The scene begins with Imlie entering inn. Superintendent questions her in regards to why she hangsout with rich men as she saw her in enormous vehicle. Imlie cautions her not as far as possible but rather Warden continues to scrutinize her person and asks what sum she got from her beau that is the reason she left her better half as well
. She grabs Imlies sack and gets no cash. Imlie says currently more likely than not discovered that she has no cash. Why a lady cannot try sincerely or converse with a man. Why she gets addressed on the off chance that she is getting achievement. Being a functioning lady how might she question another functioning lady. Superintendent blows up and says she will toss Imlie out of the lodging at present.
Aditya tells Nishant he will arrive behind schedule from office. Rupy advises him to go with them to meet Imlie however Aditya denies. Rupy says Malini wont let them get joined together. Malini hears that and afterward she calls the Warden and the last option says she tossed out Imlie. Malini says she will move the cash. Malini says now Rupy cannot feel pleased with Imlie as she wont stay in the lodging.
Aditya gets upset and peruses Imlies article. Imlie strolls in road alone and sings in shaking voice. She separates to tears. Imlie chooses to call Aditya however reviews her guarantee that she wont get once again to him once more. She gets call from Pagdandiya and Dulari converses with Imlie. Meethi says she unexpectedly detected something awful so she called Imlie to know whether she is fine. Imlie conceals her aggravation and says she is working in office. Everything seems OK.
Rupy and Nishant let Tripathis know that they will party with Imlie. They will be late. Rupy says Aditya isn’t coming as he is discourteous. Malini says Aditya is baffled as his article didnt get distributed on first page. His persistent effort has gone to squander. Aparna says Aditya is great hearted. He wont be angry with Imlie. Nishant gains from Imlie party is dropped. Malini thinks Imlie is lying however where she went now.
Aditya sticks Imlies article cut out on the divider and Aryan says Aditya is worried about Imlies article perhaps however he thinks often about business as it were. Aditya asks him for what valid reason he doesnt give same significance to different workers. Aryan gives an interesting answer. He advises Aditya to track down something outside. Aditya doesnt track down it. Aryan finds a doggy and sees Imlie taking cover behind a vehicle.
Imlie 25th November 2021 Written Story:
Aditya asks Aryan he is finance manager actually has humankind. Aryan says anything can be grabbed from a human. Imlie gets inside the workplace and enters Aryans lodge. She turns on the light and escapes his lodge. She reworks stuffs on Adityas work area. Aditya returns and sees something.
Precap Aryan sees Imlie in wet hair. He asks her what she is doing in his office. Imlie gets apprehensive.