Imlie Written Update 27th September 2022:

Imlie Written Update 27th September 2022 on

Episode begins with Punit’s folks attempting to leave the setting saying they embarrassed them and Imlie shows up with Parul. Everybody is stunned to see them. Imlie takes Punit inside with Parul. Imlie and Parul come clean to him and Parul says to drop this wedding because of her shortcoming then he is allowed to make it happen.

In any case, she needs to redress her missteps. Punit gets dazzled and says he preferred her genuineness and he began adoring her. He expresses gratitude toward Imlie and says he will keep this matter between three of them as it were. Rudra flies off the handle with Atharv’s way of behaving and he objections to Devika that why he engages in such cases.

Shivani advises him to ask Atharv as opposed to provoking Devika. Chini says Imlie is pro at addressing others. What was the need to give exhort consistently. Narmada says on the off chance that Parul’s wedding gets dropped in light of Imlie, she won’t extra her. Arpita says that will not occur.

Punit explains to everybody why noone is moving on his wedding. Chini gets stunned. Parul apologizes to Punit’s folks for leaving out of nowhere. They ask her what was the explanation. Chini fears Parul will take her name. Imlie lies that Parul’s shoe got taken in light of her and they went out to purchase. Imlie gives credit to Atharv for getting the criminal and saving the muhurat.

Atharv grins and Shivani feels far better and lets Rudra know that he ought to be pleased with his child. Chini feels envious that Imlie prevailed upon her once more. Atharv is going to pursue Chini and Devika acclaims Atharv by taking his epithet Atthu. He tells her not to embarass him by that name. Rudra acclaims Imlie for her demonstration and agreeableness. She is going to contact his feet yet he stops her.

She sees his feet got harmed, she causes him to sit and applies turmeric on it. Akash and his significant other glance at them and his better half says it appears Rudra will pick Imlie for Atharv the manner in which he is looking dazzled by her. However, a young lady like Chini would be ideal for Atharv. Akash says not entirely set in stone to change Atharv. Punit and Parul get hitched and she expresses gratitude toward Imlie for saving her life.

Imlie presents a profound sonnet about Vidaai and Narmada says a few guardians are fortunate to perform vidaai custom for their girl however a few little girls are with the end goal that their folks bite the dust as a result of them. Imlie gets dampened hearing the insult. Chini is sitting outside and Atharv comes to her. She thinks why he helped Imlie and she couldn’t in fact fault him else he will feel she was behind Parul’s elopement. She begins acting that due to her Parul’s life would have been obliterated.

Atharv says on the off chance that she is pondering him, it’s alright. He says she shouldn’t fault herself. She says she just contemplated love, and attempted to join Parul and her darling. Yet, that affection was false. Atharv’s folks discuss Imlie who can fix Atharv. Rudra says he is glad that Atharv helped Imlie.

They consider getting him hitched to her. Atharv lets Chini know that she is so lovely and she can’t contemplate others. In the event that she can accomplish such a great deal for adoration, that characterizes her agreeableness. Chini sneers thinking now she is protected and noone will actually want to fault her. He says he will not uncover her reality to anybody.

Imlie goes to take the paper in morning, Narmada stops her and grabs the paper saying she previously killed her folks and presently she won’t allow Imlie to contact the Bhaskar Times paper which was the indication of Imlie and Aryan’s persistent effort. She calls Imlie as terrible sign and misfortune. Imlie gets profound.

Precap-Imlie records her contemplations what she feels for Atharv. Their considerations are similiar. She says she is enamored and he says he won’t ever wed Imlie as he prefers Chini. Imlie is stunned to hear that

Also read: Imlie Written Update 26th September 2022

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