Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 29th March 2022 written update:

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 29th March 2022 written update: Katori says thanks to Vimlesh for her organization during pooja. Pandit ji requests that they center. Vimlesh says Rajjo will fail to remember us during dharmesh appearance. Pandit ji requests that they center. Amma says Rajjo and Dharmesh will inconvenience us with their companionship. Pandit ji says you won’t get harmony as you were not engaged by any means.

Rajjo is cooking, when vimlesh feed her prasad. She says amma is irate. Rajjo says fail to remember it, dharmesh is my outperformed companion. Vimlesh asks you cooked everything for her. Rajjo says we are 2 bodies and one soul. Vimlesh says let her pass on.
Rajjo gets dharmesh call, when her driver illuminates that dharmesh is dead by falling clif. Rajjo gets stunned, however driver has held dharmesh hostage.

Driver infrom dharmesh that I simply needed an alone time because of my cash, after that we will head our paths.
Rajjo blows up on vimlesh for her revile.

Happu shows up at home and see everybody miserable. Benny illuminates that Dharmesh is dead by falling clif, and deal with rajjo. Kat infroms that vimlesh called specialist, he is checking rajjo.
Specialist illuminates that rajjo need to meet dharmesh, in any case rajjo will remain in shock.

Amma shares with Happu that I can comprehend Rajjo’s condition. Happu says I took occasion due to dharmesh and rajjo, yet at the same presently its squandered. Amma slaps him, expressing to deal with Rajjo, as she isn’t intellectually fit. She requests that he feed soup. Happu requests that she feed her, as she could cry and will get fine. Amma also cry pondering Khodi.

Ritik, Ranveer and Chamchi deal with Rajjo and requests that she cry, otherwis we will be in a tough situation. Rajjo says my dharmesh isn’t dead, she is alive she will come without a doubt.
Happu accompanies soup to take care of rajjo. Happu chastens kids and send them out. Happu takes care of her soup. Rajjo says I will not have it, Dharmesh is ravenous also, I won’t have it

Vimlesh is havinng drink, thinking my tounge is dark, dharmesh kicked the bucket. Kat and Kamlesh comes asking at to have excessively. Vimlesh knock about dharmesh. Kat says her apparition can come to inconvenience us. Kamlesh says just by vimlesh saying she kicked the bucket. Kat says that her tounge is dark, she even castigated about benny leg, it broked.
Kamlesh take drink, vimlesh says them to bite the dust and requests that they go, out of dread the two of them go.

Precap:- Driver comes illuminate regarding Dharmesh. Rajjo feed food, while vimlesh is trying to claim ignorance mode that driver is dharmesh

Also read: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 28th March 2022 written update

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