Imlie 13th December 2021 Written Story:

The scene begins with Aditya stalling out in the rush hour gridlock. The sign becomes green however he doesn’t move. Certain individuals advise him to proceed to insult him saying he is recollecting his significant other. Aditya blows his top and gets into battle with them.

Aparna cries reviewing Aditya’s choice and Narmada converses with her. She additionally discusses Imlie’s choice that she would rather not clutch her marriage. Aparna and Narmada both choose to petition God for them. Imlie sits in office quietly. Aryan notification her and brings in his lodge. Aryan advises her to return home in case she can’t function as she isn’t getting occupied once more. Imlie denies and Aryan says why she is approaching a self absorbed writer’s words in a serious way.

Imlie guards Aditya and Aryan says she ought not protect him constantly. He shows Aditya’s stree battling video which has been displayed in the information. Imlie gets stunned seeing that and attempts to pass on to stop him. Aryan says he advised her to return home to clear her psyche not to stop Aditya. Imlie says he can’t handle her activities. He is advising her to leave and afterward advising her to stop. She will not pay attention to him. She leaves.

Malini is going to leave for her arrangement and Aparna advises her to reexamine again yet Malini says she has chosen as of now. She can’t live with this undesirable kid. Why she will hear individuals’ insults. She additionally needs to continue on like Imlie. Rupy says she should contemplate second marriage. Malini says Rupy should track down a person for herself. Rupy advises her to quit acting like a casualty consistently.

Aditya returns home and everybody asks him what’s wrong. Assuming that he battled with Aryan or Imlie. Aditya drinks water and says Imlie and Aryan were arranging about their future. Malini says Imlie is insightful yet she is as yet in her fantasies which can’t get satisfied. Malini passes on to cut short her kid and Aparna stops her once more. Aditya likewise says he is with her and will assume liability of her kid. Malini expresses what might be said about her, she feels like an undesirable visitor, her child will feel something similar in future. Her child will get the tag of an illegal kid.

At the point when Aditya can’t turn into a decent spouse how might he become a decent dad. Assuming he can’t assume her liability for what reason will she bring forth his kid. She needs to continue on in her life and If they can uphold Imlie regardless of knowing her activities for what reason wouldn’t they be able to help her as well. Imlie yells babushaheb and Aditya goes out to check. He asks her for what reason she came here once more. He is alive without her. Aryan additionally comes and advises Imlie to go with him. Aditya gets infuriated. He tells Imlie now she can’t avoid Aryan. Imlie says she needs to converse with him.

Imlie 11th December 2021 Written Story:

Aditya proclaims he will wed Malini and where is the legal documents. He advises Aryan to tell Imlie with the goal that she signs the papers. Aditya says he additionally needs to continue on. Imlie apologizes to Tripathis for their messed up marriage. She says she attempted a ton yet couldnt do anything. She says Malini has stooped so low that currently nothing can occur.

Imlie says sorry to Aditya. She says she thought he trusts her however he accepts Malini as it were. She says sorry to herself for all the torment she beared. She says she generally contemplated other’s pao and yet didn’t ponder herself that is her main issue. Aditya is as yet doing likewise botch. She signs the papers and says she will continue on now without a doubt. She leaves.

Precap – Anu tells Aryan that Imlie needs to cover Aditya and Malini’s high profile marriage. Imlie denies and Anu gives them immense sum check.

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