Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 7th June 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com
The episode begins with Gungun meeting the seniors to look for their assistance to track down Anubhav. They insult Gungun. One man expresses that after the course they don’t have the foggiest idea where he has gone and with whom. Another says that Anubhav lost the regard they had on him. Gungun reprimands them for insulting Anubhav as opposed to assisting with finding Anubhav, who is their visitor. The man insults Anubhav once more and says to go to the police. Gungun says that police is taking care of their responsibilities and adda that she will let the media know that they don’t esteem Anubhav, who is an incredible researcher. Gungun leaves
Gungun sees a few understudies watching Anubhav’s course and commending him. She considers taking their assistance. She acquaints with that understudies as Anubhav’s significant other. She informs them regarding Anubhav’s grabbing and looks for their assistance. She makes sense of them all that by showing the danger note she got. Opposite side the Boby says to Anubhav’s that Gungun is getting obstinate and not leaving the city. He takes steps to kill her.
Anubhav cautions him to not hurt Gungun. He asks from where they got these photographs, assuming that they’re seeing her. Boby concedes yes. He says that they leave Gungun assuming he leaves his willfulness. Anubhav requests a chance to think and gets some information about Gungun. Boby guarantees that they won’t hurt Gungun till that.
In the organization Gungun says that the seniors would not help Anubhav, who dismissed all unfamiliar bids for employment to serve in India. She says that she’s battling alone to track down him in this obscure city and inquires as to whether they will help her. The understudies consents to help Gungun. Ravi says that they need to take this make a difference to media. Riya says that this will drive the organization individuals to help them. Ravi says that they realize media individuals and can set up for a public interview before supper. Gungun demands them to do likewise.
Akriti imparts to Shankar what occurred and embraces cry him. Shankar chastens Garima and faults her for demolishing Akriti’s life by concealing Gungun and Anubhav’s connection and supporting them. Akriti reprimands Garima. The last option says that she doesn’t lament her demonstration since she hasn’t acknowledged Akriti and Anubhav’s marriage and won’t ever acknowledge it in light of the fact that Anubhav expected to wed Gungun and furthermore Anubhav filled Gungun’s brow with vermilion prior to wedding Akriti. She further says that she acknowledged Gungun and Anubhav’s marriage and Akriti divided Gungun and Anubhav and not the inverse. Garima saya that Gungun isn’t egotistical like Akriti, so she had the option to make place in his heart and she’s sure that Gungun won’t allow anything to happen to Anubhav until she’s a major part of his life.
Gungun locations to the media and tells about Anubhav’s hijacking and shows the danger letters sent by the psychological militants. The journalists inquire as to why she didn’t left the city in the wake of getting the danger note to which Gungun says that Anubhav is his life, so she needs to battle with the passing forever. The report adulates Gungun’s mental fortitude. The correspondent asked when she saw her last.
Gungun says that she saw him four days before when he came to talk her after their battle. She laments not conversing with her. The columnist inquires as to why she came to media. Gungun says immovably that she will continue to look through Anubhav until she finds. She then tends to ti the fear mongers who sent the letter and says that she is prepared to kick the bucket, yet she won’t return without her significant other.
The top of the psychological oppressor posse shows Gungun’s meeting to Anubhav and takes steps to kill Gungun. He asks what he has chosen. Anubhav advances a condition that he needs to converse with Gungun and guarantees them that they won’t enlighten her regarding them. He will simply advise her to quit searching for himself and return. He guarantees them that he will do what they will say in the wake of conversing with Gungun. The head concurs and explains that his area can’t be find with this call. Anubhav says that he knows that they’re utilizing untraceable telephone.
Gungun is on the way in the taxi. Anubhav contacts Gungun. The last option gets profound on hearing his voice. She escapes the taxi She yells at Anubhav for leaving her and communicates her aggravation. She aska him where he is. Anubhav won’t tell and says that je doesn’t have any desire to keep any relationship with her and requests that she leave the city. Gungun says that her Gungun can never talk like this.
Anubhav says that she neglected to figure out him all things considered. Gungun says that she will trust this assuming he tells gazing directly at her. Anubhav says to quit contending and leave the city. Gungun rejects and requests to meet him. She demands him to tell where he is. Anubhav rehashes to leave the city. She inquires as to whether he is furious with her or on the other hand on the off chance that he was truly abducted. She says that she will acknowledge everything he says when he will say to her a similar eye to eye.
Boby grabs the telephone from Anubhav and says that she is more obstinate than him. On seeing Gungun’s obstinate Anubhav chooses to not surrender. Gungun understands that Anubhav is in Mumbai and chooses to give this number to police so they can follow it. Opposite side fear based oppressor choose to regard Anubhav as a detainee.
Precap: Akriti says that Anubhav getting grabbed is Gungun and Anubhav’s arrangement to invest more energy in Mumbai. Psychological militant torment Anubhav. Gungun meets higher official and looks for his assistance to track down Anubhav.
Also read: Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 6th June 2022 Written Update