Imlie 21st July 2022 Written Update:

Imlie 21st July 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Imlie confronting the crooks. She uncovers her genuine look and starts beating them. There Aryan is battling for certain boozers on street. They beat him beat up however he doesn’t hit them back. He gets harmed.

Imlie lets those men know that selling terrible alcohol items is unlawful and locals are falling wiped out because of that and some are dead. Some are tormenting the women in their homes in smashed state. She says everything is kept in her camera now she will get them captured.

One of the men tosses a pot at her camera and it breaks. Imlie gets stunned. There Cheeni sits tight for the police and she plays a phony police alarm clamor. The men keep thinking about whether Police showed up or not. One man goes to check and expects Cheeni is playing with the alarm. Cheeni goes to God that the matter ought to be controlled until the Police comes to capture these men.

Controller comes fortunately and captures the one who saw Cheeni. Imlie assaults different men and saves herself. They get captured and there Aryan gets doused in downpour and stands up. He says he had a companion who used to follow him wherever he goes. The thug asks who is that companion?

He then punches him and answers it’s passing. He leaves saying demise again deceived him and didn’t come to him today too. He leaves. Monitor and women of the town give credits to Imlie for her extraordinary work. She saved the men of the town who were getting plastered in light of these colleagues. Overseer requests that Imlie join a major news organization in city as she has all the exposures.Why she is working in the town? Imlie lashes out and says Pagdandiya needs her as well. Those men who beat their women to purchase liquor and waste their well deserved cash ought not be saved. She expresses such things should be halted. Controller says he will make a move and he asks her for evidence however she says her camera got broken.

Cheeni lets Imlie know that she fit two additional cameras on her stick and on her tropical storm. Imlie feels pleased with her and gives the recording to Police. Imlie asks Cheeni for what valid reason she didn’t return home yet. Cheeni says they ought to complete their shoot first. Cheeni records Imlie’s video of revealing and they head towards home joyfully. Aryan arrives at Mansion in harmed state and Narmada calls him. She asks him how did this occur? He is likewise late.

Aryan says he had work in office and he advised her to rest on time. She says she will treat his injury however he says he will do it without anyone’s help. He goes higher up and Arpita comes. Arpita says Aryan obliterated his own life in the wake of getting isolated from Imlie. He would rather not concede that he is broken. After Arvind’s passing he became solid yet presently he couldn’t focus on work. Arpita faults Aryan for his resoluteness.

Cheeni requests that Imlie purchase another camera from city. Imlie gets profound and reviews Aryan’s words. Cheeni asks her for what reason she generally lashes out hearing city’s name. Imlie redirects the point and says she detests City now. Aryan applies salve on his injuries and investigates the mirror. He looks furious.

Precap-Aryan consumes Imlie and his all photographs before Arpita. He says Imlie makes very little difference to him now as she consumed everything he could ever want. She is only a debris for himself and he couldn’t care less about her.

Also read: Imlie 20th July 2022 Written Update

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