Jagannath Aur Purvi Ki Dosti Anokhi 24th May 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com
The Episode begins with Jagannath attempting to find a new line of work. Verma says you can’t land the position. Jagannath inquires as to why not, I have worked in the water dept for quite a long time. Verma says sorry, we can’t give you any work here. Jagannath says its alright. He leaves. He goes to different places moreover. He doesn’t find a new line of work. Jagannath says I have finished this work all life, mightn’t I at any point work in this age, on the off chance that I really want cash in this resigned age, might I at any point find a new line of work. The man says I will give you cash. Jagannath says I don’t need the cash, your pity, however a task.
Purvi is at the tryouts. She sees the young lady talking great. She says I m not apprehensive. She gets strained. Jagannath comes to pick her. She says let me attempt once. He says alright, go, I will stand by here. She asks wont you express good luck, don’t bother, I will wish myself. She goes. The man requests that she talk on the point, for what reason in all actuality do individuals get bamboozled in adoration.
Purvi gets miserable and considers Babu. She cries. Everybody takes a gander at her and jokes that she got terrified. Purvi gets down the stage. She says I can’t do this, we will go. Jagannath inquires as to why, are you a solitary young lady who got cheated. He empowers her and says you can do anything, go.
He requests that Purvi go. Jagannath sits. Purvi goes on the stage and starts talking. The man says stop, that is the old point, you can’t plan and talk, your new subject is, a genuine companion. Purvi chats on the point and considers Jagannath. Everybody applauds. Purvi says I was so apprehensive, did I make it happen, do you figure I will land this position. He says I don’t have the foggiest idea, yet one thing is there, you have gotten it done, all around good. He favors her.
Isha makes sense of Kusum about RJ. Kashi cuts the onions and cries. Isha gets some information about having an independent mind. Kusum says he isn’t childish, in the event that he was narrow minded, we would have not been here. She requests that they have hot pakodas. Isha and Kashi like the pakodas. They say on the off chance that we sell this, we can sell it actually soon. Kusum says I will get the bites, go out and stand by. Jagannath comes and gets down on Kusum.
Kusum says take the snacks for him moreover. Kashi requests that she get pickles. Jagannath says Purvi has given a decent tryout. Purvi says no, individuals there were extremely keen, modern. Isha says you are likewise shrewd. Kashi acclaims Purvi. Isha gets miserable. Purvi embraces Isha and says our Isha is awesome. Kashi says Isha is unique. Jagannath sits to have snacks. He says I need tea too. Kusum gets some information about his work. He gets miserable.
Kusum says Isha needs to begin a pickle business. Purvi goes for her public broadcast. Kashi energizes her.
Also read: Jagannath Aur Purvi Ki Dosti Anokhi 23rd May 2022 Written Update