Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein Written Update 11th October 2022:

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein Written Update 11th October 2022 on

Episode begins with Virat preparing for the party, while Pakhi comes there and assists him with getting spruced up. She get some information about how he persuaded Savi to come to the party, while he continues to contemplate Sai’s words. He reviews the second when the last option permitted Savi to attend the party and furthermore guarantees to send her to the entertainment mecca with Vinayak.

Pakhi finds Virat being lost and takes him back to the truth. She questions him about the matter and afterward inquire as to whether he would rather not answer to her question? To which he enlightens her concerning how he assuaged Savi and persuaded her to come to the party. He additionally advise about his discussion with Sai.

Here, Pakhi tells that she comprehend about the circumstance Sai is confronting. She shows her compassion towards the last option, while Virat stops Pakhi and get some information about Sai. He tells that they have made considerable progress and helps about the fervor to remember their relatives for their wedding commemoration. He says that he needs to partake in the party for his family and ask Pakhi not to blow up.

Pakhi consents to Virat and goes to go to the capability. While, Vinayak shows the house to Savi and the last option gets entranced to see it. She additionally meets all the relatives, while Virat likewise comes inside their room and takes both the children to the party. Harini acclaims Savi’s outfit while Vinayak tells that it was a gift for her from hia side.

Chavans acclaims Pakhi and Virat as a team and favors them. Bhavani gets infuriated seeing Savi and insults her while the last option answers back to her. Savi wishes to have her mom with her, while Saloni guidance her to video call Sai. Bhavani hears it and get some information about the purpose for her thought? To which Sonali grins and tells that they can show Sai their bliss without her presence.

Sonali announces that Sai will become envious subsequent to seeing Virat and Pakhi praising their wedding commemoration. Bhavani values Sonali’s arrangement and starts the capability. Savi video calls her mom and tells pretty much everything she encountered. She then, at that point, shows Virat and Pakhi’s wedding commemoration festivity to Sai, while the last option gets close to home.

Ahead, Sai controls her tears and continues taking a gander at Virat and Pakhi cutting the cake. In the mean time, Chavans praises their pair and Bhavani alongside Sonali deliberately discusses them before the video call. Though, Pakhi and Virat continues to take a gander at each other with next to no response.

Virat request that Savi and Vinayak go along with them during the cake cutting service, while Bhavani request that Savi avoid the cake as the primary piece has a place with the couple. The video call gets separated while Sai becomes worried for Savi. She takes her sack and chooses to take off from for Chavans house, while Usha stops her and denies her. Sai disregards her and goes out being worried for her little girl.

Further, Virat stands firm for Savi against Bhavani and takes care of her the cake. Bhavani insults her for destroying the festival, while she questions that assuming they knows her mom, to which Ashwini denies. In the interim, Virat apologizes to Pakhi and request that she request anything as a pay gift. Ashwini approaches and request that they dance, while they goes to the dance floor. Shivani gives Virat a blossom and request that he hand it over to Pakhi. Though, around then Sai comes there and everybody gets stunned seeing her.

Precap:- Virat and Pakhi gets inside Sai’s home and attacks her for advising Vinayak about his reception. The last option gets stunned, while Pakhi and Virat blames her for grabbing their child from them. Sai makes Virat leave her and denies every one of the claims. She says that she haven’t done anything and broadcasts to track down Vinayak. She goes from that point while Virat follows her to track down his child. Though, Pakhi continues seeing them being stressed.

Also read: Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein Written Update 10th October 2022

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