Kundali Bhagya 23rd February 2022 Written Update:

Kundali Bhagya 23rd February 2022 Written Update:Episode starts with Kritika requests that Arora’s meet Preeta later on the grounds that she wants rest now. Kareena tauntingly says that Preeta truly does nothing expect taking rest except for now she did dramatization as well. Beeji requests that she talk less for the wellbeing of her own. Dadi tells her that the last option can’t affront Kareena like this. Beeji tells her that she will not endure Preeta’s affront. She lets Mona know that she won’t leave her on the off chance that it got demonstrated that the last option is answerable for Preeta’s condition. Everybody goes to Preeta’s room.

Specialist looks at Preeta. Preeta tells her that she felt mixed up in the wake of eating the serving of mixed greens. Prithvi tells Doctor that Preeta feels that Mona blended something in her plate of mixed greens. Beeji tells Doctor that Preeta won’t ever lie. Preeta says that she realizes that Mona blended toxin in the serving of mixed greens. Beeji inquires as to whether the last option is certain. Preeta says that she chastened Mona before lunch so to get back at her Mona did this. Srishti concurs with her. Specialist takes Preeta’s blood and requests that Nurse send it to the lab and get the report quickly.

She illuminates others that she presumes that Preeta consumed poison which shocks everybody. Prithvi inquires as to whether she is certain. She lets him know that report will clarify everything so they needs to hang tight for the report. She requests that they leave the room so Preeta can take rest. Everybody leaves the room aside from Karan. Preeta imagines that everything happening as indicated by her arrangement. What’s more Prithvi is certain that he can safeguard Mona however he will lose today.

Then again, Mona lets Prithvi know that she didn’t blend poison in the plate of mixed greens. He tells her that he knows that. She lets him know that she thoroughly took care of him so he needs to help her. He tells her that she thoroughly took care of herself and she worked for cash. He says that Preeta lying so report will turn out in support of themselves as it were.

Preeta inquires as to whether he believe that there was poison in the serving of mixed greens. He tells her that she said that she will toss them out of the house on the off chance that they neglected to keep her guidelines, so it doesn’t make any difference that he trust her or not. She lets him know that it is important however nobody trust her and nobody believed her 2 years back as well. He tells her that he thought she returned for their adoration however she came to run them. Girish illuminates them that report came.

Kundali Bhagya 22 February 2022 Written Update:

Everybody assembles in the lobby. Prithvi imagines that today Preeta’s down is finished. Mona says that she will make a legitimate move against Preeta for charging her. Specialist peruses the report. She says that she never figured Mona will turn out this way. She uncovers that somebody blended toxic substance in Preeta’s nourishment without a doubt. Karan becomes irate and he is going to assault Mona. Yet, Preeta stops him and she requests to look through Mona’s pack. Specialist says that she needs to give hostile to harm infusion to Preeta. Prithvi imagines that assuming Mona truly blended toxin in Preeta’s food.

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