Imlie Written Update 17th October 2022:

Imlie Written Update 17th October 2022 on

Episode begins with Chini informing Anu that Atharv cares regarding love not about cash but rather she really wants his tremendous property not his well deserved cash. Rudra could abandon him from his property after he weds her. Anu says she ought to zero in on catching Atharv and his family will not be frantic at him for a really long time. Rupy hammers Anu for misinforming Chini and advising her to grab Imlie’s life partner. She asks Chini how might she sell out Imlie who cherishes her to such an extent.

Chini says she is simply pondering her own protected future and Atharv doesn’t cherish Imlie however he adores her. Rupy says she doesn’t really accept that that Atharv can sell out somebody and assuming he cares deeply about another person, he might have conversed with them straightforwardly. Chini says Rupy ought to acknowledge reality that not every person is stressed for Imlie. Devika gives medication to Rudra for his low BP and Kia Akash give him the news that Atharv again met Chini and needed to drop his wedding with Imlie.

Rudra drops the glass in shock and Kia says Akash dealt with everything quite well and he didnt let Atharv come clean to Imlie. Rudra favors Akash and implores that Atharv ought to likewise make the best decision. Devika quiets Rudra and Atharv reviews Chini’s words. He peruses the sonnet figuring it should be composed by Chini as it were. His most memorable love was Chini’s verse yet presently he adores her as well.

Imlie presents sonnet in her room and draws her sketch with Atharv. That’s what chini sees and says her battle with Imlie will go on. Chini spills the tea on the artistic creation intentionally and ruins Imlie’s face on the painting. She behaves like she is heartbroken. Imlie says her name won’t be eliminated from Atharv’s fate. Chini says she is an excess of hopeful. Imlie again lays out her image cheerfully.

Atharv asks Chini in a bistro that she shouldn’t deceive Imlie like this. She needs to come clean that they love one another. Imlie saved quick for himself and he felt awful for her. They shouldn’t keep her in dull. Chini says it isn’t so natural for her to hurt Imlie. She never did that. She additionally needs the favors of Atharv’s loved ones. He says he can leave her family for her. She instructs him to avoid that. She says it’s simple for him yet she can’t be childish to them who embraced her after she lost her folks.

Rathores will toss her out of their home. She behaves like crying and Atharv consoles her that they will oversee everything on perfect opportunity. Chini returns home, Imlie gives her a letter saying she didn’t envision this would occur before marriage. Chini fears Imlie took in reality. Chini sees her exchange letter from her office and she ponders she didnt go there for a really long time and she paid off the watchman as well. Rupy reviews how she conversed with Arpita and Sundar about Chini’s off-base activities.

Sundar says Chini will demolish her life and Imlie’s life both so they ought to set up for her exchange to Mumbai. Imlie says she can’t let Chini go like this without going to her joining in. Sundar says yet Chini could lose her employment so she needs to go. Atharv says Chini is staying put yet she can participate in his companion’s organization. Chini gets apprehensive reasoning imagine a scenario in which Atharv tells everybody he cherishes her.

Rupy objects saying Chini shouldn’t acknowledge anybody’s proposal. Chini believes assuming that the exchange letter is sent by Rupy else why she is anxious to send her to Mumbai. Imlie gets glad to realize Atharv really focuses on her desire. She holds his hand and inquires as to whether he will truly prevent Chini from leaving. He says from now he will contemplate her bliss as it were. Imlie says she will invest some great energy with Chini before her wedding happens.

Also read: Imlie Written Update 15th October 2022

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