Imlie 14th July 2022 Written Update:

Imlie 14th July 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Gudiya sobbing well into the night subsequent to placing cotton in her ears. Anu likewise shuts the entryway. Imlie shows toys to Gudiya and the last option quits crying. Imlie says Malini couldn’t in fact give a toy to her child. She tells Aryan that they can make a video of Malini’s carelessness towards her child and it will demonstrate her barrenness in the court.

Aryan says they can make it happen however Malini isn’t inept as well. She will likewise discredit Imlie. Malini accompanies milk bottle for Gudiya and sees camera in Aryan’s grasp. She begins acting that she was not laying down with her child today since she is debilitated however she came hearing Gudiya’s cry. Imlie switches off the camera and requests that she come clean. She adds Malini saw them going into Gudiya’s room ahead of time so she accompanied the milk bottle.

Malini advises them to leave as she needn’t bother with her assistance to raise Gudiya. Imlie cries and Malini insults her maxim she used to feel something very similar and cried tears like Imlie yet presently it’s Imlie’s chance to cry. Imlie advises Aryan to make a move against Malini as Gudiya is troubled there. Aryan says he can’t overlook the realities that Malini came there with the milk jug and she is Gudiya’s mom and they can’t show her how to bring up a youngster.

Imlie on the off chance that anything happens to Gudiya on account of the alleged realities, that sounds wrong, truly. Aryan says they can’t record a mother’s carelessness’ video like that. Its superfluous and he doesn’t need police inclusion as it’s not their own child. Imlie ought to forget about it and shouldn’t accept pressure. He leaves and she looks resentful.

At office Aryan gets some information about their tasks and Imlie looks lost. He inquires as to whether she is pondering Gudiya. She says Gudiya got connected to them in the span of two days that is the confirmation she never got this much love from her mom.

How might she simply quiet down being familiar with Gudiya’s circumstance. Aryan takes her to Chaturvedi house shockingly and Imlie asks him for what valid reason he took her here when he simply told her not to visit Malini’s home. Aryan says she would come without his consent so that is not no joking matter.

He rings the chime and gives cautioning to Malini that she can get captured for tormenting her child and for not dealing with her. Anu lets him know that such modest alerts can do nothing to them. Yet, she will record misleading grievance against Imlie saying she is Dev’s unlawful little girl and needs to grab everything from them. Aryan says he will let the court know that Anu went to prison for twice that would be sufficient to discredit her.

Aryan is going to leave yet Gudiya begins crying. Imlie have no control over herself from going to her and Malini stops Imlie saying the last option needs to apologize to her first for slipping into her home last evening. She will likewise apologize for grabbing Aditya from her quite a while back, for selling out her by following her characterless mother’s strides.

Imlie says she won’t express sorry to her. Be that as it may, Anu and Malini compel her to do so else she cant meet Gudiya. Imlie says Malini such an excess of solace that one occurrence changed her and made her so awful that she can’t adore her own little girl. Imlie effectively expresses sorry to her regardless of Aryan’s forswearing.

Imlie embraces Gudiya and the last option quits crying. Imlie says she won’t ever separate among Cheeku and Gudiya. Both are same for her.

Precap-Imlie sees halfway house structure on Gudiya’s room. She thinks it implies Malini is wanting to send Gudiya to halfway house. Malini comes there and questions her.

Also read: Imlie 13th July 2022 Written Update

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