Imlie Written Update 10th October 2022:

Imlie Written Update 10th October 2022 on

Episode begins with Shivani advising Rudra to converse with Atharv straightforwardly as opposed to taking pressure. Atharv comes and says today he found every one of his solutions. He was off-base that he thought Chini loves him. His sentiments is uneven and perhaps he doesn’t have any idea what is love. He says he was confounded however Chini and Imlie both are cheerful.

Rudra consoles Atharv saying the last option will track down his genuine affection without a doubt. He embraces Atharv and Devika lets him know that Rudra picked the right young lady for him.

Atharv says perhaps they are correct about him and they ought to begin the arrangements of his marriage with Imlie. Rudra and Devika get really glad to hear that. Shivani asks Atharv for what valid reason he saved Imlie? He answers she was freezing out of dread so he went to save her. Shivani inquires as to whether he began enjoying her.

Imlie likewise feels modest contemplating Atharv. She assumes she thought Rudra picked her yet why Atharv came to the fair then to see her? Shivani converses with Atharv that the last’s decision is Chini she knows that. Why he needs to wed Imlie. He shouldn’t forfeit for his loved ones.

Atharv says it doesn’t make any difference as Chini doesnt like him. Shivani says in the event that he cannot fulfill Imlie, he ought to drop this wedding. He can’t anticipate this penance from Imlie after marriage. Imlie gets apprehensive prior to calling Atharv. She needs to understand what he feels for her.

Chini drinks tea with Jatin. She gets some information about his pay. He says he can satisfy her necessities. She says such exchanges are normal. She informs him regarding her sumptuous way of life how she burns through cash behind facial, spa, films, abroad outing and so on. Jatin says he couldn’t want anything more than to go to abroad with her.

She thinks he is oversmart so she advises him to demonstrate his affection. She advises him to leap off the subsequent floor. She says he cant do it that without any problem. Assuming he does she will wed him. Jatin prepares to leap off. Rupy comes there and gets stunned.

Rupy advises Jatin to descend without a moment’s delay. Chini says Jatin is simply acting. Rupy says Chini’s test will hurt him now. Imlie rehearses how to converse with Atharv over telephone. She at last calls him he believes it’s Chini. In any case, Imlie cuts the call hearing Rupy’s shout. Atharv asks why Chini cut the call.

Jatin says Chini needs to satisfy her commitment. He leaps off however doesn’t get injured fortunately. Chini gets terrified and Jatin says he will adore her however won’t be visually impaired in affection. Imlie says Jatin prevailed upon them. Chini effectively consents to wed Jatin. Rathores get blissful. Devika advises Atharv to pick gems for Imlie however he denies. Rudra learns Chini’s marriage is fixed with Jatin. Atharv gets crushed hearing that.

Also read: Imlie Written Update 8th October 2022

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