Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 30th December 2021 Written Update:

Mahadji says you are vexed yet this is great for you. Kashi says I am cheerful and I will be glad that I won’t ever see you. Mahadji says don’t rebuff your father like this. Kashi says this discipline is for me. I’m content with it that you picked this future for me.

You attached me with the one I didn’t like. You ought to go from here. I will be more joyful. Mahadji says if it’s not too much trouble, pardon me. Open the entryway. Kashi says I will not. He says how might I answer your aai? Kashi says tell her Kashi is extremely glad.

Krishna says Kashi open the entryway. Mahadji says kindly open the entryway. Radha says don’t do this. You ought to return. She will be alright in a couple of days. An entryway can’t end the obligation of father and little girl. She’s exceptionally difficult. All of you have made her difficult yet she will change. I will change her. Mahdji says that isn’t right.

Radha says she needs to deal with numerous obligations. How might she do it with this difficult nature? Mahadji says change her personality. This stubborness is her solidarity as well. Leave her alone Kashi. radha says she’s our own. You have no right on how you need her. Balaji says we will forever deal with her. Relax.

She’s your little girl and will forever be. Mahdji says I figured I will take her home for 2-3 days. She will invest energy with her mother as well. I will leave Krishna and Ganga here. It may make Kashi’s day. Balaji says OK that is incredible. Mahdji says Kashi.. Kashi says kindly go baba. Krishna says baba is going Kashi. Kashi cries inside.

Baji comes in Kashi’s room from the window. Chimaji says you both would rather avoid one another. Also just Kashi is paying for it. Kashi opens the entryway. Ganga embraces her. She says for what reason didn’t you open the entryway? Kashi says I would cry a ton before baba. He would cry as well. She embraces Krishna. Krishan says don’t cry. Kashi says let me cry. What else is left? BAji says just these blossoms. He tosses blossoms on her.

He says avoid the one you don’t like in the blossoms you like and grin. The children dance around Kashi. She grins. Baji tosses blossoms on her. Radha comes and expresses what’s going on here and why? She says baji you needed to show Chimaji horse ride. You got hitched and left you blade and have blossoms close by? She says Kashi come to my room. Baji leaves.

Baji comes to his pony. Balaji says you ought to be with Kashi. She was crying. Chimaji says he made her grin. Balaji says at last. Baji says I feel downright terrible for Kashi. Whatever occurred with me not that. However, whatever was done to her by Shahu, us, her sibling, her family it wasn’t right.

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 29th December 2021 Written Update:

Radha asks Kashi who is a spouse? Kashi says the ones who have spouses would know. I have a foe. Radha says then, at that point, make him spouse. Kashi says it’s finished with heart can’t be constrained. I could say anything to my father however not all of you. You caught me in this arrangement and included Shahu as well. Radha says I thought you were a child. You are excessively shrewd. Kashi says you accomplish such a great deal to a child and figure she would remain a child?

Radha says be a little savvy in that matter as well. Try not to continue reviewing it and reminding it. Balaji says let her take her displeasure out. He says you are the DIL of this house. You can do anything you need, you can even rebuff us like your father. Kashi says I am kid. Be that as it may, I am not a manikin. Be that as it may, when I review my fantasy was singed before me. They were my fantasies and it did exclude this saswad and Baji.

Radha says I have made Baji’s plan. Follow it and ensure he misses nothing. Like missing showing his sibling horse riding while at the same time tossing blossoms on you. It’s your obligation. While getting hitched I told him too it was his obligation. So being a DIL is likewise an obligation. Be a decent warrior’s significant other and backing him. He’s a warrior. She leaves. Balaji says to Kashi do it as a game and not obligation. Kashi says my father got me hitched here, I didn’t meet him. He will tell aai I am glad. All is great.

Bhavani asks Mahadji didn’t KAshi come? He says Kashi locked her entryway. There’s an entire world among her and me. Bhavani says for what reason didn’t she meet you? Mahadji says she thinks about this marriage a discipline. Shuibai says I knew it. Mahadji says assuming you didn’t arrange for that connivance she will not essentially think of it as discipline. Shuibai says however she is unsettled there. Mahdji says until she excuses us there will be no light here.

Krishna says to Baji you returned home and you are concentrating on as of now. Baji says you need to endeavor to succeed. Baji comes. Krishan says who is she? He says my foe. Kashi expresses what else? He says a young lady. Kashi expresses what’s this? He says my schedule. Kashi says I am not your assitant. I can’t pursue you morning, noon and night. Your mother said I am that. Baji says in the event that I tell her not to she will get frantic as well. Krishna says I have a way. This is Kashi’s plan. You likewise deal with her things.

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