Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 27th June 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com
Episode begins with the senior member asking will you go to the capability this way with a furious face. He says Ranvijay captured me and gave me over to the fear based oppressors, he got saved by his father’s contacts,
Gungun could realize this, and still, at the end of the day she is wedding him. Dignitary requests that he stop her. He says she took the choice herself, its no utilization now, she will not pay attention to anybody. Gungun staggers on the steps. Anu holds her in arms.
Ranvijay blows up on Anu. They contend. Senior member says Anu would have rather not come, I got him, I know it now, why he would have rather not come. She requests that Anu come, he has gained a great deal of appreciation, its at the very least any honor.
Ranvijay says senior member chastened you, you ought to have replies. Gungun requests that he stay out of other people’s affairs. Golu, Ankit and Yug come to the ward capability. They compliment Gungun. She requests that Ranvijay click her pics when he goes in front of an audience to get the honor. She gets inconsiderate towards Golu. Ranvijay contends with them.
Ankit says we will proceed to stay there. They see Anu there. They see the family coming. Akriti asks how could you like our shock. She sits with Anu and grins. Gungun reviews Charu’s words. She figures I m prepared to turn out to be terrible in your eyes to join you with your loved ones. The man reports the honor for Riddhima Kulshresht, spouse of Anubhav Kulshresht.
He shows Gungun’s excursion on the big screen. He tells how Gungun has battled for Anu’s delivery. Anu reviews whatever occurred and cries seeing Gungun. Chandru says they are simply applauding Gungun. The man acclaims Anu who didn’t surrender and battled for the country. Everybody applauds Gungun and Anu. They are approached the stage to get the honor.
Charu requests that Anu go in front of an audience and make sense of that Akriti is his significant other, not Gungun. Anu and Gungun come in front of an audience. The man requests that Anu make his significant other wear the decoration and pay the honor. Anu takes the media to Gungun. He makes Gungun wear the decoration. Everybody applauds. Akriti flies off the handle on Gungun. Anu gives the honor to Gungun.
The man demands Gungun to make Anu wear the decoration and pay him the honor. Anu says you make them misconstrue. Gungun likewise makes Anu wear the decoration.
She gives him the honor. Gungun goes to express a couple of words. She says I need to clear the misconception, I m not Anubhav’s better half, I needed to lie, truly another person is his significant other. Ranvijay grins. Everybody looks on. Charu thinks perfect, astonishing Gungun.
Precap :Anu calls Gungun and requests that she meet him once and for all. They meet at the bistro. Akriti sees them and yells Anubhav.
Also read: Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 25th June 2022 Written Update