Kundali Bhagya 16th December 2021 Written Story:

Preeta enters the facility that is truly dull, she begins strolling thinking about what may have occurred, she goes to the gathering however is paralyzed when somebody unexpectedly digs out from a deficit, he saying ‘sorry’ inquires as to whether she is Dr Preeta, she concurs when he answers he doesnot realize how the light went out he demands her to pause while he looks at the genuine explanation,

she begins glancing around so enters the center, there is somebody taking cover behind the table Preeta strolling over lifts the shades to end the obscurity, the individual indeed stows away. Ward young men come running inquiring as to whether they all saw where he went, Preeta goes out when they caution her to close every one of the entryways since a psychological patient fled from the van and can hurt anybody, Preeta cries in the wake of seeing the individual which alarms the ward young men,

Preeta attempts to open the entryway yet is pulled back by the individual, she is stunned to see Mahesh who is continually mentioning Preeta to secure his family, he answers how he doesnot know where Rishab went and Prithvi assumed responsibility for everything.

Preeta is dazed to see him in such a helpless condition, he demands her to ensure his Karan, individuals come shouting he is here yet they all powerfully remove Mahesh when he is continually mentioning that he doesnot need to go with them, yet rather wants to return home, Preeta can’t do anything when they figure out how to remove Mahesh, he is as yet mentioning her to save him and his family,

Preeta pursues him, she requests that they stop when Mahesh is shouting he isn’t mental, Preeta demands them to leave him however they attempt to stop her, he asks what is she doing, she questions for what reason is he taking him when the ward kid says she doesnot what the individual is proficient off in light of the fact that he is a truly hazardous individual and can assault anybody, Preeta attempts to clarify they are mixed up in light of the fact that he is certifiably not a psychological individual,

Mahesh is driven into the van, the ward kid shouts he doesnot know her yet he realizes that his own family left him here and they take him to the refuge each Thursday, Mahesh is mentioning that he doesnot need to go with them.
Preeta reviews how she was sitting when he came to her shouting he knows the justification for why she is crying since today is the birthday of her dad, Preeta questions how can he know, when he answers that when she was saying to Rishab and Karan that they are extremely fortunate, he perceived how her voice was shaking thus figured it, he specifies he would have battled with Bhagwan assuming he could, inquiring as to for what reason did he not give him a girl like her as he generally wanted yet later Rishab,

Karan was conceived, Preeta begins grinning, he shouts she is looking truly decent happily so ought to consistently stay cheerful, in light of the fact that he believes her to be his own little girl and if from today she ought to consistently consider him, he will forever be there for her when she wants him yet this is a deal exchange as when he wants her then she would likewise need to come, Preeta acknowledged the arrangement, when she guaranteed Mahesh that she will forever remain next to him when he wants her.

Mahesh specifies he now and then considers something, that assuming she loves he can get her hitched to both of his children as this way she would be with him, Mahesh is mentioning Preeta to not allow him to leave as he isn’t frantic, she attempts to stop the van yet they leave without paying attention to her, she stops an auto requesting that he follow the blue van yet he rejects anyway she shouts she will give him any sum which he asks, Preeta requests that the auto driver drive quick yet he shouts that the van drives quick then different vehicles yet he knows where it is going and he will take her there, Preeta expresses gratitude toward him when they stop at the psychological refuge, Preeta says she will repay him subsequent to coming, she strolls into the haven.

Kundali Bhagya 15th December 2021 Written Story:

Preeta even gets frightened with a portion of the patients, Mahesh is taken into the phone when Preeta coming to outside questions for what reason are they doing this, she demands the specialist to stop it anyway he gives Mahesh the shock treatment, Preeta indeed considers him when he requests that the assistant remove her, Preeta is pulled away when she is continually inquiring as to for what reason are they doing this to Mahesh,

