Imlie 17th February 2022 Written Update:

Imlie 17th February 2022 Written Update: The story begins when Imlie tells the brothel’s head she’s a reporter and wants to talk with them. The head dissuades Imlie away, and insists that she shouldn’t be treated in this manner, she’ll summon their team members here. Brothel head tells Imlie that you cannot leave without my consent. She directs her staff to are able to lock Imlie with a prostitute. The lady tells Imlie that she made a terrible mistake when she came to this spot and but she is stuck in a option. She will have to sacrifice her self-esteem and her soul each day, just like everyone else here.

Imlie declares that no one will be able to trap her in this place. She is shocked to learn that it’s Mirchi Bazaar. She knocks at the door constantly, then smashes the glass in the window and yells at the head prostitute , telling her she must free her or else she’ll contact the police. Aryan is worried about Imlie and checks his phone over and over. He is pondering what Imlie’s motives are for not messaging him back to inform him that she’s reached her or not. Malini insists that he concentrate on their conversation. He made her an appointment, but he’s not interested.

Aryan states that he has many important jobs to manage and that just because he’s not looking at her . This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t listen to what she’s telling him. Malini talks about Aditya and Imlie’s relationship right from the beginning. Imlie is looking for a network, and makes a call to Aryan. Aryan stops the call, wondering that it is because Imlie calls him, even though he knows he’s with Malini right now. Aryan is aware that Imlie did not respond to his message, but instead called him. Aryan discovers something is wrong. Someone enters and grabs Imlie’s cell phone.

He encourages her to be quick and ready without wasting time. Another prostitute warns Imlie not to believe in illusions of hope because it’s useless. Similar to Imlie a few years ago, but it didn’t work. She quit and chose to live each day in the throes of death. Imlie attempts to show her confidence that she’s not alone and must not quit. She is able to come out of this mess. The prostitute tells her that Imlie should not be her motivation since nothing is happening now. The prostitute is in a bind. Imlie promises to get ready , but she’ll perform her duty by exposing the criminal activities of these individuals. Imlie wears a camera around her necklace as she gets prepared.

Aryan states that Malini is certain that she is right now Imlie has not been with Aditya. Malini claims Imlie has left for her job. Aryan wants to know how she know this. Malini says she got the word from someone inside the home. Aryan isn’t able to stop worrying, so He calls Imlie but she doesn’t respond. He believes Imlie is busy with an the interview. He’s overthinking.

Suraj phone calls Aditya and asks about Imlie because she’s not responding to calls and hasn’t arrived at the place yet. Aditya is convinced that Imlie is in the company of Aryan which is why that he doesn’t know what she’s doing. Aditya receives a call from the broker and finds out he’s got a home to stay in for rent. Aparna asks him whether intend to move out for good? Aditya insists that he cannot make her leave her daughter Imlie therefore he’s going out. Aparna feels upset.

Imlie leaves the room with the man . She decides to kick him in the knee, but he reverses after which she appears to be falling and puts the knife concealed onto her feet. She follows him , and she notices that how the knife is being used to torture girls around her. She believes she must help every girl in the room. Imlie is required to perform an unforced dance, or the girls around her will be brutally beaten. A customer is waiting for her and Imlie is set to dance but her camera goes down. The head is slapped for being too smart. The client says that he would like Imlie and she is stunned.

Precap: Imlie warns the customer to leave the room locked. She is threatening to attack him. He reaches her and pulls off the face covering.

Also read: Imlie 16th February 2022 Written Update

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