Imlie 19th-Oct-2021 Written Update :

The episode starts with Harish asking Pranav to leave the place as everyone hates him here. Pranav leaves when he gets a call and Imlie notices it. Aparna tries consoling Rupali Who’s crying that why did he come all of a sudden after so many years. Pranav picks the call and it’s the MLA whose evidence was with Aditya. He says that he sent Pranav there as he’s the relation of Aditya Tripathi and asks him to get the pen drive.

Pranav says that he already got to know that the evidence is in pen drive and found it with God’s idol but got interrupted when he was about to take it. MLA asks him to get it before tonight. Pranav says that he don’t have good relationship with the family and needs time to gain their tryst.

Rupali’s mother asks Rupali to forget the past and move on as she saw her really happy with him. Rupali asks whether she really wants her to go back there. Rupali asks Aparna if she too thinks the same. Aparna says she doesn’t know after all that happened in the last few days in their life. However she asks her to select whatever she feels is right.

Pranav says MLA that he will make sure Aditya doesn’t submit anything against him. He looks at his hand and recalls him lighting the house up on fire and not Malini. He says to himself that it’s important for him. Imlie asks what’s important for him. Pranav fears whether she heard everything. He says that Rupali is important for him. Imlie asks him to leave after having the offering as he already lost her trust and love long back. She asks me him to leave soon and Pranav gets offended hearing it.

Harish says Pranav that he did what he did when he replaced another girl with Rupali. Pranav pleads for a chance to speak with Rupali. Malini asks Harish to give Pranav a chance. Imlie is against it but Malini says they are still husband and wife and are big enough to solve their problem. Aditya supports Imlie but Malini reasons that they need to let Rupali decide.

Rupali comes there and says that she’s ready to give him a last chance. She assures Aditya for the same. Chachi got so happy and leaves to do Pooja for settling her daughter’s life. She and Sundari goes to get the Aarti. Imlie asks Rupali if she’s sure about it but Rupali says that she thought she would understand her first. She says she trusts her decision and Pranav sighs in relief.

Imlie 18th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Chachi does arti of Pranav and Rupali together. Everyone leaves when Malini reminds Imlie that a relationship of marriage won’t be broken so easily. Imlie says there’s no meaning for marriage when the partner is not right and leaves. Imlie is holding clothes when Harish offers to help her only to mess it up. Imlie says that if he really wants to help her then asks his help for her studies.

Harish agrees after hesitating. Imlie notices red stain on her cloth and wonders how she got it. Pranav washes his hands with different liquids to get rid of the stain. Malini informs whatever happened Aparna. Aparna will advise Malini to keep Pranav on her side and send Rupali with him to her in law so that Imlie’s big support system will not be there anymore.

Precap : Imlie will say Aditya that she doesn’t feel right about Pranav. She will say that after cheating on Rupali, he doesn’t deserve another chance. Aditya asks what will she do and Imlie will look on.

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