The episode begins with Kashi telling Baji that Balaji is in grave peril, as certain adversaries are holding on to assault him. Bajirao gets stunned, and says he can never get Balaji during horse riding. Kashi gives him boldness, saying he needs to save his dad today. Bajirao leaves with his pony to save Balaji. Kashi illuminates Radha about the woman source, who told with regards to adversary’s assault. In this way, she sent Baji to safeguard Balaji. Radha says it tends to be a snare for Bajirao too, and Kashi put his life in harm’s way. Anu says Kashi brought inconvenience for Baji and she ought to have gone to Chaskaman.
Kashi lets Radha know that the woman appeared to be straightforward, she can’t lie, trustworthiness was apparent in her eyes. Radha chides her, saying they should think from their mind and not act adolescently. She adds, why Kashi didn’t advise the woman to stand by as her data is right or not, they don’t have the foggiest idea. Kashi and Radha go to check the woman left the wada or not. They don’t observe her and Radha lets some know troopers to go behind Baji. She faults Kashi for taking a chance with Bajirao’s life. Baji has confidence in her, so he left alone without thinking. Kashi goes to appeal to God for Bajirao’s security, and says he should return securely. She cries.
Bajirao prevents Balaji from going further, and informs him concerning the snare of Ranisaheba’s officers. Balaji asks him how can he know. Bajirao says his own fighter deceived him. The fighter attempts to flee, however Bajirao gets him with others. The trickster answers, Ranisaheba was furious, as Balaji become a close acquaintence with Kanhoji, who was in Ranisaheba’s side previously. Balaji acclaims Bajirao’s government agent, however the last option says Kashi informed with regards to this, which delights Balaji. According to balaji, Kashi is truly fortunate for them. According to he, he chooses to express gratitude toward her later, and advises Bajirao to discover who are engaged with this connivance. Balaji plans to assault Ranisaheba’s fighters, however Baji says he will go with him. Balaji denies. Radha sits tight for Baji and Balaji.
Baji shows up with the deceiver and enlightens Radha concerning his treachery. Radha gets amazed and Baji says that without Kashi’s assistance Balaji would experience arrived in colossal difficulty. Radha reviews how she misread Kashi. Baji cross examines the deceiver, yet the last option says he doesn’t have any additional data.
Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 4th February 2022 Written Update:
Baji is going to leave, yet Balaji returns and says that Ranisaheba’s fighters fled and he says thanks to Kashi for her earnest advance, and Baji does likewise. He asks Kashi, who gave her the data. Kashi focuses at the woman and she comes before everybody. The woman looks terrified, and Balaji expresses gratitude toward her for her approval. The woman uncovers, she is the trickster’s better half and she found out with regards to the arrangement at late evening.
Radha says they will give prize to her for her demonstration. Baji says the trickster will be hanged to death, so nobody conflict with the state. The woman argues before Kashi for her better half’s life. She says she can’t turn into a widow. Radha causes her to comprehend that her reliability towards state is laudable, however the blameworthy will be rebuffed.
Balaji says they can comprehend her aggravation, yet her significant other accomplished something ungiveable, so he will get passing discipline. His dead body will be given to his better half and they will take her obligations. She says she can’t turn into her significant other’s killer. Radha and Balaji stay inflexible. The backstabber has been taken by the warriors and Kashi feels awful for him.