Kashibai Bajirao Ballal second December 2021 Kashi hears Radha saying I gave his blade so he can save the system. Be that as it may, this present mother’s heart is scared.
Give him strength. Make him a contender nobody can win from. Shuibai says she lights a flame in water and anticipates that it should drift. Their reality is peculiar. Bhavani says we did well by dismissing Baji’s proposition. We would need to see our Kashi like this Radha. Shuibai says just blossoms and toys great examine her eyes. I can’t let blades and stand by go to her life.
Kashi lights a candle and says Radha was saying this flame saves the one you petition God for in the battle. I ask that Baji stays protected in the battler. Whoever is in a tough situation, we ought to appeal to God for them. Deal with my foe Baji. Shuibai comes and says Kashi, for what reason did you light this candle? She says to Bhavani is she additionally supplicating like Radha?
Shuibai is going to pick it. Kashi stops her and says I light it for Baji. Shuibai says his mother did it. Bhavani says he’s your foe, why petition God for him? KAshi says assuming that he doesn’t return, who will I battle with? Shuibai says come we should rest. She says no I will stay here and petition God for him to return. This os my faith.
Mai comes to Radha and says come and see what I saw. Radha expresses what? Mai says Kashi light a candle for Baji’s wellbeing. Radha says God consistently shows me the way. I picked the right young lady. Shuibai tells Mahadji. He says as much what? Kashi appeals to God for everybody. She gets stressed. Shuibai says I can’t disclose to you. Shuibai tells Bhavani he said it’s anything but a major deal.
Bhavani says we need to return to Chaaskaman. Balajoshi got harmed close to our place however Radha brought him here so she can call us here. Shuibai says for the sake of kinship first they took our abundance and presently they have eyes on our Kashi. Bhavani says she can design all she needs. It will not work. How about we get nourishment for Kashi.
Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 1st December 2021 Written Story:
Shuibai and Bhavani bring nourishment for Kashi. Kashi says I will not eat. Master ji says you can’t appeal to God for somebody’s wellbeing in case you eat. I will not eat until Baji returns. Annu says she calls him adversary yet she’s appealing to God for him. All children sit with her and implore. Bhavani says this is problematic. Kashi can’t at any point deny food. She’s ravenous and petitioning God for Baji. He ought to never be imperative to her. Shuibai says Mahadji is likewise not comprehension. Bhavani says we ought to go from here before it’s past the point of no return. Different children nod off however Kashi doesn’t. She ensures the fire. Kashi stays up all night.
The armed force returns. A young lady tells Kashi Baji is back. Kashi says my supplications worked. My foe Kashi is here. Mahadji invites back Balaji and Bajirao. Radha does their arti. She says I realized my child will win and return. You are my pride. My petitions didn’t go to no end. Balaji says as much lost in inviting her child that you failed to remember your better half. She says you generally win yet it was his first fight. She does Baji’s arti.
Chimaji says Kashi likewise light a flame for Baji’s security. Radha says then Kashi ought to likewise do Baji’s arti. Come Kashi. Bhavani says she’s a child. You implored as of now. Radha says she implored all night, every night. Mahadji says they are children and companions. Allow her to do it. Baji says she will likewise figure out how to regard sword and fighters.
Shuibai says yet she’s a youngster. Kashi picks the arti and says to Baji bring your hand here. She gives him the plate and says do my arti. I light flame, you ought to do my arti now. I didn’t eat or rest each and every night. That was additionally a fight. You ought to do my arti. Baji says would you say you are insane? Kashi says do my arti or I will leave.
He says as though you leaving would stop the world. Kashi says OK then I am leaving. He says sure. Kashi leaves. Mahadji says these children. Krishna says to Baji for what reason did you battle with Baji? He won and we should regard him. For what reason didn’t you do the arti? She says he could do my arti as well. Also you’re continually agreeing with his position. Krishan says you are so discourteous to your sibling. Kashi says quit agreeing with his stance then.
Radha removes Baji’s protection. He says I told fight, my aai is petitioning God for me. She says there is an injury on your arm. Balaji says this is his pride. Baji says my father arranged me and my mom petitions God for me. this injury isn’t anything for me. Radha says I generally need to see you win. He says you never shown me how to lose. I will consistently win and make you both glad. Radha embraces him.
Baji comes to different contenders, he says in case it’s agony apply medication however don’t torment assume control over your fortitude. Also recall that aggravation is the distinction among instruction and fight. Kashi says training doesn’t give you torment. Baji says go to your room. This is contender’s room. we would rather not hear this.
Kashi says for what reason do you want to fight? It gives torment. What do you get? Baji says harmony. Kashi says instruction and fight cooperate. They are similarly amazing. Schooling doesn’t shed blood. Baji asks his warriors fight or instruction? They all say fight. Baji says we as a whole might suspect something similar here so you can leave. Kashi says nobody did their arti. You won and they got harmed. How are all of you equivalent? Answer me.
Precap :Shuibai tosses sand on Radha’s garments. Radha expresses what’s going on with you? She says tossing sand on your fantasies that are developing like a wild arrangement. She consumes the curtans. Baji says to Kashi on the off chance that you tie this string around this tree right way you become companions always and if other way you become adversaries until the end of time. So how about we become adversaries.