Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 13th June 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com
The episode begins Kulshreshths stressing over Anubhav. Garima and Shankar additionally get to realize that Anubhav had chance on seeing the news. Garima accepts Akriti’s call. Garima chides Garima faulting her for Anubhav’s condition. She says that this would have occurred assuming she had told her that Gungun went to Mumbai with Anubhav. She says that she won’t ever pardon her assuming anything happens to Anubhav.
In the emergency vehicle Anubhav’s wellbeing gets basic. Gungun says to specialist to effectively save Anubhav. Gungun faults herself for Anubhav’s condition and says that she can never pardon herself assuming anything happens to Anubhav. Gungun cries. Golu attempts to support her. Gungun tells Anubhav that he ought to live.
At the Kulshreshths Charu chooses to go to Mumbai with Akriti. Sargama demands that she additionally needs to meet Anubhav. Chandru and Goli says that they need her here ans solicitation to remain back. Charu and Akriti leave.
Opposite side Ranvijay say that Gungun neglected to save Anubhav notwithstanding the entirety of her endeavors. A young lady says that Anubhav is as yet alive, however he doesn’t maintain that he should be alive. That’s what ranvijay feels assuming Anubhav gets saved, he will tell his name or fear based oppressors can tell his name. He passes on concocting a rationalization to his companions.
Akriti and Charu are on the way in vehicle. Akriti shares with Charu to tell the entire world that she’s Anubhav’s significant other. She says to remove Gungun in the wake of arriving at Mumbai. Chandru reminds Akriti Gungun’s endeavors to save Anubhav. Akriti says that Gungun did this for exposure and to show the world that she’s Anubhav’s significant other. She says that Gungun could have paid off the media for the equivalent.
Chnadru says that dislike that. She inquires as to whether they likewise began to think about her as Anubhav’s significant other. Charu denies and says that they won’t allow Gungun to approach Anubhav. He says to call Gungun and learns the medical clinic where Anubhav is conceded.
Akriti telephones Golu and says that they are coming to Mumbai. She requests to send the medical clinic subtleties. Golu tells Gungun that Akriti is coming. Gungun says to let her come. She further says that she won’t leave her freedoms on Anubhav, however she won’t Akriti’s privileges on him also. She just needs that Anubhav recovers and different things has no importance for her.
The auditor telephones magistrate and says that Ranvijay offered Anubhav to the fear based oppressors for cash. He adds that Ranvijay is in Lucknow. Chief says to send a police group to Lucknow and captures Ranvijay. Anubhav gets conceded in the medical clinic. Gungun and Golu give Anubhav’s subtleties to the attendant to fill the structure. She requests Anubhav’s better half name. Akriti arrives at there and gives her name. Charu gets some information about Anubhav. Golu says that he is in the OT and specialist says that they can’t express anything until Anubhav gets worked.
Dignitary comes there and control center Akriti. Charu prevents Gungun from going to the activity theater. He says that they were very till now because of the endeavors she had put to track down Anubhav, yet they won’t let her grab Akriti’s privileges. He expresses Gungun to leave Akriti insults Gungun and expresses her to get out. Gungun will not leave. Charu says that she needs to leave.
Golu reminds Charu that Gungun was the main individual, who was searching for Anubhav when they all were occupied in provoking Anubhav. He tells every one of the endeavors Gungun had put to track down Anubhav. He says that in view of Gungun CM provided request to track down Anubhav. Akriti questions assuming Golu saw CM providing the request.
Golu says no yet magistrate informed him regarding this. Golu cautions Akriti for making trouble with him. Charu says that Akriti is all in all correct to lash out when Golu upholds the other lady, who needs to grab her better half. Golu reminds Charu that Gungun saved Anubhav by putting her own life in danger and they’re offending her. Gungun demands Golu to not battle among them in light of her. Chandru says thanks to Gungun for assisting with tracking down Anubhav.
Charu tells Chandru to not talk about pointless things. He reminds that Akriti is Anubhav’s better half and says that he will constantly remain by Akriti and Gungun can never supplant Akriti in his home or in his heart. Gungun says that she never attempted to supplant Akriti. Charu expresses her to get out then. Akriti affronts Gungun and cautions to toss her out. Golu cautions her for that. Charu tells Golu to not fail to remember Akriti is Anubhav’s better half.
The medical caretaker cautions them to battle in the emergency clinic. Charu requests Gungun to leave. Senior member says that it will be inappropriate to request that Gungun leave after how all Gungun helped Anubhav. Charu says that she has hardly any insight into Gungun. Akriti says that Dean knows about Gungun and Anubhav’s connection all along, so she did her exchange. She contends with Dean.
Golu reminds that Anubhav is basic and says that they can discuss it later. Charu says that he can hardly imagine how Anubhav changed like this for a young lady like Gungun whose guardians neglected to give her great qualities. Gungun yells enough. She says that she won’t be tranquil assuming they express anything against her dad. She advises him that his dad helped them and tells not hurt his spirit.
Gungun says that she needed to disappear from Anubhav and she would have gone, assuming Anubhav had been abducted. She insults Akriti saying she doesn’t be aware to keep relations. Akriti says that Gungun divided her and Anubhav. Gungun says that Akriti separated them as her wedding was fixed with Anubhav first. Akriti contends with Gungun. The last option yells shut up.
Precap: Charu requests Gungun to leave the emergency clinic. Gungun says that he won’t leave this city until Anubhav recovers, yet she will not upset them and leaves the clinic.
Also read: Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 11th June 2022 Written Update