Kaamnaa 10th May 2022 Written Update:

Kaamnaa 10th May 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

The episode begins with Yadhu and Sakshi preparing for school. The two of them miss one another. Malti reminds Sakshi that she should focus on her life and fail to remember Yadhu as he’s not Parth. Manav awakens and understands that he was late. He gets some information about it who says they Yadhu left and they prepared him. Manav admonishes him saying that it’s new scholarly year for Yadhu and he really wants to go to the direction. He messages Sakshi yet Sakshi turns off her telephone. Sakshi dreams of Yadhu in school. Sakshi sees Yadhu however Yadhu treated her in an unexpected way.

Sashi additionally did likewise. Manav is on his way when he gets office call requesting that he go to a gathering. He then Principal’s call who objections about direction moved past. She’s frustrated with his way of behaving and Manav asks Sakshi ti help Yadhu. Chief says that Sakshi previously clarified that she would rather not be associated with any understudy in excess of an instructor. Manav gets stunned hearing it. Ayesha has a go at encouraging Yadhu yet Yadhu shows his lack of engagement and leaves.

Sakshi sees Yadhu leaving stowing away and is in torment. Ayesha comes to Sakshi and says that she shouldn’t have gone out after the little battle. Sakshi inquires as to whether she has something essential to say about investigations. Ayesha inquires as to whether she would rather not talk about Yadhu. Sakshi says she would rather not have some familiarity with something besides her expert breaking point. Ayesha is shocked and says that she’s frustrated with her and leaves upset. Manav comes to his office while Vaibhav makes an arrangement. Manav meets with Mr. Holkar who says about a few significant papers by Niharika which is presently moved by Vaibhav. He says that they could put resources into the market assuming they have that papers and Manav gets into thinking. Manav gets Babli’s video message where she sent the video of Vaibhav and Meera battling and gets into thinking. He asks Mr. Holkar that who’s dealing with every one of the legitimate issues of Kapoor businesses.

Manav visits Meera and inquires as to whether she’s surprise seeing his opponent. Meera expresses that in her ongoing position she would regard any individual who loathes Vaibhav even a little and Manav asks what occurred. Meera says that something happened which made her against Vaibhav. She says that he’s a genuine individual and she’s pleased that she was crushed by him. Manav says that he’s there for a proposition and Meera is more than delighted to acknowledge it. Manav says about Niharika’s property with Vaibhav and that following a half year her demise would be recognized. Meera comprehends that they need to prevent Vaibhav from assuming control over Niharika’s properties.

Meera consents to join Manav against Vaibhav. Vaibhav is examining with his colleagues about the drop in deals. Meera and Manav enters the lodge and Manav presents Meera as the legitimate counselor for Holkar ventures. He requests Holkar reports from Vaibhav yet Vaibhav lies that he had none. He calls Rane to say something similar. Meera gives one more papers to him where Vaibhav should sign it which expresses that as Vaibhav claims that he has no papers connected with Holkar businesses he can never involve any legitimate papers of Holkar ventures as an observer in court in future stunning Vaibhav.

Precap : Yadhu will show cold shoulders to Manav. Vaibhav will express Akanksha about his business battle with Manav. Akanksha will consent to hellfire him against Manav.

Also read: Kaamnaa 9th May 2022 Written Update

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