Imlie 13th June 2022 Written Update:

Imlie 13th June 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Kairi giving first experience with Rathores and she likewise is familiar with them. She prods Gudiya and Nila saying she will deal with them well indeed. She figures she will realize who is behind every one of these. Aryan yells and advises Imlie to open the entryway and it’s locked from 60 minutes. Imlie gets strained thinking now how might she divert into Imlie from Kairi this quick?

She some way or another figures out how to go inside the room through window and puts on something else. Arpita sees aalta on the floor of Imlie’s room. She says it appears blood. Jyoti asks Harry in the event that he previously killed Imlie to shock her. Harry says his cerebrum can’t work as expected in these things. Aryan gets fretful and he is going to break the entryway however Imlie opens it. He embraces her and gets it out that it was aalta not blood which fell unintentionally.

She further says Aryan takes pressure for little things these days. Gudiya inquires as to whether she called Kairi here, and presently she will fill this manor with her town companions. Imlie says Kairi is here to do the family tasks. She knows it all and she isn’t unskilled. Gudiya says then she needs to make pasta for everybody today.

Imlie gets apprehensive reasoning how might she transform into Kairi and make pasta this quick. She doesn’t have the foggiest idea about the recipe as well. Aryan stops her and asks her for how long she won’t converse with him like that, he pulls her nearer. She says for what reason mightn’t he at any point acknowledge reality that it’s his child and Madhav hasn’t done anything wrong to her. Aryan says he will give his name to the child and will acknowledge as well. In any case, she isn’t protected around Madhav.

Imlie says Madhav isn’t protected around her, accordingly he got harmed and presently is in the clinic. Aryan says that is exceptionally less contrasted with how he has treated Imlie. Imlie makes him contact her gut expressing disregard everything, except you ought to feel that this child is yours and I can feel that. Aryan still doesnt accept and she says she will bring confirmations soon.

Imlie transforms into Kairi and climbs the window however Gudiya gets her. She calls Imlie as cheat and in this way Kairi redirects the point. She takes Gudiya to the kitchen and says she will make pasta for them. Gudiya asks her why she realizes that they need to have pasta? Kairi says her intuition is perfect.

Imlie figures now she couldn’t observe any recipe on the web else she will get found out. She gains the recipe from Gudiya slyly and afterward she makes it. Imlie then, at that point, sees some thoughtful paste under Gudiya’s shoes. She then, at that point, goes under the table when everybody is sitting. She squeezes everybody’s feet with toothpick and when they pick their feet she sees their shoes to track down the paste. She sees Jyoti isn’t wearing any shoe. Gudiya believes it’s mosquitoes.

Arpita calls Kairi to bring the food and Kairi stands up. Aryan gets astonished seeing her. He learns she is Imlie’s companion. Kairi gives excuse that she was venerating dharti mata. Aryan searches for Imlie and Kairi serves him additional pasta and disturbs him. He gets occupied and says he can’t eat this much.

She feels timid and gets some information about the food taste. She feels glad interestingly she made pasta however it’s benefit. Jyoti says she misled Imlie that she kept quick yet when Imlie isn’t around she can eat. She advises Kairi to give her pasta and the last option asks her however she kept quick. Jyoti gets stunned hearing that.

Precap-Imlie finds the shoe where the check’s part is available.

Also read: Imlie 11th June 2022 Written Update

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