Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 4th January 2022 Written Update:

The house cleaner tells Radha Kashi has blacked out. Radha says no DIL can win from DIL. You acknowledged this demand. Baji requests that his men search for Kashi. Bhaavni says to Mahadji I saw an exceptionally terrible dream. I want to meet Kashi.

He says Kashi won’t meet us. We will just keep it dim in this house until she excuses us. Shuibai says kindly guide me. He says nothing can happen now. I figured I would make her life the best. We pushed her in discipline swamp. Baji says Kashi guaranteed me she won’t leave saswad without telling me. Krishna says assuming she made a guarantee she could never break it. Annu says however she left.

Radha says Kashi what occurred.. She says Baji.. Radha says Kashi.. everybody comes there. Baji says call the specialist. He takes Kashi to her room. Balaji says to Radha what is this? Would i be able to know how she swooned? Radha says she’s terrified of dimness. Balaji adequately says. Baji carries Kashi to her room. He says Kashi open your eyes.

He says Krishna do you know any mantra? He says just Kashi knows generally that. The specialist really takes a look at Kashi. Balaji says do you have any idea how might Baji act assuming that he discovers what you are doing to Kashi. Radha says she’s my DIL. Balaji says she’s Baji’s significant other first. I will tell Baji everything. radha says you will not. Balaji says I will.

Kashi wakes up. The specialist asks how are you? Baji expresses what befallen you? Improve? When did you leave your room? Kashi takes a gander at Radha. Kashi says I was not feeling good. I went outside to walk and afterward I blacked out. The specialist says Baji accompany me I will make the medication. Balaji says I will likewise go with you. I need to converse with you. Radha holds his hand. Kashi says all of you kept awake for me?

Proceed to rest please. She requests that Balaji and Radha stay. Balaji says you should rest. Kashi looks the entryway. Balaji says I know why you shut the entryway so Baji doesn’t tune in however I’ve to converse with him. Kashi says my father was powerless. He was unable to talk before Shahu and got me hitched here. However, I am not frail. I will confront this test.

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 31st December 2021 Written Update:

Allow us one month. The person who loses will see. Radha says allow us a month. Balaji says we told Baji his obligations would change. He has to know it all. My child doesn’t need me to talk among him and his better half. My better half tells me not to talk between her DIL and her. You do anything you desire.

Baji comes in and says for what reason was entryway shut? Kashi says no a fourth individual doesn’t come in. Baji says drink this medication. She says it’s so severe. I’m fine at this point. Baji says drink it. I don’t realize mantra like you. Kashi says accomplish you work. he says don’t be difficult? She says will this medication fix my destiny? Everybody can be difficult and not me? Baji stops her. He says listen please.. He drives her to drink it. Kashi expresses what was this.. He says I realize you can’t change your destiny however we can attempt. Kashi says is this the way? He says I just know thusly. Kashi says in heart I acknowledge this demand as well.

Radha comes to Kashi with the schedule. Kashi says will you give it to me again and afterward lock me? Take me there once more, I won’t black out once more. Radha says I have numerous alternate ways as well. Kashi says how often does he rest? She says 5 hours. Kashi says 5 warriors come here. Kashi says to her soliders all of you will remain with your Baji. Watch out for this table and follow his schedule. Radha gives it to them.

The specialist makes another medication. Baji says wouldn’t it be able to be sweet? He says how might medication be sweet? The specialist says you never disapproved of unpleasant desserts. Krishna says he is hitched now. He should be searching for sweet medication for Kashi. Neighbors come to meet Radha. She asks Baji is Radha home? He says OK.

Kashi says I’ve to beat my dread of haziness. She remains inside a sheet tent and says I don’t need to be frightened. Ganga expresses what’s going on with you. Kashi doesn’t says anything. Ganga says would you say you are standing and dozing? Annu says we should proceed to play. You run and I will get you. Kashi says your sibling couldn’t get me all things considered. They play with her. Baji reviews what Krishna rao said. He checks out Kashi playing with the children.

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