Kumkum Bhagya 15th July 2022 Written Update:

Kumkum Bhagya 15th July 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

The episode begins with Pallavi advising Prachi to take off from the house on the off chance that anybody upholds her, they can likewise leave. Pallavi advises her to gather her packs and disappear. Prachi comes into her room and considers the thing everybody said about her. Prachi cries and takes her pack and chooses to disappear. Prachi converses with her unborn kid and asks him regardless of whether nobody believes her you generally trust me right.

Alia begins accusing Prachi. Rhea additionally upholds her. Ranbir advises her to stop. Alia doesn’t stop and Rhea requests that Ranbir open his eyes and check reality out. Prachi comes and Shahana requests that everybody request that Prachi stop. In any case, everybody won’t request that Prachi stop. Prachi says there is compelling reason need to ask everybody. I didn’t figure I will take off from the house along these lines.

Prachi gives her gift to Rhea. Rhea discards the gift. Rhea says you purchased this present for yourself, not so much for me. At the point when you were unable to become a mother you attempted to kill me since I gave him his kid that you proved unable. Alia likewise requests that Prachi take off from the house. Ranbir stops them. Pallavi requests that Ranbir stop. Pallavi inquires as to whether he accepts she is honest. Pallavi says on the off chance that he might then she at any point will cause Rhea to apologize to her. Ranbir keeps quiet. Prachi is going to go out and she unintentionally tumbles down. Ranbir conveys her in princess style.

Ranbir requests that somebody require a specialist. Rhea and Alia say that she isn’t oblivious she is acting to remain in this house. The specialist comes and actually takes a look at Prachi. She lets them know she is truly oblivious. She is oblivious on the grounds that she is pregnant and I don’t have the foggiest idea how you don’t be aware as she is 2 months pregnant. Rhea says she isn’t pregnant I am. The specialist says since you are pregnant doesn’t mean others can’t become pregnant.

The specialist and Ranbir bring Prachi into the emergency clinic on a cot. At the point when Prachi is going to head inside. Her Pallavi stalls out with Ranbir’s button. Ranbir says that Prachi is requesting that I accompany her. The specialist says that tells Ranbir he isn’t the one in particular that has become a dad. The specialist requests that he stay outside. Ranbir embraces his father and requests his absolution. Vikram excuses him. Ranbir apologizes to him. Vikram requests that he cause him to eat sweet. Ranbir calls Stanely. Stanley embraces him in satisfaction. Ranbir sends him to get desserts.

Ranbir lifts Dida. He hits the dance floor with everybody with euphoria. Vikram goes along with him. Prachi acquires cognizance. Specialist inquires as to whether she us fine. Prachi asks how she came here. Specialist says you’re fine and we bring here you for certain tests and take a brief trip and see the joy of your loved ones. Prachi goes out and thinks they discover that she is pregnant. She goes to her room. Ranbir is going to take care of mithai to Pallavi.

Pallavi discards the mithai. Ranbir asks what’s happening with she. Pallavi asks what’s going on with she. Vikram asks you couldn’t be blissful on the grounds that Ranbir will become a dad. Pallavi says I am not eating the Sweets on the grounds that Prachi is pregnant.

Ranbir eats the Sweets that Pallavi had tossed. Vikram requests water and they give it to Ranbir. Ranbir beverages and says do you have at least some idea what I am doing. I’m not ready to share my bliss so I am having all my joy. Pallavi says Ranbir don’t you know that for a kid to be conceived. Two individuals must be together. From when Prachi came here nothing has occurred between you. Ranbir asks Prachi isn’t pregnant now she is pregnant from 2 months and I know how frequently I enjoyed with her better than you. Ranbir pronounces that Prachi is pregnant and he is the dad.

Also read: Kumkum Bhagya 14th July 2022 Written Update

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