Preeta is halted from going to that side, he requests that she talk with the specialist, when she shouts he is the girl of Mahesh, he asks her to come when she inquiries for what valid reason was he giving him the shocks in any event, when she mentioned him to stop, he shouts assuming she is his girl then, at that point, would know why he was being given the shocks, Preeta answers she has not lived with him for certain years, the specialist clarifies that Mahesh Luthra has turned into a psychological patient and is truly hazardous, Preeta answers how could this be the case since he was talking regularly with her today, the specialist answers he may have gotten typical for quite a while yet later that he returns to his equivalent mental state, they are tyring to give him the best treatment yet the odds of coming out on top are exceptionally low, but one never knows when it may work. The specialist uncovers the news that his state of mind may be deteriorating as time passes, Preeta shouts assuming she can basically converse with him once notwithstanding how the specialist says that he may be returned to his home.

Preeta leaves when Shristhi calls her asking where she is on the grounds that she called her however got to realize Preeta was not in the facility, but rather this happened quite a while in the past, Preeta requests that she not be concerned in light of the fact that she will return till six, Shristhi discloses she needs to invest some energy with her as she was away for a great deal of years.

Shristhi stands yet is terrified later she goes to see Dadi, who uncovers she needs to apply the oil in her hair, Shristhi says she doesnot need to get it, but Dadi answers she should initially tune in, as she implied she wanted the oil so Shristhi ought to apply it, Shristhi shouts that she isn’t similar to some other grandma as they typically will more often than not matter the oil in their grandkids’ hairs however Dadi powers Shristhi to apply it in her hair.

Preeta is sitting in her lodge when the medical caretaker comes illuminating the patients have shown up, Preeta requests that she send them in, she is reluctant, however Preeta answers she went for some work yet has now returned, she begins really taking a look at every one of the patients individually, attempting to help them all that can be expected, she even documents the report needed for them all. She plunks down by and by pondering how Mahesh was mentioning her to ensure his family as everything got demolished. Preeta calls the attendant mentioning her to come in,

the medical attendant shows up when she inquires as to whether she can call Dr Aanad who comes in the night shift an hour ahead of schedule, Preeta says she can’t be here any more extended so the following specialist ought to be called. The medical attendant is truly stunned when Preeta leaves the facility, Shristhi calls her shouting she was thinking in the event that she should arrange a few snacks for them both since she may be ravenous, Shristhi shouts it is half beyond four, and she may drop by six however Preeta requests that she request anything she desires for herself as she would get late,

since she wants to go for a home visit, Shristhi shouts that she most definitely said there isn’t any home visit and assuming she even goes then will get late, Preeta answers there is a walk in the park and she is going for the home visit since they are her old patient she knows them and he resembles her dad, so there isn’t any issue, Shristhi ought to likewise tell Maa to not hang tight for her as she will get late. Preeta closes the call.

Preeta stops an auto, she requests that he take her to the Luthra Mansion. Dadi shouts they are truly sharp, she questions what kind of natural products has Sarla brought, she illuminates that these men are truly muddled as when they begin drinking then, at that point, don’t stop and later which make a great deal of wreck by battling, Janki shouts the ladies are additionally the same as the mother of Papu drank five to six jugs, day before yesterday and furthermore made a ton of destruction later which he knew how issue drinking causes so he likewise quit drinking, Sarla shouts tat now and again one needs to take some unacceptable way for a right arrangement.

Shristhi comes out, Sarla questions what has happened when Shristhi answers Preeta said that she may get late, Sarla questions what the issue is, Shrishti answers she felt a similar tone in her voice which used to be the point at which she was with the Luthra family, Sarla answers to a ton has changed since it has been two years and the Luthra’s would have failed to remember Preeta. Shristhi answers she has additionally forgot everything and continued on since Sameer was against her family and continued on, Dadi inquires as to whether she has truly continued on then has,

she chose to get hitched, Shristhi questions assuming she would need to sign a stamp paper, Janki says that both the girls have not continued on, yet concoct a rationalization when in actuality their hearts actually thump for the Luthra’s, Shristhi requests that Janki not impel the matter, Sarla sends Shristhi to bring her little handbag. She asks Janki for what reason she continues to discuss a similar family as they have failed to remember him, Janki unobtrusively pays attention to the admonishing of Sarla.

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