Imlie 26th May 2022 Written Update on
The episode begins with Imlie sitting on the jhula. Jyoti pulls the rope and Imlie tumbles down. She falls oblivious and Aryan holds her. Arpita calls the rescue vehicle however Aryan says that will arrive behind schedule so he gets Imlie and takes her to the clinic. Specialist lets Aryan and his family know that Imlie is fine now and when they get some information about the kid, specialist says Imlie isn’t pregnant. Aryan says how can it be the case as Imlie tried her pregnancy at home with the pack. Specialist says that can be misleading and those tests are not right all of the time. Narmada says in the event that that is misleading then your test can be bogus as well. Specialist says for their fulfillment she will test in the future.
Gudiya gets blissful and says at last she got an uplifting news, Nila tells Jyoti she worked really hard, Jyoti says she let them know currently that what will occur straightaway, will be great for them. Imlie acquires conciousness and Aryan kisses her hand. She gets some information about Chiku and he redirects the subject. Specialist comes and uncovers Imlie isn’t pregnant and that is reality. Imlie separates to tears and Aryan says they have opportunities to become guardians in future so she ought not be vexed.
Specialist further says Imlie is barren and she can never become a mother. Everybody gets stunned to hear that and Imlie cries embracing Aryan. Jyoti sneers and reviews how she showered cash on the specialist and advised her to deceive the family. Jyoti requested prescriptions which will forestall pregnancy so specialist said her calling doesn’t permit her to mislead her patients. Those prescriptions are unsafe. Jyoti gagged her and said on the off chance that she can’t give her the prescriptions she will kill her.
Imlie takes a gander at a couple who are playing with their child. She gets close to home and Aryan comes to her. She says she grabbed the satisfaction from him of being a dad. She violated him. He stops her truism she didn’t hurt him or grab anything from him. They will not lose trust. They will direct the test in the future as these tests results are not fitting constantly.
Later they can imagine alternate ways of becoming guardians, there are alternate ways as well. He comforts Imlie and requests that she put stock in Sita Maiya. They embrace one another. Aryan cries tears and she says she knows him, he is similarly broken in the wake of getting the news however she will ensure he remains solid. She won’t allow him to self-destruct.
Narmada says at home that now Aryan can never become a dad, Arpita says we shouldn’t discuss this multitude of before Aryan and Imlie as they are as of now miserable. Nila asks now how might they get their beneficiary and who will convey forward their predecessors’ names. Arpita says in the event that she needs kid, she can be blissful seeing her and Sundar’s youngster. Nila says yet that would be off-base as Sundar is a worker in fact. Arpita demands her not to get this point front of Aryan or Imlie.
Aryan returns home and lets Sundar know that today he will cook with him. The women will take rest. Aryan chooses to make french fry and chocolate shake. He prods Arpita and the last option additionally prods him. Aryan requests that Imlie center around her work and sends her to make reports.
Nila again incites Narmada saying she should have that wish to turn into a grandma and she needs to hold Aryan’s youngster. Narmada says yet that is unrealistic at this point. Nila discusses Jharphook saying her one relative’s better half got pregnant in the wake of playing out this eccentric ceremony. Sure Imlie will likewise get pregnant assuming that they apply this cycle on her. Narmada gets persuaded.
Gudiya asks Nila for what valid reason the last option gave thoughts to Narmada. Nila says she did it on the grounds that Imlie will won’t uphold any such custom and Narmada will blow up. Narmada will find imperfections in her horoscope and will request that she take off from the house.
Precap-Narmada advises Imlie to leave Aryan as she can’t get pregnant.
Also read: Imlie 25th May 2022 Written Update