Imlie Written Update 8th October 2022:

Imlie Written Update 8th October 2022 on

Episode begins with Imlie saying thanks to Chini for giving Atharv’s gift to her. Imlie embraces her. Rupy advises Imlie to show it different individuals. Chini asks Rupy for what good reason the last option gave her gift to Imlie? Rupy says that is Imlie’s life partner, why Chini can’t grasp that.

Chini says Atharv paid off her with this accessory so she can dismiss Imlie for his benefit. Rupy says Chini dislikes this marriage since the very beginning. She shouldn’t include Atharv in this. On the off chance that Atharv could do without Imlie then he might have conversed with them. She advises Chini to prepare to meet Jatin. Chini gets maddened thinking she lost her accessory and Atharv’s mystery is likewise irritating her.

Rudra converses with Devika about Akash’s honesty prior to wedding. Yet, after marriage he changed and being his dad Rudra neglected to save his decency. He doesn’t believe that Atharv should lose his guiltlessness similarly.

He feels Imlie can make everything okay in his home. He says he can see Devika’s appearance in Imlie. Atharv can’t get a preferred accomplice over her. He doesn’t disapprove of Chini yet she can’t be a soul mate for Atharv.

Imlie assists Chini with picking originator dresses. Chini doesnt show a lot of interest. She feels miserable as Imlie got her neckband. Arpita says Narmada went to sanctuary to implore so Imlie goes out calmly.

Sundar says Narmada is wanting for Imlie’s exit however she is as yet contemplating Chini’s bliss rather than her own. Yet, Chini is unique. Arpita says Chini can’t grab Atharv from Imlie. She isn’t simply awful. Chini picks one saree and Imlie says Jatin will like her without a doubt. Imlie sends a message to Atharv to say thanks to him for the jewelry. Atharv expects Chini messaged him from an alternate number.

Chini says her auntie took her telephone so she chooses to drop a message to Atharv from Imlie’s telephone that she needs to meet him at Dussehra fair. Atharv gets invigorated and leaves. Kia fears consider the possibility that Chini gets out the misconception which they made in the commitment. Rathores arrive at the fair and Imlie gets apprehensive seeing the group.

Chini trusts that Atharv will come and she goes to a shop with Imlie. At the point when Imlie gets going seeing stuffs in slow down Chini vanishes. Atharv says in vehicle that Chini ought to realize he adores her. Then it will be upto her, she will pick him or not.

Imlie panics subsequent to seeing that Chini is missing. Imlie becomes mixed up in the group. Rathores converse with Jatin and his folks. They chatter and Jatin’s mom says Jatin likes Chini. Rupy questions assuming Chini abandoned in the middle of between the group. Atharv arrives at the fair and searches for Chini being fretful.

Chini looks for telephone organization and gets irritated. Atharv tracks down her finally and calls her. Jatin says he will go to find Chini and he saw her photograph so he will perceive her. Rupy trusts that Sita Maiya is safeguarding Imlie assuming Chini left her. Imlie feels uncomfortable seeing all the disorder and attempts to contact Chini. She sits close to the immense doll of Ravan before the Ravan Dehen. She trusts that Chini will show up.

Precap-The Ravan begins consuming and Chini Atharv notice Imlie close to the doll. Imlie looks frightened. Atharv additionally is stunned.

Also read: Imlie Written Update 7th October 2022

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