GHKKPM 15th July 2022 Written Update:

GHKKPM 15th July 2022 Written Update on

Episode begins with the hooligans bothering the prisoners. Sai remains against them, while they takes steps to kill her. She sits alongside different prisoners and stresses over her kid. She appeals to God to safeguard her child inside Pakhi’s belly, while the last option becomes dubious about the encompassing and stows away alongside Bhavani. The gynecologist attempts to call the police, when a hooligan comes there and kills her.

Everybody gets stunned seeing the dead body of the specialist, while the thug cautions them not to contact the police, orelse he will immediately kill them. While, Virat becomes stressed over the prisoners and decides to save them.

Here, Virat becomes strained understanding that Sai will likewise be there alongside the prisoners. He converses with the thug and request that he leave the prisoners, yet the last option denies. Virat tells that they will not have the option to save themselves, assuming anything happens to the prisoners. The hooligan tells about his interest to Virat and broadcasts to have a helicopter for them to securely leave from that point.

Virat denies to satisfy the interest of the thugs, while the last option takes steps to kill every one of the prisoners. Virat gets strained, while Pakhi consoles Bhavani and request that she remain quiet. The last guidance Pakhi to message Virat, while she in a split second gets it done. She makes an impression on him illuminating that she and Bhavani are stuck inside the medical clinic and ask him for help.

Somewhere else, Virat gets stunned subsequent to accepting Pakhi’s message and becomes stressed for his child. That’s what he feels assuming the hooligan learns about his family, them he won’t leave them. While, Jagtap conceals himself from Sai and wears a veil all together not to get uncovered.

An elderly person demands the thugs to let him go, while they gets irate at him and hits his head. Sai gets stressed and request the medical aid box. The hooligans denies to give it to her, while she ask him not to prevent her from taking care of her business. She takes the pack and helps the elderly person.

Ahead, Sai reassures every one of the prisoners and request that they keep composed. She guarantees that before long police will save them. She likewise prevents the hooligan from killing a pregnant woman. Virat hears her voice, while conversing with the hooligan and enlightens his senior regarding the interest of the guilty parties. The senior request that he connect with the hooligans in his discussion and orders him to safeguard every one of the prisoners.

Virat redirects the hooligan’s psyche while conversing with him and request that he send an email ID so he can send the connection. The hooligan orders Sai to converse with Virat to give her ID, while she recalls her unpleasant minutes with Virat. She recalls their battle and gets close to home, while he likewise becomes miserable.

Further, the thug gets dubious and goes inside the room where Pakhi was stowing away with Bhavani. He gets them and brings them out. They likewise sits alongside the prisoners, while Jagtap gets an arrangement. He inform the hooligan about Sai alongside Bhavani and Pakhi being the group of Virat. He demands the thug to leave him subsequent to giving the data, while the hooligan looks on.

Precap:- Jagtap guidance the hooligan to put the weapon at Virat’s relatives, to satisfy his interest. While, the thug gets incensed and tosses Jagtap down subsequent to hauling him. While, Pakhi and Bhavani alongside Sai sees him and gets stunned. Sai becomes enraged by understanding his presence, while he gets frightened from them.

Also read: GHKKPM 14th July 2022 Written Update

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