Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 10th December 2021 Written Story:

Radha asks Balaji what did Shahu say? Balaji expresses what I anticipated. That Mahadji’s girl can’t be rebuffed for his child’s activities. It was my slip-up that I went to him. Radha says it’s anything but a discipline for her. He could call him once and converse with him. Balaji says I don’t have the foggiest idea. Chimaji says so Kashi will not wed Baji? Annu says she was my sister and she would have been my sister in law. Could she be?

Shahu Maharaj asks Mahadji Balaji came to me with a wedding proposition. I need to know your viewpoint on it. Mahadji says he’s a contender and exceptionally faithful to you. That is the reason I gave him abundance for this present system’s military. Yet, that doesn’t mean he will request my girl. I’m an investor she is raised like a princess. How might I send her to a contender’s home.

As a dad it’s my obligation to pick a house where my girl has a decent life not brimming with battles and hazard. Shahu says so your little girl’s affection is more than your dependability to the system? Mahadji says in the event that I wasn’t faithful to the system I wouldn’t have given the riches. Shahu says you did what any insightful broker ought to have done and we are grateful to you. Dependability can’t be on different sides. Subsequent to paying attention to Balaji I figured I should allow you an opportunity to talk as well. For what reason did you conceal it from me that your child Balarao works for Rani?

Scene 2
kashi says who are for the most part these garments for? Shuibai says these are yours. Kashi says whose toys are these? Shuibai says yours. Kashi says I didn’t play with these toys or wore these garments. Bhavni says that is on the grounds that you got them as gifts and we didn’t care for it. Kashi says in case you didn’t care for it you kept them in the storage compartment. Shuibai says we don’t need our Kashi to wear garments like workers. We realize what might look great on you. Kashi says then my husband to be should be of your decision. I don’t care for that Baji. Relax, I will wed who you both and baba decide for me.

Shahu says your dependability can be addressed. Like you are faithful to me your child is faithful to Rani. Consider the possibility that something occurs and questions emerge, would you have the option to answer the system. You guarantee your dependability on one side and send your child to Rani sahiba? Would have a reply. How might you demonstrate your dependability? Everything is before you. You need to settle on the choice. Who will you pick so you can remain with both.

Ganga prods Kashi. Kashi says let me rest. Radha says you will not get to rest such a great amount in the parents in law house? Kashi says who might stop me? Radha says spouse, SIL, MIL, BIL. Kashi says I will rest at any rate. Radha’s mother says assuming that you wedded Baji you would need to stress over battles and wars constantly. Kashi says precisely, how might anybody lay down with such a lot of stresses. In any case, I have no concerns here. She inquires as to whether you get rich and like Balaji asked your father for abundance would you give it to Baji? Radha says for what reason could she? He’s foe. Kashi says I would. Kashi reviews him going for a battling. Kashi says he’s my foe however he’s a bold contender. Kashi says let me rest now.

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 9th December 2021 Written Story:

Baji expresses what’s going on. Chimaji says we figured we would give her gifts however you just have swords. Yet, relax. She won’t come now. Annu says you should be extremely glad. BAji says OK I am. I needed to dispose of her. Bhui gives them prasad. He says why? She says I asked you and Kashi get hitched and you get a few detects. Annu says you can’t let it out at this point. Bhui says it will happen now.

Bhavani and Shuibai are stressed Bhavni expresses what might have occurred there? Serve says to Mahadji Shahu needed to be familiar with your child one day or other. Say thanks to God he never caused system any enormous misfortune any other way you could always be unable to wash off your stain. Mahadji says this is the greatest disarray of my life. My little girl on one side and system on other. Serve says you are regarded in this system. Assuming that you were addressed here, you will not have the option to live. This marriage will be fortunate for your little girl. Mahadji says to his supervisor proceed to tell Balaji we have acknowledged this proposition. We will send them shagun tomorrow. In the event that this is destiny, I can’t deny it.

Shama prods Kashi. Kashi says this came from my parents in law. Shama says they are exceptionally affluent. Kashi sees the accessory. Shama says assuming you check out it intently you will see the husband to be. Kashi expresses what. Kashi sees Baji in it. She’s confounded. Baji takes the accessory he says it would look great on you. Kashi expresses what is this? Shama expresses what was the deal? I was kidding. Your mother sent it. I was kidding. Kashi says for what reason did you constrain me miss Baji? She says I didn’t say his name. kashi says this neckband helped me to remember him. Baji says God get Kashi far from me.

Scene 5
Mahadji returns home. Shuibai asks what did he say? He removes his turban and takes a gander at Kashi. Everybody is stunned. Mahadji says to Kashi, Kashibai Mahadji Joshi will get hitched to Bajirao Ballal. Kashi is stunned. SHe begins crying. Mahadji says my chief has gone to them to let them know we’ve acknowledged the proposition. Bhavani says for what reason did you do this? You guaranteed you will not do this.

Radha says to Mai the uplifting news is here. Shuibai says how is it that you could choose it single-handedly? Was my and Tai’s viewpoint not required? Are moms just there to conceive an offspring? We had right to choose for her life. Mahadji says Shuibai.. Enough. Try not to cross your cutoff points. I’m your better half and the proprietor of this house. On the off chance that I have concluded something I probably considered something. I probably seen fate of my girl. I needn’t bother with assessment from you both on it. Ramchand says how is it that you could do this? How might you submit her to Baji? He says this is Kashi’s destiny. It’s composed. Kashi says yet I would rather not wed Baji. Mahadji holds her hand.

Mahadji’s man tells Radha the shagun will be shipped off you tomorrow. Come to us with the baraat. Baji is stunned. He says we will invite you there. Balaji says express gratitude toward Mahadji. Baji says yet.. Balaji says this marriage is an obligation to you. Baji says why? Will she carry armed force with her? A young lady who plays with toys and pots how might she be helpful to me? Balaji says she will change the fate of martha system. She will bring her destiny. Think about the system.

Mahadji says don’t conflict with everything. Assuming older folks think something for the children they consider it on purpose. You will be content with Baji thus will we. You will be hitched to Baji. Kashi says the whole world can be content with him however not me. She leaves his hand and goes to her room crying. Kashi cries in her room. Shuibai goes to her. She says don’t cry. Kashi says baba is getting me wedded to him. I don’t care for him. Shuibai embraces her. She says Bhavani is conversing with your father. All will be well.

Baji says to the tree I made her my adversary by tying this string here. Furthermore now I am getting hitched to her. Why? Kashi says Baji deceived me regarding that string. How am I getting hitched to her? Baji says god is helping you in turning into my better half. He’s my adversary as well. Kashi says I won’t converse with you God once more.

Precap :BalaJoshi says to Shui and Bhavni if you birng Kashi to me, nobody can do anything. Baba, Balaji or Shahu. Shuibai says he’s right. They attempt to sneak to him through the wilderness. Somebody captures Kashi. Mahadji slaps Balajoshi and says it happened as a result of me. Baji says you requested that I wed Kashi an obligation. So saving Kashi is likewise my obligation. I need to save her before you. He goes to battle the hooligans. Baji gets harmed. Radha’s man tells her both Kashi and Baji are seriously harmed.

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