Kaamnaa 21st July 2022 Written Update:

Kaamnaa 21st July 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

The episode begins with Sakshi guaranteeing Manav that both Akanksha and Vaibhav left their lives. Manav says Yadhu’s way of behaving is saying something else and accepts it makes them plot behind it. Sakshi says it’s the same way he assisted Akanksha during the birthday with celebrating when she fell oblivious. Manav says it’s the initial time he’s remaining outside with his own anxiety. Sakshi gives pressure ball for Manav to calmly rest.

Akanksha says it’s been since a long time ago he invested energy with her. She says she wishes to invest energy with Manav like bygone eras and that it could help her increment her lifetime. The two of them nod off. Swati comes there however thinks that they are resting and goes out. Manav calls Swati and gets some information about Yadhu. She says he’s resting and guarantees that she will deal with him. Manav welcomes her for the commitment party the following day however Swati believes that she can’t go leaving Akanksha in this condition. She says that now they have no relationship and she can’t come there yet wishes him for his extraordinary future.

Following day morning, Akanksha awakens Yadhu and says she had a decent lay down with her child after quite a while. She says that she wishes to invest the greater part of her left energy with her child and goes to make arrangements for the afternoon. Sakshi calls Yadhu who’s feeling cheerful. He feels awful for the manner in which he acted with Manav the last evening. Sakshi put the telephone on speaker and asks Yadhu what might he say his dad assuming he’s present before him now.

Yadhu says that he would apologize him for acting impolitely with him and will say that he’s the best father in the entire world. He says that he will likewise be the best spouse and Sakshi says regardless of whether he isn’t they would make him the best. He cuts the call and Sakshi inquires as to whether he feels fine at this point. Manav says OK and the two of them test each other’s sanity while eating.Yadhu is with Akanksha who communicates her desire to accompany Yadhu for some additional time. Yadhu needs to say reality to Manav yet Akanksha differ expecting that Manav would get her falsehood. Manav awakens swiftly as he neglected to get ready for the party. He gets eased seeing Sakshi and Malti nearly finished every one of the improvements. He went along with them and Manav and Sakshi went through some quality tone together during the cycle. They hear entryway chime ring and gets cheerful seeing Yadhu on entryway. Anyway their bliss dries down seeing Akanksha.

Manav furiously goes up against Akanksha for returning their life yet Akanksha says she obviously remembers everything. She says that Yadhu constrained her to come there and is going to leave. She appeals to God for Yadhu to stop her. Yadhu likewise yells Mumma and surges and embraces Akanksha. Everybody gets stunned hearing it. Yadhu says that she will stay put and he will talk with Manav.

Yadhu says he needs to talk with him in private however Manav requests that he talk before everybody as nobody is a pariah here. Sakshi demands thus Manav leaves inside with Yadhu. Sakshi causes Akanksha to sit and Akanksha in a roundabout way insults Sakshi. She gets some information about wedding date however Sakshi says Manav needs to choose it.

Precap : Manav will ask Yadhu for what good reason would he need to accompany Akanksha who violated them do a lot. Yadhu will say that on the off chance that he definitely disapproves of Akanksha remaining there, he will go with her and will begin pressing his things.

Also read: Kaamnaa 20th July 2022 Written Update

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