arjun asks him that for what valid reason he ought to respond to him. He advises him to leave from that point. Prithvi lets him know that Karan needed to kill him however at end Karan kicked the bucket. He says that Karan grabbed Preeta from him. He revile about Preeta.

Arjun flies off the handle hearing him and he beat him up. He says that he would rather not hear Preeta’s name. Prithvi lets him know that he figured out the last option can’t stand Preeta. He says that they ought to become companions. He adds that they can demolish Luthras together. Arjun advises him to leave from that point.

Arjun’s staff tells Arjun that Rishabh is there. Prithvi conceals hearing him. Arjun takes Rishabh to meeting room. Prithvi comprehends that Arjun purposely took Rishabh to gathering room so he don’t hear their discussion. Rishabh lets Arjun know that the last option double-crossed him. Arjun gets stunned hearing him.

Rishabh asks him that for what valid reason the last option grabbed air terminal task from him which he was working from years. Arjun lets him know that Anjali would have made it happen. He says that he will advise Anjali to drop the arrangement. He imagines that he thought Rishabh got to be familiar with him. He calls Anjali. He sees Prithvi. He trusts that Prithvi don’t inform Rishabh concerning the arrangement he made with Raja.

Prithvi leaves from that point before Rishabh sees him. Rishabh lets Arjun know that they can deal with this undertaking together. Arjun lets him know that he couldn’t imagine anything better than to turn into his colleague. He shakes hand with him. That’s what he imagines on the off chance that he turned into Rishabh’s colleague, it would be simple for him to seek his retribution on Rishabh.

Rishabh lets him know that he trust him. Arjun imagines that he will grab Rishabh’s bliss. He lets him know that they are in this position in view of Preeta. Rishabh lets him know that Preeta is his four leaf clover. Arjun embraces him.

Afterward, Arjun goes to his lodge. Prithvi requests that he distrust Rishabh. Arjun advises him to leave from that point. Prithvi says that Rishabh offered business organization and that is something major. He commends Arjun for making Rishabh fool. He says that he attempted a ton to grab Luthras properties yet he fizzled. He adds that he believes Luthras should become poor people. He lets him know that Preeta will bring in part of cash as poor person. Arjun slaps him. He cautions him to not take Preeta’s name.

Also read: Kundali Bhagya Written Update 23rd August 2022

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